DC’s Absolute Wonder Woman Team Reinvents an Icon with Magic, Hell’s Armor, and More

DC's Absolute Wonder Woman Team Reinvents an Icon with Magic, Hell's Armor, and More

As a longtime comic book enthusiast, I must say that the new magic-powered Wonder Woman seems like an intriguing twist on the classic character. Having grown up with the original Diana, it’s fascinating to see how her powers and abilities have evolved over time.

The DC All In event is drawing near, and along with it comes the long-awaited special issue, which will also unveil the much-anticipated debut of the Absolute Universe. This innovative playground will introduce refreshing perspectives on DC’s iconic characters, starting with the DC Trinity – Wonder Woman, Batman, and Superman. Each series is aiming for significant changes, but Wonder Woman is undergoing a major transformation. This new version of Diana is reshaping her roots, creating a new Wonder Woman who wields magic, commands a mighty magical sword, and dons armor forged in the underworld’s depths. To add to this, she rides a skeleton pegasus and sports a new emblem on her armor. ComicBook had an exclusive interview with writer Kelly Thompson and artist Hayden Sherman about rebuilding an icon from the ground up, and it was no simple task.

An Imposing Challenge

DC's Absolute Wonder Woman Team Reinvents an Icon with Magic, Hell's Armor, and More

Initially, Thompson found it challenging to establish a solid concept for writing Wonder Woman, and at one stage, she contemplated abandoning the project. However, the notion of reimagining Wonder Woman as a magical character sparked her creativity, ultimately saving the book from being left behind.

At times, things just seem to fit perfectly, as they did when I connected with Witch Wonder Woman (though there were other aspects I can’t disclose). The essence was clear: Diana’s soul, compassion, and core remained, but everything else was transformed into something fresh, wild, cool, and intriguing.” – Thompson explained.

DC's Absolute Wonder Woman Team Reinvents an Icon with Magic, Hell's Armor, and More

In this project, Hayden played a crucial role and was indispensable. To be honest, I don’t believe I would have chosen another collaborator. I feel they contributed immensely to the project, offering unique insights and ideas that truly enriched it. Thompson remarked that while Hayden may not have extensive experience in superhero comics, their fresh perspective proved to be a significant advantage for us, as they brought innovative concepts that are seldom seen in this genre. Overall, I find it fantastic.

DC's Absolute Wonder Woman Team Reinvents an Icon with Magic, Hell's Armor, and More

Sherman expressed that his initial feelings about the project were similar to when Kelly considered quitting at the beginning. They had discussed this before. At first, when he was presented with the opportunity, Sherman questioned whether he was capable of successfully completing the task. He doubted the project and it wasn’t until he heard the pitch and learned more that he became excited about it. Initially, he didn’t have a clear image in his mind for the project, but as more information came to light, things began to make sense and he saw potential in it. He found it enjoyable to continue working on the project.

A True Symbol

DC's Absolute Wonder Woman Team Reinvents an Icon with Magic, Hell's Armor, and More

One thing you’ll soon observe is that Wonder Woman now sports a fresh emblem, and there were numerous considerations in its creation. It was crucial for Sherman to ensure this new symbol stands out as prominently as those of Batman and Superman, which required adjustments in the representation of the symbol on her costume and armor.

Sherman explained that the symbol he designed for his character was crucial to him, given how iconic the symbols of other superheroes like Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman are. He wanted his own symbol to stand out clearly and be immediately recognizable, no matter the artist or viewing angle. He aimed for it to be unmissable, unmistakable, and always present on his character’s chest, much like a punctuation mark in a sentence.

In a nutshell, Thompson expressed that while it’s fantastic that the Batman logo serves a practical purpose as well, the version in our story functions differently, which is significant. This is crucial because, as you delve into Wonder Woman’s character, it doesn’t seem fitting for Diana to wear a symbol announcing “I am Wonder Woman.” Instead, the armor’s design and the craftsperson behind it should naturally embody the symbol without Diana having to explicitly declare herself as Wonder Woman. Is that clearer?

DC's Absolute Wonder Woman Team Reinvents an Icon with Magic, Hell's Armor, and More

Thompson stated that great care was taken in determining how to incorporate the Wonder Woman symbol effectively into the character, ensuring it made sense within her backstory and the world of the story. He appreciated that the design was functional rather than sexualized, acknowledging the challenge of avoiding such connotations when placing the symbol on a woman’s chest. Thompson felt that Hayden had done an excellent job in integrating the costume for this version of Wonder Woman, but believed further consideration was needed to ensure it aligned with her character here. In his opinion, Hayden had nailed it.

Thompson expressed, “Let’s not deny our fascination with her portrayal as a sex symbol, which is evident in the stunning Dan Panosian covers circulating. We have no issues with this aspect if it’s tastefully done and genuinely enhances her character. In fact, for this new version of Diana, it needed to be unique and compelling, and I believe it will prove rewarding.

The Sword, Magic, and A New Back of Tricks

DC's Absolute Wonder Woman Team Reinvents an Icon with Magic, Hell's Armor, and More

As a devoted admirer of Absolute Wonder Woman, one thing that never fails to excite me is discovering the array of magical feats at Diana’s fingertips. A significant portion of these powers revolve around her mastery of sorcery, and this is evident in her instantaneous summoning of a lethal sword, a trick that has garnered attention from fellow fans, who often draw parallels to the Buster Sword wielded by Cloud in Final Fantasy. While there are differences in design between the two, I can’t help but embrace this comparison.

As a gamer, I can’t help but chuckle at how everyone refers to my design as the Buster Sword. Truth be told, I hold Cloud Strife in high regard too. It’s amusing though, that even in various cover art and fan creations, people seem so fixated on labeling it as such that they often modify its minimalistic, rectangular shape into something resembling the iconic Buster Sword. They even trim off the little end and call it Cloud’s sword! Honestly, it’s all quite entertaining to me.

Regarding the mystical aspect, Thompson hints at the toll magic takes, while also suggesting that Diana is always ready for such situations. In a sense, her magical pouch equips her with capabilities reminiscent of Batman in certain aspects. This is because much of the magic she uses is pre-prepared items from her pouch, allowing her to adapt to various situations like Batman does with his diverse array of gadgets. Essentially, Thompson described Wonder Woman as having a ‘Batman-like’ approach due to her extensive collection of magical tools, which can be accessed at any time, almost like a hidden compartment or a pocket dimension.

DC's Absolute Wonder Woman Team Reinvents an Icon with Magic, Hell's Armor, and More

Thompson explained that they initially designed the magical pouch for their character as a more practical solution than having her constantly carry around a clunky sword. He considered making her draw the sword from thin air but decided against it due to similarities with his concept called Storykiller. Instead, they opted for a magical pouch which also made sense since she is magical and allows for more creative use of her powers beyond just an energy shield or other abilities.

Thompson expressed that the design was inherently intricate due to constraints, making it less sleek and refined. He compared the process to constructing structures in challenging conditions, where resources are scarce, leading to a more rugged appearance. Additionally, he mentioned that they didn’t want an excessive array of weapons like buster swords or lassos on her belt, preferring a streamlined approach instead.

DC's Absolute Wonder Woman Team Reinvents an Icon with Magic, Hell's Armor, and More

Thompson did bring up the point about the possibility of Wonder Woman being too powerful, but he assured that there are safeguards built into the story to prevent this from happening. In other words, while Wonder Woman has magical abilities, these powers aren’t limitless and she does pay a price for using them. Her primary skills lie more in her role as Wonder Woman rather than her abilities as a witch.

Thompson mentioned that while Diana has certain drawbacks, these might be balanced by magic. He reassured us not to worry about her appearing too powerful, but instead, look forward to the innovative ways we can utilize these disadvantages in our creative problem-solving.

Absolute Wonder Woman soars into comic stores on October 23rd.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the latest version of Wonder Woman, who now possesses magical powers! Feel free to share your comic book insights and thoughts about Wonder Woman with me on Threads and Twitter at @mattaguilarcb!

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2024-09-28 00:40