What You Need to Know About This Mercury Retrograde

What You Need to Know About This Mercury Retrograde

As a seasoned lifestyle expert with decades of navigating through Mercury retrogrades under my belt, let me share my two cents about this cosmic event. It’s like that pesky relative who overstays their welcome during the holidays – annoying, but manageable.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Mecury retrograde season. Yup, again. 

For those who seldom look at their horoscopes, this period occurs only a few times a year when Earth catches up with Mercury in its orbit, creating an illusion of retrograde motion and often causing disruptions or confusion.

According to renowned astrologer Aliza Kelly, during a Mercury retrograde, it seems like the planet responsible for communication is reversing its path in the sky. This appears to happen because Mercury is swiftly moving ahead of us in its orbit, creating an optical illusion from our perspective.

According to Kelly, author of the upcoming book It’s All Magic: 365 Reflections on Astrology, Tarot, and Manifestation, astrologically speaking, Mercury governs areas such as expression, technology, travel, and contracts. Thus, during this extended period, she suggests that these domains may experience some disruption or malfunction (a nod to Mercury’s role as the messenger of the gods in Roman mythology).

However, there’s no need to commit to weeks of bed rotting just yet. 

Kelly emphasized that each instance of Mercury retrograde doesn’t have the same effect, as the influence can change based on which zodiac sign Mercury is moving backward through and its interactions with other planets.

And this one gets a solid meh from the expert.

Although you might not find yourself spending the month expressing gratitude to the heavens, it’s highly improbable that you’ll experience a sudden collapse. Here’s where Kelly offers guidance on maintaining balance and order.

What You Need to Know About This Mercury Retrograde

How long is Mercury in retrograde?

Prepare yourself for approximately three weeks of chaos, as Mercury starts its retrograde phase on August 4th and ends on the 27th.

Kelly stated that this specific retrograde initially appears in precise Virgo before transitioning into dramatic Leo, creating a unique mix of systematic turbulence and vivid outbursts. On a scale comparing minor inconveniences to significant upheavals, she positioned it near the middle – somewhat bothersome but still manageable.

What should you anticipate while Mercury is retrograde?

In summary, Kelly mentioned to anticipate common issues such as misunderstandings, travel disruptions, and technical malfunctions. Additionally, under the influence of Virgo, you may find yourself scrutinizing more than normal. Once it transitions into Leo, be prepared for increased intensity and possible conflicts related to ego and self-importance.

The best way to deal, she recommends, is to keep calm and try not to lash out at your friends. 

She emphasized the importance of carefully reviewing details such as flight schedules and emails sent to your superior, and advised against hasty, excessive responses.

What zodiac signs will be most affected by Mercury retrograde?

People with significant positions of Virgo and Leo in their astrological charts should pay extra attention, as they may experience these influences more intensely, according to Kelly. Additionally, astrological signs governed by Mercury, such as Gemini and Virgo, are known to be more susceptible to the effects of Mercury’s retrograde phases.

If that’s you, she advised, “Expect a bit of extra turbulence.”

What You Need to Know About This Mercury Retrograde

Will this Mercury retrograde be good for any signs?

As someone who has spent years studying astrology and observing its effects on people’s lives, I can confidently say that those born under the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn may find the current retrograde period particularly beneficial for revisiting and refining their projects. With a deep sense of practicality and a keen eye for detail, earth signs are well-equipped to take advantage of this time for introspection and improvement, making it an ideal opportunity for them to make meaningful progress in their endeavors. As someone who has seen firsthand the ways in which astrology can shape our paths, I encourage those born under these signs to embrace this retrograde period and use it as a chance to refocus and refine their efforts towards achieving their goals.

Fire signs (specifically Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) might find advantage during the Leo phase, as they can channel their creativity and reevaluate their personal objectives at this time.

When will things return to normal after Mercury retrograde?

Let’s put it this way, we wouldn’t recommend signing a big contract in late August. 

In simple terms, Kelly said that once Mercury moves forward again, we can expect a gradual improvement in situations. This means conversations will become easier to understand, travel arrangements will be less chaotic, and technical glitches should be resolved.

Nevertheless, she underscored that the phase where Mercury appears to move backward in the sky and is referred to as the shadow period, might continue to have some remaining impacts. As a result, you could experience residual ramifications lasting up until September 12.

What’s the best way to get through the Mercury retrograde period?

For starters, dust off your detail-oriented side.

In my pursuit of wisdom, I’ve found patience to be an invaluable ally. I encourage you to slow your pace, scrutinize every detail thoroughly, and maintain a diary to record your thoughts and reflections—not as a critic, but an observer. Avoid getting bogged down in overthinking; instead, let humor guide you through the turbulence. This tempest shall pass, remember that. Use this period for self-discovery and realignment, embracing each moment with patience and laughter.

And perhaps consider drawing yourself a really relaxing bath. 

Kelly emphasized the importance of self-care, suggesting activities like taking refreshing nature strolls, enjoying quiet moments with a good book, and disconnecting from technology.

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2024-08-04 15:18