Narration Footnotes Quest Guide

Narration Footnotes Quest Guide
Narration Footnotes Quest Guide

As an old traveler with years of experience under my belt, I’ve seen my fair share of puzzling riddles and intriguing quests. But this one, the Narrator’s Footnotes, really took me on a wild adventure!

Once you’ve initiated the “Summertide Scales and Tales: Page 2” Event Quest and gained access to Constellation Metropole, transport yourself to the nearby checkpoint. Engage in conversation with Kirara there to begin your adventure.

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Narration Footnotes Quest Guide

Explore the path ahead

Narration Footnotes Quest Guide

Starting from the outset of the journey, you mainly walk along with Kirara as she explores, continuing until you arrive at an underground cave.

Pull out the great clockwork key

Narration Footnotes Quest Guide

Following much friendly banter with the Narrator and three other speakers, you must retrieve a clockwork key from the elevated stage. Initially, the key fails to function, so you must give it a few firm taps before attempting to remove it once more. Proceed with the directions until your exit from the cavern.

Defeat the opponents standing before you

Narration Footnotes Quest Guide

Before the Three Musketeers rescue you from the cave, it’s essential to overcome the Hilichurls initially, only then can you listen to the lengthy explanation that follows.

Complete the Oracle Pillar’s Shape of Valor

Narration Footnotes Quest Guide

To begin with this challenge, start by striking the Clockwork gadget initially. This will cause the pillars to extend to their full length.

Narration Footnotes Quest Guide
Narration Footnotes Quest Guide

After that, engage with the depicted pillars as shown in the image for creating a constellation. Be cautious as connecting the incorrect pillar may require you to destroy the linked Oracle Pillar, thus resetting all connections.

Narration Footnotes Quest Guide

Following this riddle, you’ll advance to the next spot. To obtain a Clockwork Key, provide the accurate response to the Voice Behind the Door. The answers lie underneath:

Complete the Oracle Pillar’s Shape of Wisdom

Narration Footnotes Quest Guide
Narration Footnotes Quest Guide

To begin with, press the clockwork button initially to lift the pillars up. Subsequently, link the raised pillars together to form the Shape of Wisdom emblem, as indicated by the number in the illustration provided. Finally, proceed to the next tribe’s location.

Go to the sacred site of the Albizzi clan

Narration Footnotes Quest Guide

As a gamer approaching the Albizzi clan’s stronghold, I notice that I’m unable to enter through their imposing front gate. Instead, I decide to explore the area to the left side of the entrance. To my relief, I spot numerous yellow arrows marking the path ahead, thanks to the helpful narration guiding me along the way.

Complete the Oracle Pillar’s Shape of Empathy

Narration Footnotes Quest Guide
Narration Footnotes Quest Guide

The riddle remains unchanged; you must still join the pillars to form a constellation. Prior to this, demolish certain crates situated close to the shrubs as some concealed pillars reside within them (this action may provoke annoyance from others due to the resulting commotion).

Get out of here!

Narration Footnotes Quest Guide

When the Narrator betrays you by informing the guards, it’s essential to quickly flee the scene. Initially, focus on sprinting away while carefully dodging any glue residues on the ground. Later, utilize the Magic Thread to make your escape and ultimately reach your destination.

Search for suspicious places and clues

Narration Footnotes Quest Guide

On the following day at 8:00 AM, make your way to Pendulum Lane. Detective Paimon has a case that requires your assistance. When your navigation system requests it, simply adhere to its instructions and it will indicate the six locations you ought to scrutinize.

Capture the mastermind

Narration Footnotes Quest Guide

In simpler terms, this is merely an action scene where the detective doesn’t flee until you get close enough, so there’s no need to be concerned.

Text’s Coda Quest Guide

Narration Footnotes Quest Guide

After finishing the Narration’s Footnotes in-game, you’ll receive this quest automatically. Here’s what you need to do: Set the game clock forward two days, then return the Clockwork Key to its proper place.

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2024-07-19 07:06