5 Differences Between Web3 Games and Traditional Games

5 Differences Between Web3 Games and Traditional Games

As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that the advent of Web3 games has revolutionized the way we play and interact within virtual worlds. Having witnessed the evolution of gaming from floppy disks to cloud-based servers, I must admit, Web3 games have left me awestruck.

5 Differences Between Web3 Games and Traditional Games
Pasha Besharaty

Web3 games represent a new era in entertainment, building upon traditional games but taking them to unprecedented levels. The term “games” as we know it may evolve significantly with web3 technology, pushing the limits of interactive experiences. With the global gaming market generating $184 billion in 2023 and expected to expand further, web3 games could serve as a significant catalyst for growth. So, what makes web3 unique? It offers a decentralized platform, blockchain technology, and a focus on user ownership and control that is poised to revolutionize the gaming landscape.

1. Decentralization

In today’s world of video gaming, a single corporation may possess one or numerous titles, retaining full authority over them. The decision to terminate, alter, adjust pricing, or restrict a game based on geographical location lies solely with the gaming company. These games adhere to local legal standards that may affect the company. However, web3 games operate differently due to their decentralized structure, eliminating many of these restrictions.

As a gamer hailing from the US, I’ve come to understand that our nation is one of the largest markets for web3 gaming, valued at over $26 billion. Given this, it’s not surprising that we have federal and state-level laws and regulations in place to manage this vast and intricate industry. In contrast, France has a more streamlined approach, with unified regulations across the country designed to safeguard gaming investors and foster a secure, regulated market.

2. Security

In simpler terms, when you play conventional games, you often need to create an account with a password, provide personal details, and sometimes use your credit card info. This information could be vulnerable to hacking and misuse. However, Web3 games offer enhanced security as they operate on the encrypted blockchain of cryptocurrencies, reducing the likelihood of security breaches. The data is also encrypted on this blockchain, making it interconnected and not stored in a single or any server.

Game creators typically need to have servers, either housed in one location or spread globally, but they should always be accessible. In contrast, the distributed architecture of cryptocurrency forms the foundation of web3 games, liberating them from such constraints and enhancing their security significantly.

5 Differences Between Web3 Games and Traditional Games

3. In-game economy

Any MMO game type has its specific economy. It can be gold, credits, fictional currency, rare items, or whatever the game developers come up with. The problem with traditional in-game economies is that they can become stagnant when the game has been out for too long, subject to manipulation, duping, or controlled by guilds and players manipulating the market. In traditional games, currency like gold can be infinitely farmed, leading to inflation unless the developers intervene. Web3 games have dynamic economies, where NFT (Non-Fungible-Token) are at their core, turning in-game assets into tradable goods.

In web3 games, this essential feature of monetization empowers players to possess unique game elements, which we’ll delve into soon. This player ownership results in dynamic, player-driven, and ever-evolving in-game economies. The scarcity of certain NFTs sets their value, as there is a restricted number of them, preventing inflation found in conventional games.

4. Asset ownership

Once upon a time, you could purchase a CD and fully own any video game without requiring an internet connection, launcher, or server. However, unfortunately, modern gaming experiences can be interrupted when servers are shut down, developers remove in-game items, or elements become outdated. Essentially, current gamers do not truly possess their games. But, the emerging web3 technology aims to return ownership rights back to the players.

Offering developers the ability to convert any in-game assets into non-fungible tokens (NFTs) enables players to acquire ownership pieces of the game. This ownership persists for an extended time theoretically, even if the web3 game ceases operation or disappears. A unique advantage this feature provides compared to conventional games is that players who possess NFTs derived from these games will retain ownership, a characteristic traditional games do not offer.

5. Game development

In simpler terms, traditional games are usually created by individual or multiple companies that hold all the power regarding their design and creative choices. Occasionally, these decisions may not align with the preferences of the players, who can express their opinions loudly, request modifications, and even attempt to sway the developers. However, it’s relatively uncommon for game developers to actively consider player feedback, and any changes that result from this input often take a considerable amount of time to implement.

Web3 games offer players greater autonomy and influence over their gaming experiences because these games are inherently decentralized. This means that players can own game assets and contribute to the game’s success, thereby having a larger impact on developers and being able to propose modifications. In essence, decentralized game development enables a broader community to participate in creating game assets, features, and regions, with their contributions subject to peer review.

As an enthusiast, I’m excited about the future of gaming being shaped by web3 technology. Even a partial integration of web3’s aspects can’t go unnoticed, as it opens up unprecedented opportunities. The liberating nature of Web3 for developers and gamers alike is what will redefine the gaming landscape moving forward!

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2024-09-10 00:30