Catfish Host Nev Schulman Shares He Broke His Neck in a Bike Accident

Catfish Host Nev Schulman Shares He Broke His Neck in a Bike Accident

As a dedicated follower of Nev Schulman‘s journey, I find myself deeply moved by his recent experiences. The accident he suffered and the resulting near-death experience have given us all a stark reminder of the fragility of life. Yet, amidst the pain and fear, Nev has emerged with a renewed sense of gratitude and appreciation for the small moments that make up our lives.

Despite it all, Nev Schulman is feeling grateful.

In a heartfelt message, Nev Schulman – host of Catfish – revealed that he experienced a harrowing accident resulting in a broken neck. Reflecting on this incident, he expressed gratitude for every moment spent with his loved ones, particularly his wife Laura Perlongo and their children Cleo, Beau, and Cy, as these precious times have become even more cherished.

On Sunday, I went fishing with my loved ones, as mentioned in an Instagram post from August 10. We managed to find a boat at the last minute. It was simply amazing, all thanks to my son’s suggestion. One of those perfect days that just fall into place. A day overflowing with love and awe, something only peaceful nature days spent with family can provide.

On the very next day, his life took an unprecedented turn. In his own words, “Monday wasn’t ordinary; it was a day that made me understand the true meaning of ‘before the accident’. It was a day that underscored just how fortunate I felt to have had Sunday.”

On his bicycle ride to fetch son Cy from school, Nev unfortunately collided with a truck, resulting in stable fractures in his fifth (C5) and sixth (C6) vertebrae.

As a lifestyle expert, I’d put it this way: “I suffered a cervical spine injury that left me unable to move my neck. Miraculously, I’ve not lost full mobility in my limbs. The resilience of the human body never ceases to amaze me, and so does humanity itself. The unparalleled expertise and compassion shown by every healthcare professional involved in my care has been nothing short of phenomenal. It’s challenging for me to dwell on my own circumstances when I hear from my doctors about the number of people with similar injuries who won’t regain their ability to walk.”

Catfish Host Nev Schulman Shares He Broke His Neck in a Bike Accident

Last Sunday, I didn’t anticipate casting a line, and in that moment, the thought of hastily organizing a day out seemed unappealing to me. However, as I reminisce now, a week on, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for having said yes.

While Laura, who got married to Nev in 2017, recently offered a glimpse into his healing process – fortunately, it has led him back home.


In his blog post, Nev detailed his accident, starting with a warning about the graphic medical imagery it contained. From the distressing voicemail his wife received from a teacher asking who would pick up their son from school, through the x-rays of his neck while he was in a C-collar on a hospital bed, to being helped by medical staff to eventually being able to embrace his children again.

“I feel incredibly fortunate to be alive, well enough to stand here and embrace my family, on track for a complete recovery,” said the 39-year-old. “This experience is helping me truly appreciate the significance of gratitude, not just the major events before the accident, but also the little things. It’s making me grateful for everything that’s happened since then as well.”

He also took a moment to express his gratitude for that extra special fishing trip.

Last Sunday, I hadn’t initially intended to go fishing, and in hindsight, I was on the verge of declining a last-minute plan for a day out. However, something within me agreed, and now, a week later, I can’t help but feel grateful that I did.

While Laura, who got married to Nev in 2017, recently gave an insight into his healing process – one that fortunately led him back home.

Catfish Host Nev Schulman Shares He Broke His Neck in a Bike Accident

In addition to writing “He’s home,” Laura shared a heartwarming video on her Instagram Story. This video depicted Nev and their eldest, Cleo, cuddled in bed together. When asked by Nev for a pillow, the 7-year-old promptly brought one to put under his arm.

In the next video, Cleo expressed a significant message to her father using the popular song “Tubthumping” by Chumbawamba.

She crooned to Nev, chuckling in his bed, “Though I fall, I rise anew, for you can’t hold me down forever.”

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2024-08-12 15:47