All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

As a seasoned adventurer with years of exploration under my belt, I find myself intrigued by this quest you’ve laid out. It seems like quite the odyssey through the enchanting Ameyalco Waters!

In the newly discovered region, Natlan is comparable in size to Sumeru for its initial expansion. The entirety of Natlan contains 108 Pyroculus. However, before you can gather any Pyroculus, please ensure you have completed the following tasks first:

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

Once you gather all the Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 and hand them over to the Statue of the Seven, your level will be Level 5, showing 13 out of a possible 30.

Location of All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

The pictures have a high clarity level, allowing for a close-up view to examine specifics such as the position of the Pyroculus and the mini-map.

13 Pyroculus in Children of Echoes & Tepeacac Rise (1-13)

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route
All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

1. Travel to waypoint 1 and proceed west until you spot a Pyroculus near a shaded area.

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

1. Moving east from the current position, approach the white bones.

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

9. Move to waypoint 5 and face the direction that’s north. Ascend the mountain you see there and retrieve the Pyroculus located beneath the dinosaur.

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

13. Move to waypoint six and soar northwest towards the tiny pond. If you haven’t reached it by then, utilize Yumkasaurus’ proximity to fetch the Pyroculus that floats on its surface.

16 Pyroculus in Sulfurous Veins (14-29)

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route
All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

14. Move to the designated spot, waypoint 7, then glance towards your left to spot the Pyroculus perched atop a large rock.

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

18. Move to waypoint 7 and travel southwest. You’ll find the Pyroculus inside a cart. Defeat the enemies near some debris to unlock it.

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

1. Move to waypoint 9 and proceed south to reach the Lesser Shadow Pin where the Pyroculus lies.

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

26. Travel back to waypoint 9, then proceed westward to the end of the valley.
It’s advisable to finish the Shadows of the Mountain Quest Chain before approaching this Pyroculus.

15 Pyroculus in Huitztli Hill & Stadium of the Sacred Flame (30-44)

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route
All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

1. Move to waypoint 10 and proceed south (towards the end of the cave). If a fork appears (left and right), take the right path. The Pyroculus is located at the base of the hole.

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

34. Warp to waypoint 12 then veer westward towards the mural near the Fatui Local Legend.

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

38. Travel southward from your current position towards the next mountain, where Anemo Slimes and Yumkasaurus reside. If you can’t reach it by gliding, use a nearby Yumkasaurus for assistance.

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

42. Travel westwards until you come across a waterfall; the Pyroculus is situated directly in front of it.

16 Pyroculus in Tepeacac Rise (45-60)

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route
All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

45. Transport yourself to the Weapon Domain. From there, move south towards the peak of the watch tower.

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

49. Return to waypoint 18 and move in a direction slightly left of north. Embody a Tepetlisaurus and ascend the mountain to secure the Pyroculus.

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

63. As you delve further into this valley, you’ll find a significant mission titled “Ripe for Trouble”. It would be wiser to accomplish this task before moving forward. Finishing the quest will lead you to encounter numerous Pyroculus entities.

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

1. Move to location mark 6 and then travel south towards the tiny waterfall. You’ll find a small platform atop that waterfall, which you can access. Delve deeper into the cave and employ Yumkasarus to excavate the wall to uncover the Pyroculus.

11 Pyroculus in Ancestral Temple (61-71)

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route
All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

To find the Pyroculus, start from position #60 and move towards the southwest, reaching a camp filled with Fatui and trapped Saurians. Proceed deeper until you find Extraction Research Center: Passage. A Pyroculus is located within this passage among Fatui enemies.

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

1. Move to location 19, then proceed east towards the coast where you’ll find another set of white bones with a Pyroculus on top of them.

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

To find the Pyroculus within the Ancestral Temple, first move south from your current position towards the entrance of the Abandoned Temple Sanctuary of Offerings. Right before you enter the hole, you’ll discover a Pyroculus there.

14 Pyroculus in Scions of the Canopy & Teticpac Peak (72-85)

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route
All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

72. As a fan, I warp to waypoint 23 and trek southeast towards the wooden platform atop the towering mountain for a Pyroculus hunt.

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

1. Return to waypoint 23 then proceed northwards towards the adjacent mountain where you’ll spot a Pyroculus near a wooden platform.

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

1. To obtain the first Pyroculus, teleport to waypoint 23, then head west towards the small windmill. Locate a switch near the windmill and align it with the graffiti behind the windmill to create a sun. Once the puzzle is solved, a treasure chest will appear followed by a wind current upon opening the chest. Utilize this wind current to lift the Pyroculus high in the air, but remember that completing the Into the Painting Achievement first might be beneficial for accessing hidden areas.

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

84. After your current location, travel towards the north and find the small hole that follows a Hilichurl camp for another Pyroculus.

14 Pyroculus in People of the Springs (86-99)

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route
All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

1. As a fan, I’d say: “Jump to the S7 in Ameyalco Waters and gaze north towards the colossal tree root. Scale that root to reach the Pyroculus on its summit.”

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

1. Travel to waypoint 29. Embark on a Koholasaurus and employ Jet-Set Eddies to leap high over water, reaching the Pyroculus at the cave’s summit.

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

94. Travel to the next island by following the wind currents to find another Pyroculus at its peak. Again, ride a Koholasaurus and utilize the Spiritway to obtain the Pyroculus en route.

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

100. Move to location 31 and scan eastwards for a Pyroculus. Mount a Koholasaurus and swim in the direction of the Pyroculus.

9 Pyroculus in Ameyalco Waters (100-108)

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route
All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

100. Travel to waypoint 32 and perform a U-turn. Follow this path until you encounter a waterfall. Near the waterfall, there’s a gathering of enemies and a device you can fill with Phlogiston. Perform this action and a door will open for you. Enter and delve into the depths of this cave. You’ll find a Pyroculus atop a lofty rock as your reward.

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

104. Travel to waypoint 33 and proceed east. You’ll find the Pyroculus atop a rock up ahead.

All 108 Pyroculus in Natlan 5.0 | Easy Route

108. Travel to the Reputation Figure in the Land of the Springs, then ascend the central monument they have. At the summit, you’ll find the Pyroculus.

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2024-08-31 12:07