Haley Joel Osment Talks Break From Hollywood in Rare Life Update

Haley Joel Osment Talks Break From Hollywood in Rare Life Update

As I delve deeper into Haley Joel Osment‘s heartfelt reminiscences of his iconic role in “The Sixth Sense,” I find myself utterly captivated by his journey through time and stardom. It’s incredible to see how a child, once lost among the spirits, has grown into a man who stands tall amidst the giants of Hollywood.

After high school, Haley Joel Osment had to stop seeing movie people for awhile.

In a recent interview with TopMob News, the 36-year-old actor shared that his parents had always encouraged him, saying “If it stops being enjoyable, you can leave anytime you want.” As he reached college age, he was given the opportunity to explore theater and seriously consider whether acting would be his lifelong career.

25 years ago, the judgment came down on him, who had become a familiar figure in every home following his groundbreaking role in “The Sixth Sense,” and was even nominated for an Oscar at the tender age of 11.

Osment remarked, “At every turning point, the response has consistently been affirmative,” he said, with his latest project being Zoë Kravitz’s directorial venture, “Blink Twice,” set to hit cinemas on August 23. “Regardless of the unpredictability and challenges in arranging my life for the next three to six months, I still find this job immensely enjoyable.”

Additionally, it turned out to be serendipitous that he chose that specific moment to create a gap between himself and the bustling world of Hollywood.

2006 marked a period of high tension surrounding the treatment of celebrities in Los Angeles by the tabloids, as recalled by Osment. This involvement was characterized by a predatory and aggressive approach towards specific celebrities.

Haley Joel Osment Talks Break From Hollywood in Rare Life Update

Simply put, he mentioned that he was pleased not to reside in Los Angeles during that particular period.

Originally from Los Angeles, this individual spent approximately 15 years residing in New York City before returning to the heart of the entertainment sector. Last autumn, he could be found joining the picket line outside the gates of Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, alongside his fellow Screen Actors Guild strikers.

Over time, his hometown appears to have become less intense, according to Osment, particularly when it comes to the intrusive paparazzi environment he experienced during his teen years. “We find ourselves in a distinctly different period compared to before,” he added.

Initially, I found navigating social media as a public figure, while valuing my privacy, to be quite a challenge, taking me some time to master. However, I owe much gratitude to the content willingly shared online, which has played an instrumental role in cooling down the heat and maintaining a balance between my public life and personal space.

He pointed out an intriguing change in circumstances, as after much thought, he finally decided to join Instagram to combat the numerous fraudulent accounts posing as him that had emerged throughout the years.

Osment expressed that he is now content with it, stating, “In this vast media landscape, it’s an effective method for showcasing your projects and staying connected with fans while maintaining a reasonable level of privacy. I held out on it for quite some time, but now I find it enjoyable to share updates.”

To be quite honest, if I were Haley Joel Osment back then, I wouldn’t apologize for missing out on the digital wave of the late ’00s either. It’s just like how some actors regretted not being part of Hollywood’s golden era in the ’30s and ’40s. Times change, and so do opportunities, but I’d still love to know what he thinks about it all now!

Haley Joel Osment Talks Break From Hollywood in Rare Life Update

In Osment’s words, when he first joined this profession, the internet was present but not as ubiquitous as it is now. This means that for today’s younger actors, I am constantly amazed by their ability to navigate the complex world of TikTok, Instagram, and social media, which wasn’t a significant factor during my time growing up because it didn’t exist or play such a prominent role in our lives.

In “Blink Twice”, Osment portrays Tom, a flexible yet ethically ambiguous actor, who, during a lavish vacation on an island owned by Channing Tatum’s character, decides to lose weight for a role by eating only hard-boiled eggs. He joked, “There might be a spit bucket under the table.”

Despite having spent nearly three decades in the entertainment industry, Osment admits that he hasn’t encountered many individuals similar to Tom, who is portrayed as somewhat pathetic yet striving to become a better person and improve his life.

Haley Joel Osment Talks Break From Hollywood in Rare Life Update

Interestingly enough, Tom is just as far removed from Osment’s cheerful demeanor as the character of Cole Sear, who could see dead people, was in the film The Sixth Sense in 1999.

Osment noted that his voice in the movie sounds higher than he recalls it sounding when he was actually speaking at the time. However, he also mentioned that he has clear memories of being within those scenes. It’s odd for him to see them now, 25 years later, and realize how young the person on screen appears.

In recognition of director M. Night Shyamalan, he expressed gratitude towards “all the other directors, producers, and actors I’ve collaborated with,” stating that he consistently felt at ease on set. Despite the high levels of adrenaline required to nail a scene, everyone he worked with ensured there was never an unusual or excessive pressure to perform flawlessly.

Coming home from school to find “wonderful voicemails” from Bruce Willis is still a fond recollection from that period in my life.

Osment expressed that his Sixth Sense co-star, who formally left acting in 2022 due to aphasia, is truly remarkable. He shared it has been challenging to witness the struggles faced by him and his family.

After meeting Willis’ daughters, he commented, “It’s reassuring to know he has such a wonderful family. They are incredibly close, and they’ve been dealing with a tough situation with great courage. I have a lot of respect for them.”

As Osment acknowledges, his parents – theater actor dad Michael Eugene Osment and teacher mom Theresa Osment – and their cautious view of the entertainment industry have kept him humble over the years. Attending a regular school and maintaining friendships beyond the industry also contributed to his stability.

Not only that, but it’s been beneficial for him to have his younger sister, Emily Osment, by his side in his career. Like him, she began acting at a young age and they continue to be a close-knit brother-sister duo.

Osment stated, “We’ve certainly made efforts to assist one another to the fullest extent possible,” but she didn’t require a lot of guidance from me. Instead, she blazed her own trail, and her comedy journey has been nothing short of remarkable.

Haley Joel Osment Talks Break From Hollywood in Rare Life Update

Besides anticipating the upcoming event, the entire family is excited for the 32-year-old’s special day, as she announced her engagement to Jack Anthony back in June 2023, a fact that was previously known from her role on Young Sheldon.

“In a short while,” Osment mentioned, “we’ll be experiencing the wedding, as we had our groomsmen suits tailored a few weeks back, so it promises to be an excellent event.”

Looking at his sister’s achievements next to his own, he remarked, “I’m genuinely thrilled for her and I feel a sense of pride in her. It’s exciting that we’re both able to continue with this journey, having started it together as kids.”

And 30 years in, it hasn’t gotten old.

For example, Osment expressed it was a “wonderful experience” collaborating with Tim Burton in the latest work on Netflix’s upcoming second season of “Wednesday”, featuring Jenna Ortega portraying the well-known member of the Addams family.

In a statement, Osment expressed his long-standing admiration for the show’s creator, stating, “I’ve always been in awe of him, I adore his films.” He further added that days like these, where he gets to witness such a talented individual at work, remind him why he cherishes his profession, saying, “It’s moments like these when you realize, ‘Wow, this is the reason I love what I do.'”

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2024-08-18 10:18