10 New Details We’ve Learned About Crimson Desert

10 New Details We’ve Learned About Crimson Desert

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I must say that the combat system and mechanics described for Crimson Desert are nothing short of intriguing. The blend of action-oriented combat, stamina management, and unique abilities like Force Palm and the grappling hook has me reminiscing about the glory days of games like Dark Souls and The Witcher series.

The captivating open-world action RPG by Pearl Abyss, titled “Crimson Desert,” has been an intriguing prospect since its initial reveal, despite raising some doubts due to its grand ambitions. Lately, at Gamescom, Pearl Abyss has shared new gameplay footage for the action RPG and provided substantial updates on what players can anticipate from “Crimson Desert.” In this article, we’ll discuss 10 compelling reasons why the game remains appealing, based on the latest information.


The main aspect of gameplay demonstrated for the “Crimson Desert” during Gamescom primarily revolved around encounters with bosses, featuring four distinct boss creatures. The first among these was the Queen Stoneback Crab, a boss encounter suggested for early stages of the game. In many ways, it resembles a Stone Talus from “Breath of the Wild,” being a large, rocky crustacean that must be defeated by locating and attacking its three vulnerable spots. This is achieved by scaling over its back as it attempts to attack you, reminiscent of “Shadow of the Colossus” gameplay, while jets of water erupt from its shell. If you get caught in one of these jets, you’ll be propelled several feet into the air.


At Gamescom, another formidable character being displayed is Staglord – a towering figure clad in a cape and adorned with a stag crown. He wields both a sword and a shield. Unlike the battle against Queen Stoneback Crab, this encounter appears to be a one-on-one brawl, presenting players with a new set of challenges as they must dodge and block Staglord’s aggressive, up-close attacks. This fight unfolds across several phases and seems to offer a significantly tougher challenge compared to the stone crab mentioned earlier.


10 New Details We’ve Learned About Crimson Desert

In the battlefield of tall reeds, you’ll encounter a formidable adversary known as the Reed Devil. This enigmatic figure, shrouded in mystery, possesses various supernatural abilities such as disappearing in puffs of smoke or launching powerful, acrobatic attacks. The Reed Devil is not just a single-stage fight; it’s a multi-round encounter. In one of the later rounds, the Reed Devil resorts to deception and illusions to confuse the protagonist, Skiff. An intriguing detail during this combat is that the reeds around the battlefield are continuously chopped throughout the fight, adding an element of dynamic visual appeal.


At Gamescom, Pearl Abyss unveiled the fourth and concluding boss – the colossal White Horn, a fearsome ape-like creature with flowing white fur and towering antler-like horns. In the midst of a blizzard, this adversary presents an imposing figure that’s undeniably intimidating. Among the game’s showcased boss fights at Gamescom, it stands out as one of the most impressive. Fans of Sekiro’s Guardian Ape will recognize similarities, although Crimson Desert is unlikely to replicate such a challenging approach in its design.


10 New Details We’ve Learned About Crimson Desert

Let’s go back to the fundamentals as there’s plenty to discuss regarding Crimson Desert’s gameplay. The combat system is expected to be a major highlight of this experience, and judging by what we’ve seen thus far, it promises to be swift, intense, and delightfully excessive. Players will utilize light and heavy attacks with the R1 and R2 buttons respectively. Additionally, dodges, blocks, parries, ripostes, and kicking enemies at any moment are vital components. Performing a kick immediately after a jump transforms into a powerful two-footed kick. Moreover, there’s an equipment wheel that allows players to swiftly switch between various weapons, items, and gear on the fly.


In the world of Crimson Desert, battles will be heavily centered around action, but don’t forget about the stamina gauge, as executing blocks and employing skills will drain it (more details on skills soon). Additionally, players need to monitor a Spirit meter, which powers the Force Palm ability. This power is activated by pressing the right stick, and true to its name, it releases an energy wave from your palm. In combat situations or while traversing, this ability can be utilized. During movement, particularly when combined with your own jumps, it provides vertical boosts, making navigation easier.


10 New Details We’ve Learned About Crimson Desert

In the gameplay demonstrated for Crimson Desert at Gamescom, it appears that sword and shield will be your main weapons for fighting enemies in combat. However, players will also have the ability to use a bow, which can be drawn during combat whenever needed. Various ammunition types, such as explosive arrows and freezing arrows, are available for use. It seems likely that melee combat will be the primary means of interacting with enemies in this game, but like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, you’ll also have secondary ranged options at your disposal.


In Crimson Desert, beyond your standard fighting techniques, you’ll have the ability to perform combos or unique skills by executing specific combinations of buttons. For example, the Neckbreaker move mimics an RKO maneuver, while the Blinding Flash skill temporarily disorients and weakens enemies. The Precision Focus allows you to fire arrows in slow motion as you dodge to the side; Flurry Slash unleashes a rapid series of sword strikes; Turning Slash delivers a severe attack on an enemy before sending them flying; and there are many more such skills to master.


10 New Details We’ve Learned About Crimson Desert

As a gamer immersed in the expansive world of Breath of the Wild, it’s fascinating to notice that the open-world genre is frequently incorporating a gliding feature, and Crimson Desert seems to follow suit. Time and again, throughout my playthrough of this freshly unveiled game, I’ve spotted the protagonist, Skiff, transforming his cloak into what appears to be gigantic, torn raven wings. For now, it’s uncertain whether the game will impose restrictions on how freely this gliding mechanic can be utilized, but I’m eagerly awaiting more details.


During the Queen Stoneback Crab boss battle, we also noticed something akin to a grappling hook. At one instance, Skill seemingly extracted a translucent, spectral cord, which he utilized as a rope to traverse through the air around the boss. While it’s unclear how often this feature can be employed, it represents another interactive element that players might opt to explore in the game- an aspect where Crimson Desert appears to offer a rich variety of gameplay choices already.

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2024-08-26 19:41