BioShock 4 Screenshot Has Allegedly Leaked – Rumour

BioShock 4 Screenshot Has Allegedly Leaked – Rumour

As a long-time fan of the BioShock series, I’ve been eagerly awaiting any news about the next installment for what feels like an eternity. Five years have passed since 2K confirmed that Cloud Chamber Games was working on it, and yet we still don’t have an official announcement or even a title for the game. So when I heard that MP1st claimed to have obtained a screenshot of BioShock 4, my heart skipped a beat.

As a passionate fan, I’ve been eagerly waiting for five long years since 2K confirmed that Cloud Chamber Games was working on the next installment of my beloved BioShock series. However, an official announcement about the game still feels like a distant dream. Recently, though, we’ve caught a fleeting glimpse of what could be our much-anticipated sequel through unofficial channels.

MP1st alleges obtaining a screenshot of what’s claimed to be BioShock 4 from an anonymous 2K visual effects artist. The screenshot, dated 2021, bears the name “Parkside,” a codename previously linked to the game. Reportedly, it’s from a demo build presented in an internal showcase reel and depicts a player wielding a weapon named Ricochet Shotgun.

In the screenshot, the user interface indicates that a player can hold up to three weapons at once. The icons on the bottom left appear to be indicating skills, possibly with cooldowns instead of the Plasma and Vigor meters found in previous BioShock games. Additionally, there seem to be hourglass and stopwatch symbols in the UI, suggesting that time-controlling abilities will be available to the player.

Having worked as a video game journalist for over a decade now, I’ve come across numerous instances where early builds of games looked significantly different from their final versions. So, it’s essential to remember that if this image supposedly comes from an early version of the game dating back roughly three years, there’s a high likelihood that many changes have taken place since then.

Previous indications have pointed towards BioShock 4’s (or whatever it will ultimately be named) backdrop being an Antarctic city named Borealis during the 1960s. Recently, Cloud Chamber Games announced that they are intensifying their efforts on this project, and they are currently hiring for various roles to help advance development. For further details, check out the article linked here.

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2024-07-15 07:41