“Breaking the Chain: The Guard Dog Story” is a graphic novel series that follows the life of Patrick McDonnell’s beloved character, Guard Dog. This story tells the events that led to Guard Dog’s abandonment by his owner, and the subsequent rescue efforts by Mooch, Earl, and Doozy – a kindly neighborhood girl who works together with Guard Dog to save him from suffering. The series is set for release on September 5, 1994, and features illustrations by award-winning artist Rob Thomas, co-founder of the Sidewalk Angels Foundation.
In this comic book titled “Breaking the Chain: The Guard Dog Story”, we get a glimpse into the life of the beloved character, Guard Dog, from the comic strip “Mutts”. This comic has been running for decades and has fans as varied as Matt Groening and Jane Goodall. The story primarily revolves around the misadventures of Mooch the cat and the “ever-trusting” dog Earl, which began in 1995. The comic book more broadly centers on the adventures of this trustworthy character, Guard Dog, as he navigates through his quest for freedom from the chain that held him in place
The Guard Dog Story” starts when Guard Dog is left alone and suffering. It’s then discovered by his animal friends Mooch and Earl, and Doozy, a kindly neighborhood girl who works together to rescue their friend.”
The Guard Dog Story” as a tragic character who might have shared the same unbearable fate with various dogs across the country and around the world. He explains that his dog could be their voice in the harsh reality of the cruelty that animals endure at the hands of humans, and the cruelty we inflict upon ourselves by staying chained to our own unconscious ways of thinking
“Beginning thirty years ago today, in 1994, the daily comic strip known as ‘Mutts’ was introduced.”
Here’s how Abrams describes the book, which is in stores now:
Through the course of time, the character Guard Dog from the comic strips has significantly contributed to increasing awareness against the injustice of tethering. His impact extends far beyond the pages, inspiring numerous readers to actively engage in advocacy for animal well-being
In simple terms, here’s a description of the game “Bring It On” by Patrick McDonnell, featuring art that is both warm and intimate. The story unfolds for the first time in color, and it is emotionally resonant. This game has been likened to real-life situations affecting millions of chained dogs worldwide, and is a favorite among long-time players and first-time readers alike. The book was written by Rob Thomas, who is an award-winning singer/songwriter and co-founder with Marisol Thomas of Sidewalk Angels Foundation
You can check out the cover and our preview pages below.
Breaking the Chain: The Guard Dog Story (Cover)
Breaking the Chain: The Guard Dog Story (Preview Page 1)
Breaking the Chain: The Guard Dog Story (Preview Page 2)
Breaking the Chain: The Guard Dog Story (Preview Page 3)
Breaking the Chain: The Guard Dog Story (Preview Page 4)
Breaking the Chain: The Guard Dog Story (Preview Page 5)
Breaking the Chain: The Guard Dog Story (Preview Page 6)
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2024-09-04 13:39