Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

Floor 1Floor 2Floor 3Floor 4
Floor 5Floor 6Floor 7Floor 8
Floor 9Floor 10Floor 11Floor 12

As a seasoned adventurer who’s faced more than my fair share of mechanical miscreants, let me tell you, this Secret Source Automaton: Hunter-Seeker isn’t half as menacing as some of the rusty relics I’ve encountered in my travels. But hey, every robot’s got its quirks, and this one’s got a few that make it easier to outmaneuver than a two-left-leg grinder.

In the latest Natlan Region, the final floor of Spiral Abyss, F10, now introduces a fresh batch of formidable foes. Compared to the ninth floor, there’s a modest upsurge in challenge level, as these new adversaries boast higher levels and possess significantly greater strength than typical mobs.

Blessing of the Abyssal Moon

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

Note: The blessing of the Abyssal Moon, referred to here as “Contending Moon,” enhances damage from Normal Attacks and Elemental Skills when activated. For 12 seconds after using an Elemental Skill, the damage is increased by 40%. If a character belongs to Natlan, this effect is amplified to an 80% increase in damage. Remember that only characters from Natlan benefit from the full 80% boost; others still receive a 40% increase.

Ley Line Disorder

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

Characters under Nightsoul’s Blessing experience a 50% boost in their attack power. However, this blessing is exclusive to Natlan characters; non-Natlan characters cannot benefit from it. If you have a character built within the Natlan faction, they could significantly enhance your team’s damage output.

Team Recommendations

Team Recommendations for the First Half

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

The recommended elements for the First HalfSpiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide
All elements except those mentioned below + Physical➥ Physical is recommended here because all the Tribal Warriors have very low resistance against Physical attack. Their RES to Physical is -20%. Yes, it’s that low so you can take advantage of Physical on these chambers. Fortunately, the Saurians also have normal Physical RES so you don’t have to worry about them.
➥ It’s also recommended to bring an Anemo CC because there are a lot of enemies in these chambers for each wave!
The not recommended elements for the First HalfSpiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide
Geo, Dendro, Hydro➥ This is because each Saurian has high resistance against their own elements. For example, the Tepetlisaurus has 50% Geo Resistance (Whelp has 30% Resistance) while Koholasaurus has 50% Hydro RES.

Melt Squad: Rosaria, Kaeya, Bennett, and Xiangling

Team Recommendations for the Second Half

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

The recommended elements for the Second HalfSpiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete GuideSpiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide
All elements
The not recommended elements for the Second HalfNone
➥ Other than there’s only one enemy in each chamber, all of them also have no high RES to any elements or Physical. You can bring any team you want, preferably with a single-target DPS.

Yanfei, Xingqiu, Bennett, and Xiangling make up a Vaporize team.

Floor 10 Chamber 1

First Half

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

1st Wave: One Flowing Blade Skirmisher, one Flowing Blade Grease-Saw, and three Koholasaur Welps

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

At the onset of the challenge, you’ll find yourself surrounded by five adversaries. The Yumkasaur Whelps, while able to spit at you, pose little threat. The real concern are the two Tribal Warriors, as they possess a skill that rushes towards your character. If you can successfully dodge their attacks, this initial wave should prove manageable.

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

Once you vanquish all foes in Wave 1, the adversaries for Wave 2 will instantly appear on the scene. A visual representation of these enemies can be found in the infographic provided above. The only novel enemy here is the Flowing Blade Harpoon-Thrower. He possesses a broader range of abilities than regular Tribal Warriors (capable of both melee and ranged attacks), and he also has the ability to charge at your character. As always, be vigilant against their assaults and dodge incoming attacks (unless you’re equipped with a shield).

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

Once you’ve vanquished all the foes in waves 1 and 2, the final wave will commence with three elite enemies. The Tribal Warriors among them are ranged attackers, equipped with slingshots and cannons. It would be wise to concentrate your efforts on either one of these warriors (it’s even more effective if you can gather both Tribal Warriors together) and let the Koholasaurus pursue you instead. Your goal should be to disrupt their rhythm so they won’t keep firing. Do note that they will also charge towards your character, mimicking the behavior of other Koholasaurus warriors by riding atop their weapons. Be sure to avoid their path (this action can easily disorient your character) and you’ll have a smoother ride.

Second Half

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

Wave 1: Eremite Stone Enchanter

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

As a gamer, I’d rephrase it like this: “In this game, there’s just one significant wave, and that’s the 1 Eremite Stone Enchanter. From my previous position, either in the back or middle, I need to swiftly move up front towards the Eremite. He’s not going to budge for a while as he casts his skill, summoning his spirit animal.

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

From the get-go, the Stone Enchanter will enter a powerful mode (with higher RES and high Interruption Resistance), and call forth his spirit animal, a crocodile. If your attack power fails to penetrate his now heightened resistance, it’s advisable to eliminate the spirit animal first. Doing so will terminate his enhanced state, causing him to take True Damage and become stunned for 10 seconds. This provides an opportunity for you to deploy various Skills/Bursts during the subsequent 10-second DPS phase. Don’t fret though, because he can only activate this enhanced state once.

Floor 10 Chamber 2

First Half

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

1st Wave: One Forged Sand Investigator, one Forged Sand Destroyer of Barriers, and three Tepetlisaur Hatchlings

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

Initially, as you embark on the challenge, you’ll find yourself surrounded by five adversaries. The Tepetlisaur Whelps are not much of a threat since they only headbutt. However, it’s the two Tribal Warriors that require your attention. They are melee attackers capable of charging towards your character by spinning their heads. You can evade them by moving in different directions, but if your character is hit, the stagger effect could be troublesome, given the number of enemies present. The good news is that after completing a headspin, these warriors become rooted to the ground for a brief period, allowing you to attack them (though other enemies might interrupt).

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

After I pointed out wave 2, it’s important to note that once you eliminate any foe in wave 1, the adversaries in wave 2 will instantly appear on the battlefield. You can find the enemy lineup depicted in the infographic provided above. The Forged Sand Javelineer is the only newcomer among them. He possesses a mix of melee and ranged abilities, and he can charge at your character by executing headspins. As before, keep an eye on their attacks and dodge incoming ones (unless you’re carrying a shield).

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

As I conquer the foes in waves 1 and 2, I eagerly anticipate the upcoming challenge – the final wave. This wave will pit me against three formidable adversaries, each boasting a high rank. The Tribal Warriors among them are close-combat specialists, wielding hammers and saws with deadly precision. Interestingly, they possess the unique skill to summon a colossal crystal and hurdle it towards me in a single direction. However, since it travels in a linear path, dodging it should prove relatively straightforward. Fortunately for me, these warriors are incapable of launching any headspin attacks, so I can concentrate on assaulting them whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Second Half

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

Wave 1: Eremite Galehunter

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

In the space you’re currently occupying, either midway or at the back, swiftly make your way up to the front, specifically towards the Eremite character known as ‘1 Eremite Galehunter’. This particular figure is stationary for a brief period due to employing a skill that summons her spirit animal, so she won’t be moving.

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

Initially, the Galehunter will activate a supercharged mode (heightened RES and robust Interruption Resilience), then call upon her bird spirit companion. If your damage output isn’t sufficient to penetrate her elevated defense, it’s advisable to eliminate the spirit animal first. This action will cause the enhanced state to dissipate, making her vulnerable to True Damage and inducing a 10-second stun. During this 10-second window of heightened damage output, you can deploy various Skills/Bursts without concern. Keep in mind that she can only activate this supercharged state once while her spirit animal is alive, as it prevents the application of Anemo Crowd Control abilities.

Floor 10 Chamber 3

First Half

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

1st Wave: One Swiftstep Seeker, one Swiftstep Storm Scout and three Yumkasaur Welps

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

At the onset of the challenge, you’ll find yourself confronted by five adversaries. Among them are three Yumkasaur Whelps, which propel themselves forward using their tongues and execute headbutts. Be mindful of the luminescent line to dodge it with ease. As for the Tribal Warriors, unlike other tribals, they can’t charge at you; however, they are capable of launching both melee and ranged attacks.

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

Once you conquer all foes in Wave 1, the adversaries for Wave 2 will instantly materialize, as indicated by the infographic above. The only fresh face here is the Swiftstep Armed Courier. He shares similarities with the Tribal Warriors mobs from before, being capable of both melee and ranged attacks. However, he doesn’t seem to have any additional skills. As always, keep an eye on their attacks and dodge incoming blows (unless you’re carrying a shield).

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

Once you’ve vanquished all foes in rounds 1 and 2, prepare for the final round, which features three elite adversaries. Among them are two Tribal Warriors; the male warrior favors melee combat, while the female warrior typically stays at a distance, using her cannon and saw. Pay close attention to the female warrior as she tends to keep her distance from you, whereas the male warrior (and the Yumkasaurus) will generally pursue you closely.

Second Half

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

Wave 1: Secret Source Automaton: Hunter-Seeker

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

There’s only one wave here and it’s the new enemy in the Automaton series: the Secret Source Automaton: Hunter-Seeker. This Automaton can deal with both melee and ranged attacks. Personally, I find their attacks are very easy to avoid because they almost always has an indicator on where the attacks are going.

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

When the Automaton fires a beam upwards, a circle of Area of Effect (AoE) will appear on the ground to indicate where the attack will hit, and when it targets your character, you’ll see a laser line showing the direction of the beam. Since there is only one enemy present, by carefully watching its attack pattern, you can easily dodge its attacks.

Spiral Abyss Floor 10 Complete Guide

As a fan, I’d rephrase that as: “When you introduce a Natlan character on the battlefield, my robot gains an additional skill called Adaptive Countermeasures, represented by an icon above their HP. When the Natlan character is in Nightsoul’s Blessing state, my robot accumulates these countermeasures. Once full, it releases a powerful laser attack that follows your character’s direction.

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2024-09-16 05:37