The Star Wars saga has undergone significant transformations since Disney assumed control over the franchise. Previously established content, known as the Expanded Universe, was de-canonized and rebranded as “Star Wars Legends.” This decision sparked dissatisfaction among many Star Wars enthusiasts, who had cherished the “Legends” component of the Star Wars universe for decades. Characters introduced in books, comics, video games, tabletop role-playing games, and other mediums that formed part of the Expanded Universe’s narrative were particularly well-loved by these fans.
Among the numerous Star Wars characters desired by fans for live-action adaptations, several hail from the Legends universe. Nevertheless, a significant number of fans express reservations about their beloved Legends characters being integrated into the main canon. This reluctance stems from various factors (legalities), but a primary reason is that these characters are considered too exceptional to fit within the current canon. The Legends series introduced some truly remarkable characters, and in many cases, they surpass the quality of characters presented in Disney’s canon.
Mara Jade-Skywalker
In the realm of “Star Wars”, I found myself captivated by Mara Jade for the first time in “Star Wars: Heir to the Empire”. This groundbreaking novel marked the beginning of Timothy Zahn’s successful trilogy, which brought Grand Admiral Thrawn into our galaxy. Alongside Thrawn, Mara Jade emerged as a central character, swiftly winning the hearts of many fans.
Originally the Emperor’s Hand – a Force-wielder trained by none other than Palpatine – Mara’s journey was nothing short of remarkable. She grappled with her Imperial past and her animosity towards Luke Skywalker, eventually embracing the path of the Jedi. Their shared history led them to more than just a mentor-student relationship; they became bound by marriage. Together, they had a son, and Mara rose to become his second-in-command. However, tragedy struck when their family was torn apart by Jacen Solo, Leia and Han’s son, who had fallen to the dark side of the Force.
Fans have longed to see Mara Jade as part of the official Star Wars storyline, but given her intricate development stemming from her connection with Luke, Leia, and Han, Disney might struggle to do her justice. Since much about post-Battle of Endor continuity remains unknown, Mara seems ill-suited for this new world. Crafting a believable character arc for her could result in an inferior version, similar to the adaptation of Thrawn, who falls short without Zahn’s writing touch. Disney has yet to demonstrate its ability to handle complex characters like Mara, making it unlikely she will appear in official canon stories. Instead, she remains in the Legends universe.
Talon Karrde
In the novel “Heir to the Empire“, Talon Karrde is another character who makes an appearance. Karrde can be likened to what Han Solo might have become if success and self-centeredness had been his path. A master smuggler, Karrde betrayed his mentor Jorj Car’das to seize Car’das’s smuggling operation. Similar to Han, Karrde attempted to remain impartial, working with both the New Republic and the Empire during their conflict. However, he eventually aligned himself with the heroes, recognizing that the Empire would not grant him autonomy. Over the ensuing decades, Karrde provided assistance to the New Republic in their subsequent wars.
In simpler terms, the Star Wars universe is rich with rogues, but Disney’s recent stories haven’t effectively utilized these characters, with only one exception being Jod Na Nawood in “Skeleton Crew.” Karrde is a complex character who straddles the line between criminal and legitimate businessman. Balancing this aspect of his character is challenging, and Disney has yet to achieve this successfully. Moreover, Disney has struggled to create intelligent characters, which poses a significant problem for another smart character created by Zahn, Thrawn. Karrde and Thrawn are characters who consistently outsmart others, so toning down Karrde’s intelligence wouldn’t work well, making it best for him to remain outside the new canon.
Jacen Solo
In “Star Wars: The Last Command,” which is the final installment of Timothy Zahn’s trilogy, Jacen Solo made his debut. As fans followed him through his journey, they also encountered his twin sister Jaina in the “Young Jedi Knights” book series penned by Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta. Jacen evolved as a character across various series, including “The New Jedi Order,” “The Dark Nest” trilogy, and “Legacy of the Force.” Initially positioned as the new hero, Jacen’s exploration of the Force and increasing power led him towards the dark side. For a brief period, he managed to control the galaxy as a Sith Lord until his sister Jaina put an end to his rule.
One version of rephrasing the given text in an easy-to-understand manner:
Jacen from Legends is a character who is exceptionally well-developed. Disney attempted to create a similar character, Kylo Ren, but failed drastically. The story arc of Jacen’s rise and fall was intricate, as his descent into darkness stemmed from the tension between his peaceful nature and the harshness of life. This complex development is something that Disney has shown they struggle with, as Kylo Ren appears to be less nuanced and more straightforward compared to Jacen. If Disney struggled to portray Kylo Ren effectively, it’s questionable whether they could have captured the essence of Jacen.
Darth Bane
In the short story titled “Bane of the Sith,” published in the magazine Star Wars Gamer, we are introduced to Darth Bane for the first time. This story delved into the world of the Star Wars tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG). The character’s backstory was further developed in the comic series, Jedi vs. Sith, and he would later star in a trilogy of novels by Drew Karpshyn, who was instrumental in creating the game, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
Trained by the Sith Brotherhood, Bane came to believe that the dark side should not be wielded by many. He delved into ancient Sith lore and used potent Sith magic to eliminate both the Sith Brotherhood and the Army of Light on Ruusan. This act marked a significant shift in the Sith, leading to the establishment of the Rule of Two, which eventually paved the way for the emergence of the Empire a millennium later.
Essentially, Bane is considered part of the official Star Wars storyline (canon), but his backstory in this canon is minimal, primarily revolving around him founding the Rule of Two. However, the narrative about Bane that exists within the Legends universe is highly praised for its quality, a standard which Disney has yet to match. A significant portion of this praise goes to author Drew Karpyshyn, who is known for his exceptional work in Star Wars storytelling. His Bane trilogy delved deeply into the character, creating some of the most compelling aspects. Despite Lucasfilm hiring talented writers, they haven’t yet demonstrated their ability to bring Bane to life as effectively as the Legends universe did.
Kyp Durron
As a fervent movie enthusiast, I’d rephrase it this way: In my Star Wars universe adventure, I first encountered Kyp Durron in “Jedi Search,” the opening act of Kevin J. Anderson’s epic Jedi Academy trilogy. At that time, I was a captive on Kessel, but managed to assist Han Solo and Chewbacca in their escape. Later on, I was discovered to be Force-sensitive by Luke Skywalker, who brought me to his Jedi training grounds on Yavin IV. However, my encounter with the ancient Sith spirit Exar Kun led me astray, as I succumbed to the dark side and wielded a sun-destroying superweapon, causing genocide. Eventually, through redemption, I became a Jedi Master and stirred dissent among the Jedi during the Yuuzhan Vong War from The New Jedi Order series. But as the conflict unfolded, I matured and found my place on the Jedi Council, becoming one of Luke Skywalker’s most trusted Jedi.
Kyp’s journey unfolded over many years, transforming him from a troubled child into a formidable Jedi Master who learned to accept the agony that once led him towards darkness. Notably, his mastery of the Force surpassed even that of Luke, making him exceptionally powerful. Given the abundance of strong characters in the Star Wars universe, this power level is not an issue. However, compelling character arcs are scarce and Kyp’s growth storyline exceeds the established canon.
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2025-01-22 05:40