Star Wars Outlaws Guide: The Best Tips and Tricks to Reach Maximum Reputation with All Syndicates

Star Wars Outlaws Guide: The Best Tips and Tricks to Reach Maximum Reputation with All Syndicates

As a seasoned space rogue with countless hours logged in the galaxy far, far away, I must say that Star Wars Outlaws has truly captured my heart and my credits. The faction system in this game is intricate and challenging, but with these tips and tricks up my sleeve, I’ve managed to become a beloved figure across the board – or at least, as much as a smuggler can be loved.

In the game “Star Wars Outlaws,” you’ll find various groups to ally yourself with, each offering significant benefits. However, maintaining a balance while raising the rank of each can be quite challenging. This guide aims to help you boost your standing with all factions swiftly and effectively, ensuring a smoother gaming experience.

Do Not Antagonize Syndicates

The first thing to know about raising faction reputation is how to avoid lowering reputation. Do not trespass in Syndicate-owned restricted areas, no matter how high your reputation is. And definitely do not attack faction members. Contract betrayal is also not recommended, no matter the payout potential.

Remember that every restricted area has an alternative entry point available. Although the stealth system may not be functioning perfectly, it’s still part of the game and can be utilized. It’s also recommended to save your progress before trying to infiltrate a secure zone, just in case any game-halting glitches occur.

Storymode Choices

As a devoted fan, I frequently find myself faced with a tough decision where I must pick one of two opposing groups. Choosing one inevitably leads to a drop in standing with the other, while boosting my relationship with the chosen group. However, it’s not all lost – I can mend fences by completing tasks or missions specific to the dissatisfied faction, or sometimes I even get to choose between two factions through their respective questlines. But even then, the choices aren’t always straightforward.

In difficult situations where you have to pick between factions, opt for the one offering less complicated contracts since you can swiftly regain your standing by engaging in a few illicit trading trips.


For enhancing your reputation with factions, these options are most effective, as they can be done repeatedly. It’s advisable to shy away from contracts requiring landings, which often involve stealth missions with an unpredictable stealth system in the game. Instead, focus on space-related tasks that require you to smuggle or escort goods for clients. Although there are limitations on fast-travel, these jobs are significantly easier to complete overall.

Those are the primary methods for raising reputation with all Syndicates to the maximum.

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2024-08-30 20:41