👉 Read my Civilization 7 review
Regardless if you’re new to Civilization or an experienced player who’s mastered the art of conquest, these useful strategies ensure a solid foundation for your gameplay.
Geography, scouting, and trading
One crucial insight I gained when starting Civilization 7 was the significance of geography and strategic placement. To encourage players to pay more attention to their surroundings, the creators eliminated the automatic scouting feature for Scouts, similar to Civ 6, which now necessitates a more conscious effort in exploring the unknown areas around them.
During my gaming experience, I’ve gathered a few strategies related to geography and positioning that you might find useful.
1. The Scout again plays an integral role in the early and mid game
When exploring, keep an eye out for freshwater sites. A big river serves not only as a waterway to the sea but also supports fishing vessels and is enhanced by a fishing dock development. Even smaller rivers are useful. You can adjust the map settings to highlight optimal Settlement locations, and your Settlers arrive equipped with an advanced perspective. The game often recommends prime spots for your settlements, yet you’re free to establish your settlement virtually anywhere you prefer.
It’s important to monitor valuable resources found within your territory, areas with high natural productivity where you can expand, natural landmarks that boost your civilization, and defensive features in nature. Mountain terrains are inaccessible for ground troops, while changes in elevation and cliffs can form natural barriers for incoming enemy forces.
In various expansions, certain surrounding terrains offer bonuses, hence it’s beneficial to mix up your settlement types by considering locations such as mountains, rivers, deserts, plains, and coastal areas.
Extra hint: Keep an eye out for Discovery Tiles that grant early advantages. They have a sparkling appearance and distinctive artwork. Moving a scout (or any unit) to these tiles will give you two bonus choices.
2. Expand your civilization early and often
In Civilization VII, the consequences for growing your civilization aren’t as harsh compared to previous versions. Each player is given a boundary for their settlements, which can be expanded using different methods. So, as long as you keep within this limit, you will not face any penalties related to happiness.
In the opening stages of play, it’s advantageous to produce Settlers immediately once your capital population reaches 5. By this point, you’ve likely explored much of the surrounding area, so you can identify some excellent locations for new settlements.
It would be wise to establish at least one settlement in a town on both the eastern and western coasts of your continent during the Exploration Age. This era greatly values the riches of far-off lands, so you wouldn’t want to find yourself landlocked without any means to reach the ocean.
As a researcher, it’s essential to remember that any captured enemy settlements fall under your jurisdiction. You have the option to systematically destroy the city over a series of turns, or choose to incorporate it into your expanding domain. This action contributes to your settlement limit, so keep some space for potential growth if you’re inclined towards aggressive expansion.
3. Don’t be afraid to create small settlements only for their resources

In Civilization 7, strategic resources are invaluable assets. These resources, identifiable by a distinct symbol on certain locations, offer significant benefits across various aspects such as food, production, culture, and science. It’s crucial to ensure that your cities and settlements are consistently rich in these resources for optimal growth.
Resources evolve with each passing era, enhancing the strategic aspect. In the contemporary age, factories emerge as new resources, providing benefits for your entire civilization. Therefore, it’s crucial to grow and explore, because you never know when or where these beneficial resources might appear.
The design of the “Continents Plus” map means that you often begin on a sizable land area, where multiple leaders reside. Separating your continent from others, called “Distant Lands” in the Exploration Age, are numerous tiny islands rich in strategic resources.
Although it might appear unattractive at first glance, a tiny island boasting connections to various distant resource hubs could prove crucial. This is thanks to the unique feature of the Exploration Age known as the “Treasure Fleet.” When a coastal town or village enjoys these resources, it will spontaneously generate Treasure Fleets that you are responsible for navigating back to secure harbors. This plays a significant role in achieving economic victory, and you can accumulate valuable Victory Points within the sector, even if your primary focus lies elsewhere.
These tiny coastal communities could potentially benefit from naval combat, since they offer a strategic location for establishing a command post right in the heart of the ocean.
Last piece of advice: Camels are a valuable asset that can extend a city’s resource capacity. Although there are other options for increasing this limit, I strongly suggest you aim to incorporate at least one or two camel-related resources into your economy.
4. Use Traders to create roads between unconnected settlements

Through either strategic expansion via warfare or intelligent discovery, you’ve built an extensive system of outposts encircling your principal metropolis. Now it’s time to engage in commerce!
In Civilization 7, traders have a set range for travel. Having multiple towns or cities gives you more trading possibilities. Just like scouts, traders need to be manually moved to the desired city for trade. After they arrive, you can assign them the job of establishing a trade route. From that point onwards, they function independently.
It’s worth pointing out that the Trader comes equipped with a “Create Road” function, which I initially underestimated. Here’s what it does: when new Settlements are established, they automatically construct a road to their nearest inhabited area. But keep in mind that this road may not lead the Trader directly to the city delivering its goods.
Additionally, you might find it interesting to know that resources from distant Settlements – typically obtained through conflict or diplomatic negotiations – cannot be redirected elsewhere.
That’s your cue to build a new road to optimally connect your network of settlements.
5. Use Influence points to add independent cities to your civilization
As I traverse the world map, I encounter an array of self-governing nations, each distinctly unique in their focus areas – science, economy, military, or culture. Their initial response towards me appears to be randomly determined, with some displaying hostility and launching immediate attacks, while others extend a welcoming hand.
You have the option to use your Influence points to win over hostile independent nations. Over time, if you maintain this relationship, these countries may come under your control, offering a variety of benefits based on their focus areas. Once you are in charge, you can raise armies from them, boost economic growth, and potentially merge the state with your own civilization using more Influence points.
In case your surrounding rulers are prone to aggression, it might not be wise to invest Influence points, as independent states could be forcibly dissolved through military action. This means that, in just a few moves, another leader might conquer a town and become your overlord.
As a researcher, I’ve found it essential to keep an eye on other leaders vying for dominance in the suzerain race. If I observe another leader gaining ground, I might need to invest additional Influence to regain my lead. It’s important to note that AI players can be cunning, often saving their points until the final turns to seize fealty unexpectedly.
How to manage your cities and settlements
In simpler terms, Civilization 7 focuses on increasing your territories and strengthening your financial resources. Cities and outposts significantly contribute to this system, suggesting that managing their growth and boundary expansion is crucial and requires a higher level of focus than before.
Beginning with a single capital city, you utilize the assigned production value to construct buildings or produce military units. A smaller production value extends the time required for building developments or creating units.
Initially, settlers establish modest villages that swiftly expand. Instead of following a production sequence, the development of settlements and troops require gold. When a village surpasses a population of seven, you have the option to assign it a specialty or convert it into a city by spending additional gold.
Here are some tips and tricks to help you manage your cities and settlements.
1. Don’t be afraid to focus your settlements
Once a settlement reaches a population of 7, it becomes possible to assign it a specific focus. This action halts the settlement’s organic expansion and redirects resources towards your capital. It is advisable to ensure that you have exploited all the strategic resources in the vicinity before making this decision, as doing so will prevent further resource acquisition from that location.
Enhancing a settlement’s primary function, particularly in mining or fishing towns, can significantly increase its productivity. Often, this could even double the output. For urbanized settlements, consider specializing in science and culture for a distinct improvement.
It remains unclear when is the best time to transform a settlement into a city, as it necessitates gold and the total amount decreases based on the gold you’ve previously spent on development. If your economy is robust, it’s more advantageous to purchase buildings before upgrading. Conversely, if you’re strapped for cash, adding another city that utilizes the production metric can be highly beneficial instead.
2. Put more thought into how you grow your cities

At the beginning of my journey with Civilization 7, I was carelessly placing developments all over. However, this approach isn’t sustainable in the long term. Fully developed tiles transform into urban areas, strengthening the heart of your city, while the periphery remains rural. The game offers distinct urban quarters for each civilization, and both types must be constructed on the same tile.
It’s definitely worth investing some thought into urban planning for your city, as it can bring numerous advantages – whether they’re unique or common benefits. This strategy becomes even more effective when Specialists are introduced into the game, as they significantly boost the productivity of developed areas. This, in turn, directly impacts the conditions necessary for a science victory.
In the face of increasingly assertive AI, it’s often wise to reinforce your cities and settlements with walls and defensive structures. Armies now find it challenging to conquer a city without first demolishing all fortified areas, so by establishing some key districts in strategic locations, you can compel armies to engage in costly assaults instead of easy conquests.
Bonus advice: Strive for harmony between resource creation and food supply in your cities and outposts. A robust infrastructure will pave the way for prosperity in domains such as art and innovation.
3. Repair your developments

In Civilization 7, players are not spared from frequent natural catastrophes. The very rivers that offer fresh water to your city may flood and ruin your structures. Living close to a dormant volcano? It’s just become active, causing molten lava to cover your built areas. Snowstorms or tornadoes could strike anywhere, causing destruction even on tiles far from rivers or volcanos.
Instead of allocating city production for repairs, it’s generally faster to utilize gold. The expense is minimal, and repairing your tiles becomes immediate. This approach allows your cities to focus on producing other units and structures.
The game alerts you if a natural disaster strikes within your territory, allowing you to respond promptly. Some situations (I’ll elaborate shortly) may not be immediately apparent but can cause significant harm. I’ve unfortunately lost soldiers due to plagues before I realized the situation was unfolding. Keep an eye out for smoke or disease spreading from your territories to identify the areas requiring immediate attention.
Keep in mind, some tiles can’t be fixed during active disasters like a blizzard or a plague. These catastrophes prevent the tiles from being repaired until they subside.
4. Don’t be afraid to overbuild in a new age
In Civilization 7, a fresh three-stage timeline system called the “Three-Age Split Mechanic” has been introduced. Buildings labeled as “Ageless,” such as Granaries, offer advantages throughout the whole game. Conversely, other developments lose their perks once you transition into the subsequent age.
You have the option now to construct newer structures on top of less important constructions from the past. The game may not be very clear about this process, and initially, I was reluctant to build over developments I had put effort into creating during the previous era. However, developers have assured me that it’s unlikely to cause significant harm by overbuilding.
This innovative feature promotes compact city growth, ensuring that farmlands and rural areas remain accessible for resource gathering and enhancement through related Ancient structures. If you have numerous farms, consider constructing a Granary. With an abundance of woodcutters, it’s wise to erect a Saw Pit.
How to wage a successful war

As a diligent researcher delving into the intricacies of Civilization VII, I am thrilled about the introduction of new Commander units that are set to revolutionize warfare strategies. Initially, I will be making use of the Army Commander, but as my progress unfolds, I’ll gain access to both Naval and Squadron Commanders, expanding my tactical horizons.
In the updated system, individual soldiers no longer accumulate Experience Points (XP). Instead, all XP is collected by the Commander who’s in proximity. As the Commander levels up, they unlock various skill trees offering advantages such as increased attack power, happiness, gold, and so on. From my personal gaming experience, it’s almost essential to have a Commander present during warfare because the benefits are substantial.
Here are some tips and tricks for when things get gory.
1. Scouts and military units are key to a solid early game
After establishing your initial city in Civilization 7, start by creating an Explorer to survey the area around you first. Subsequently, consider constructing at least one Soldier to safeguard your city and examine adjacent territories. In Civilization 7, hostility can surface rather swiftly, so be prepared for potential aggression. As the need arises, produce or acquire additional military units.
In some games, the action feels relatively calm, allowing me to manage a single unit under a commander. However, in other games, I struggle to maintain control against overwhelming enemy forces.
2. Use Commanders to your advantage
In Civilization 7, commanders can only be accessed once you’ve opened a particular civic. I think it’s gratis when initially unlocked. If one perishes, make sure to produce a replacement right away. It appears that war is inevitable in Civ 7, and commanders are the most effective means of securing an advantage.
Improving their command capacity is beneficial, as well as expanding the number of slots for organizing groups. Commanders are equipped with up to six unit slots, and I frequently utilize these new mechanics. Organizing units under a Commander reduces clutter, facilitates better management, and often eliminates movement penalties, allowing your armies to move more swiftly to their destinations.
As a researcher, I’d like to share a handy tip: Instead of manually positioning fresh troops into orbit around your Commander, utilize the Reinforcement command. This clever feature will handle the movement of your units automatically over several turns.
When you reinforce a Commander, it’s important to note that any units en route are invulnerable to attack during transit. This can be a game-changer in ensuring a steady flow of troops and maintaining a strategic advantage in the field.
3. Check leader alliances before declaring war

In certain circumstances, when an alliance partner gets involved in a conflict, you may find yourself having to decide between engaging the rival of your ally or risking the end of the relationship. Conversely, if you opt for confrontation with an adversary, it’s likely their allies will jump into the fray as well. I’ve found myself in tricky predicaments by not first considering alliances before launching an attack.
Occasionally, conflict may seem inevitable, yet there are instances where you might be tempted to seize a tranquil settlement for its resources or strategic position. Pause for a moment, navigate to the leader menu, and review alliances – doing so could prevent you from unwittingly engaging in a war with a powerful neighbor.
4. Don’t be afraid to throw around some Influence

In the game Civilization 7, espionage and diplomacy are intertwined, and many associated actions or responses consume Influence points. This includes activities such as acquiring a new technology secretly, organizing a cultural event, slowing down research progress, or thwarting hostile diplomatic moves by other players.
As a tech enthusiast, maintaining a balance between pursuing my own projects and having enough influence to thwart others’ moves can sometimes be challenging. I typically hold onto a few hundred points as a reserve for emergencies, while the remainder is utilized to intervene in matters and amplify my returns.
During conflict, you can utilize Influence Points to sway public sentiment and stave off war fatigue. Certain figures, such as Harriet Tubman, naturally possess advantages, but it’s often necessary to buy favor or risk seeing the happiness in your civilization dwindle significantly.
5. Strategically aim your war resolutions
Wars eventually need to cease, and I’ve discovered that using influence to combat war fatigue – pushing it back onto my adversary – is a swift method to bring about an end to the conflict. When peace talks occur, it’s essential to negotiate a deal with your enemy concerning cities and settlements.
At times, harmony can be reached when both sides retain their settlements. But other occasions may seem unpromising at first glance. Don’t shy away from challenging AI adversaries! Towns can be exchanged on the board, and sometimes fortune favors the bold.
If the opponent doesn’t give you what you want, you can always choose to continue the war.
How to game Civilization 7’s Age Timer
Antiquity, Exploration, and Modern. A transition occurs between these ages, which effectively resets the game. Any military units not assigned to a Commander or without a base to reside in are considered lost. Cities, with the exception of your capital, revert back to being settlements. New independent nations emerge, and there are fresh Technology and Civilization trees to explore.
In contrast to earlier Civilization games which featured uninterrupted gameplay, this version introduces a unique mechanism for which some key strategies are essential.
1. Don’t lose track of time

In Civilization 7, a new feature called the Age Timer handles the split mechanic. This timer advances when players earn Legacy points, complete tasks, or investigate Future Technology or Future Governance. Once it reaches 100%, the age moves forward; if you’re in the Modern Age, the game concludes at this point.
In most games I’ve experienced, it’s often a tight race, and it’s crucial to manage the pace of game development effectively. If you haven’t finished your chosen Legacy Path yet to secure a Golden Age, it might be beneficial to slow down other leaders from moving the timer forward until you have completed your part. Influence points can prove useful in such situations.
Similar to other Civilization games, victory can be achieved through various objectives in military, research, culture, or economics. The progress made in one era carries over to the next, making it beneficial to concentrate on a single domain during gameplay.
It appears that you can also secure victory by amassing a total of 20 Victory points, regardless of where they originate. I’ve noticed that combining scientific advancements with military might is quite effective; it’s like dominating the seas with destroyers and aircraft carriers while your opponent is still in the era of sailing ships.
2. Don’t miss out on unique Civics
In the new version of Civilization 7, there are no more restrictions on choosing leaders or civilizations. You’re now free to pick any leader for any civilization, and your civilization changes with every era.
Every civilization possesses its own distinct collection of civics, in addition to the common ones accessible to every player. These unique civics offer shrewd advantages and enhancements that can benefit you throughout the remainder of the game. It’s advisable to unlock them before they become unavailable with the passage into a prior era.
3. Be ready to handle a crisis
At the 70% mark of the Age Timer, an unforeseen predicament strikes every ruler. This triggers the availability of Crisis Management options, and you are free to select from a limited set of possible reactions. In my observation, these solutions can span from beneficial to absurdly impractical.
Instead of crises spoiling your progress, they serve to increase complexity during periods where some players may be approaching the conclusion of an age. As the timer for the age advances, the intensity of crises increases, necessitating additional strategies or policies. However, these crises are resolved at the end of each age.
Monitoring the Age Timer helps you stay ready for potential crises. Increasing joy and wealth generally serves as an effective strategy to avoid such crises and transition smoothly into the next stage with minimal damage.
Wrapping up

In simpler terms, Civilization 6 offers an extensive gaming experience with strategies that may seem deceptively complex. Given the significant updates, relying on previous Civilization expertise may not always lead to success.
As I delve deeper into the captivating world of Civilization VII, allow me to share some strategies that have proven beneficial for me during my initial playthroughs. I encourage you to try them out and, as I continue my journey, more insights will be uncovered and shared. If you’ve discovered tactics that work particularly well for you, please don’t hesitate to pass them along in the comments below!
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2025-02-07 17:43