Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

As a bystander, it appears that the Brown family’s intricate dynamics have left an indelible mark on each of its members. From the perspective of someone who has never experienced such a complex familial arrangement, I can only imagine the emotional turmoil and adjustments required to navigate this unique situation.

Kody Brown’s marriage to his only remaining wife Robyn Brown is on unsteady ground.

During the October 6th episode of Sister Wives, the couple experienced heated disagreements, both on-screen and off, regarding Kody’s strained relationships with his eldest children, who are the result of previous unions with Christine Brown, Janelle Brown, and Meri Brown. Following their separations, Robyn believes that Kody should make more efforts to connect with these kids. However, Kody seems to prioritize his relationship with her instead.

Hey Robyn, here’s the deal – we’ve been going through quite a rollercoaster together, haven’t we? But you know what I’ve come to realize? I’d much rather invest some time into strengthening our bond, because honestly, I feel like I’ve been stuck in this rut for far too long. And guess what? This journey has taken a heavier toll on us than it has on anyone else around us. So let’s make a change, just you and me.

“Thank you for saying that. I appreciate that,” Robyn admitted. “It’s good to hear.”

The 18-year-old son, who is deeply fond of Robyn, expressed his regret, saying, “I didn’t intend to hurt you. My heart is shattered. Here I am with the person I cherish most in the world, yet my heart remains broken. What can I do about this?

During the entire episode, Robyn persistently encouraged Kody to keep communicating with his kids in an effort to heal their broken bonds.

Ultimately, Kody confessed, “I’ve been trying insufficiently, and I acknowledge it. At the moment, I’m acting impulsively, Robyn. Unfortunately, I might cause further harm instead.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

Robyn confessed to her husband that she’s finding it tough not to lose admiration for him, and in a private moment, she mentioned that he could put in more effort as a parent.

She mentioned, “I’m not passing judgment on Kody, but I also believe he shouldn’t be agreeing with this situation.” She suggested, “Perhaps, he should stand firm outside their house and say, ‘Let’s have a conversation.’

I can’t help but feel a surge of anticipation as I watch the sneak peek for the upcoming episode, where it appears that the tension between Kody and Robyn reaches new heights. It’s almost overwhelming to see Kody pleading for divine intervention, praying fervently for “us” – Kody and Robyn – while Robyn is captured in a heart-wrenching scene, weeping on the floor. The drama just keeps getting more intense!

Sister Wives airs Sundays at 10 p.m. ET on TLC.

For more bombshells from this season, read on. 

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

Kody Brown asserted that he was prepared to separate from his first wife, Meri Brown, soon after their 1990 wedding vows. However, as he stated, “Meri, when we move to Flagstaff, this will be an opportunity for us to start anew,” suggesting a fresh beginning. This is what he had led her to believe over the years, she explained in the Sept. 15 premiere, referencing their 2018 relocation. “He had led me to think that he would work on things; this is a pattern that has repeated for many years.

She expressed her primary concern as being his inconsistent communication, particularly about his feelings, desires, and dislikes, as well as the narrative he has been sharing throughout their relationship.

Kody admitted there might have been some ambiguous signals, but it was more due to the fact that as he began to tackle tasks, he found himself questioning, “What’s the point?” He clarified, expressing that he would no longer pursue a relationship with her in this current context.

Either way, Meri’s friends were thrilled when she finally pulled the plug in early 2023. 

She admitted, “They essentially said, ‘We’re with you now, giving you our support. It’s high time,'” but only after removing her blinders did she realize that for years he had been subtly encouraging her to depart by asserting he didn’t love her, as if he could shift blame by not leaving himself if she chose to walk away instead.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

After many years since the family bought a 14-acre piece of land they intended to construct on in Flagstaff, Ariz., Kody admitted during the season premiere that he was prepared to let the dream fade away. Since they couldn’t build without first settling the full $820,000 price (which they reportedly paid off in 2023), he expressed this sentiment to his remaining wife Robyn Brown: “I’d almost prefer to abandon it or sell it and then start fresh somewhere else.

As for Robyn, “I can’t talk about that,” she responded. “That is so not where I’m at.”

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

Previously, Janelle Brown shared with TopMob News that they gradually drifted away from each other. However, it was the inconsistencies in Kody’s role as a parent to some of their children that eventually led her to make the decision to part ways.

The mom shared with Logan Brown, Madison Brown Brush, Hunter Brown, Garrison Brown, Gabriel Brown, and Savanah Brown that the turning point for her was when his relationship with her kids deteriorated and he didn’t seem willing to go to great lengths to repair it. She added, “At that moment, I realized that was what had been keeping me rooted here.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

The reason Kody didn’t put more effort into repairing the strained relationships with some of his grown-up kids, is what he shared as an explanation.

In the September 15th episode, he expressed his feelings of not belonging in the family anymore. Despite being legally married to Robyn and co-parenting their five children – Dayton Brown, Aurora Brown, Breanna Brown, Solomon Brown, and Ariella Brown – he stated that his connections with some other children are rare. This left him feeling unsure about how to handle everything, saying it didn’t feel like a family anymore.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

Even though they’ve finally embraced monogamy in their 14-year relationship, Robyn admitted during the season 19 premiere that things are worse than ever in their marriage. “Things have been challenging between us,” she said. “Kody doesn’t know who to blame – himself or one of his other wives. He feels a lot of rejection and I think he’s worried that I might reject him too.

Consequently, she shared that she’s always alert and constantly checking to ensure he isn’t undermining our relationship. In her own words, the most challenging aspect is: “There’s no guidance or support for dealing with the fact that I’m still wedded to a man who’s going through multiple divorces.

Meanwhile, Kody struggled with self-doubt, expressing, “I find it hard to face my reflection and say, ‘Hi there, pal. I adore you.’

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

It was revealed on the show premiere that Madison, Janelle’s eldest daughter, is not currently in a relationship with her father Kody, as explained by Janelle. According to her, there have been no conversations between Maddie and her dad, neither of them has contacted the other, and she doesn’t maintain any relationship with Kody or his wife Robin. Essentially, she has cut off contact with both of them.

Janelle pointed out that Kody is maintaining a less-than-committed relationship with Maddie’s children, Axel, Evangalynn, and Josephine. In essence, she believes he should only have contact if he’s willing to fully commit to it.

Consequently, during the Sept. 22 episode, Kody essentially stopped communicating with Maddie and her husband, Caleb Brush, when the family began to significantly break apart.

Without Kody being around or in contact, Maddie has taken on a very protective role, as expressed by Janelle. She feels that until he can be reliable and present without causing unnecessary drama, it might be best for everyone if they remain unaware of his presence.

Additionally, Robyn mentioned that she’s been urging Kody to make amends, but she also expressed, “It seems appropriate for the children to follow suit as well.

Currently, Kody appears unwilling to mend the rift as he constantly complains that their conversations are just sources of gossip, growing weary of this repetitive pattern.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

During their anniversary celebration on the 32nd occasion, Meri confided in her friend Brandi that “He hinted at not having ever truly loved me and feeling compelled to marry me,” as they discussed during the September 15 premiere. “To which I replied, ‘Kody,’ I said, ‘I know you did love me.’

And if he didn’t, the mom to Leon Brown said in a confessional, why did he ever choose to propose? 

She pondered, “Why would a bachelor opt to marry a spinster without genuinely loving her first? It seems harsh, doesn’t it? To select someone from a sea of faces and then say, ‘I choose you, with the intention of trying to mold my feelings for the next three decades’?

In his private reflection, Kody stated: “Now, Meri is making some allegations. Well, let her say what she will. I choose not to respond to them.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

In the recent conversation with my former sister-wife, Christine Brown, I shared my thoughts about my current dilemma. I’m torn between developing Coyote Pass or selling it, but what I’ve decided is that I need to take care of the Arizona property first by settling its debts. Unfortunately, Kody refuses to discuss this with me, so I find myself in a situation where I believe legal advice might be necessary. I feel that it’s the only way I can possibly get any resolution from him regarding our shared decision-making process.

Janelle admitted that since she doesn’t have a legally recognized marriage with Kody, “I don’t actually possess any legal grounds to assert any kind of claim on Kody’s property.” To explain further, she said, “It’s not as simple as contacting a lawyer and requesting a divorce. Instead, it’s quite complex because there’s no existing legal marriage between us.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

Kody explained that he had stopped discussing the Arizona property with Janelle because he no longer felt he could rely on her trustworthiness.

He emphatically stated during the September 22nd broadcast, “I’ll settle the property when necessary,” and he explained, “I’ve had enough of sharing details about my actions or anything else because I’m tired of the information being twisted by our fractured family’s rumor mill.

A bit of a pot calling the kettle black, Janelle said in her own interview. 

She expressed, “He spills secrets as if he’s got holes in him, and I couldn’t help but feel it wasn’t appropriate when he shared intimate details about his past relationships and multiple wives with me.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

In the days when the family’s affection was growing instead of waning, they would combine all their savings in a single shared fund.

In simpler terms, Janelle explained in the September 22nd episode that we would do everything possible to aid one individual, and then collectively offer our support to another. This was the norm until around ten years ago. However, things have shifted dramatically, and now it seems more about personal wealth (estates) rather than helping each other out.

When Robyn required a house in Arizona, everyone combined their resources to purchase her luxurious five-bedroom property, worth approximately $1.65 million, which was put up for sale in August.

Initially, Robyn mentioned that acquiring the asset would benefit the entire family. However, when Janelle proposed that everyone should have their names on the mortgage, she faced opposition. Kody responded by saying, “No, no, we need to safeguard, understandably protect Robyn’s inheritance,” as Janelle later recounted. Now that she is leaving the family, according to Janelle, she wants her share of the Coyote Pass earnings and also wishes to recover the money she invested in Robyn’s house.

But that could be a tough sell. 

Robyn remarked, “We’ve been teaming up for quite some time,” to which Janelle mentioned she was due money from them. Robyn then questioned, “I just can’t grasp it. How do you compute that? It’s all so perplexing.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

Speaking about their financial struggles with Coyote Pass, Janelle expressed her frustration as she pointed out that Kody mentioned having numerous other debts. However, she’s observed him acquiring various assets such as trailers and interior decorations. She noted, “I see all the artwork on Robyn and Kody’s walls. I see all these things.” She acknowledged that she too has spent money on items, but added, “And that’s okay, I have money and I’ve spent it on things, too.” In response, Kody explained that most of his funds were used for purchasing cars—”I essentially had a fleet”—and insurance for the children.

Janelle often found herself puzzled about the way Kody and Robyn managed their finances, but she’d frequently express amazement at how beautifully finished Robyn’s backyard was. It always seemed complete, and there was always something new to see there. She would often exclaim in wonder, “Wow. Huh.

Essentially, she stated that he didn’t make her needs or desires a priority, which became a significant problem for her over time. She explained, “Eventually, I realized this, and even my grown children were growing increasingly frustrated, asking things like, ‘Mom, what on earth is going on?’

Instead, we could say that following the breakdown of her first marriage, Robyn became quite mindful about managing her finances closely.

She admitted on the September 22 episode that she hadn’t always been good with finances. In her younger years, she faced some tough financial challenges and it wasn’t until her divorce that she truly mastered budgeting. Regarding her fellow sister wives, she suggested they may have prioritized their money differently than she did.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

Currently, as revealed in the September 22 episode, Janelle admitted that she and Meri, Robyn, and Kody, who are the parents of Aspyn Brown, Mykelti Brown Padron, Paedon Brown, Gwendlyn Brown, Ysabel Brown, and Truely Brown respectively, don’t interact much with each other. She expressed her belief that this situation is unlikely to change significantly in the near future.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

Speaking about the period when they lived together on a cul-de-sac in Las Vegas, Kody referred to it as “the most wonderful phase of my existence.” He went on to say, “Life was running smoothly, and having Maddie and Caleb around made it even better. I genuinely cherished Caleb, he felt like family to me.

However, discord arose in Arizona concerning coronavirus safety measures, leading to a breakdown of things. Subsequently, he expressed that as his marriages crumbled, so did his connections with the children: “This only worsened all our relationships.

But Christine insisted their were issues well before she announced she was leaving in late 2021. 

She stated during the September 22 broadcast, “The children who were feeling frustrated had been that way long before I departed. My departure did not affect their relationship with him. Kody has the ability to mend his relationships with his own children.

Though it’ll definitely take some work. 

Kody expressed that he’s deeply upset due to how he’s been perceived, stating, “I haven’t been able to move past this anger yet.” He clarified, “I can’t accept responsibility for actions my wife or ex-wife claims I took. I look forward to a time when the resentment will fade, and we can rediscover forgiveness and affection towards each other again.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

At their wedding when they were only 21 and 19 years old, Kody admitted that he and Meri weren’t particularly well-acquainted, either spiritually or legally. Over time, they ended up filing for divorce in 2014 so that Kody could legally adopt Robyn’s three eldest children from her previous marriage.

In our wedding, she seemed quite different and I believe there were certain issues from her past that I wasn’t aware of. At first, I thought I could tolerate it. Later, he admitted that everything turned into arguments. He stated, “I can’t exist in a state where she is consistently upset with me.

Despite his desire to depart, he found himself unable to do so. Kody explained that in a plural marriage, divorce is not an option if one wishes to remain faithful and devoted. Consequently, he was trapped within that relationship, longing to understand if there was a chance for salvation and repair rather than seeking an exit.

Consequently, there seemed to be a lack of clarity in their situation, as Meri believed they could resolve things. However, Kody pointed out that whenever they were together, he found her unpleasant, unamusing, uncaring, and dull. Essentially, he expressed feeling indifferent towards her due to boredom.

He acknowledged that it was understandable for Meri to feel deserted, but he clarified, “However, it wasn’t a forced eviction on my part. Instead, Christine, Janelle, and Meri made the decision for me to depart from our shared home.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

Even though Janelle and Christine considered their union with Kody as non-official since it wasn’t legally married, Meri intended to petition their church for an official separation, which is known as a “release.

In the September 22 episode, she clarified that all four of us married Kody through our church. Since it’s impossible for us to be legally married in the traditional sense, we referred to it as a covenant. Given that none of us are pursuing further marriage with him, I believe it’s right to dissolve this covenant entirely. I don’t wish to remain bound to him for eternity if he doesn’t desire me, and at this point, I’m ready for a clean break.

To put it in my own words, I must admit, their leadership wasn’t something I was ready to accept without a fight. I felt reluctant to concede to their authority, if you will.

Kody stated that the harm was so severe that there’s no chance of reconciliation, regardless of the circumstances. He further expressed that he doesn’t wish to answer to this church for its shortcomings, as he feels accountable only to God. Therefore, he plans to allow Meri her freedom to act as she wishes because if he’s angry with her, it would lead to arguments. Essentially, he wants her to leave so that things can move on because, for him, the situation has been unresolved for years.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

A disagreement about the 2021 holiday gift exchange escalated into a heated argument for the 18 Brown children. “Things took a turn for the worse,” Christine explained. “Kody, Robyn, and their kids stood on one side, choosing to distance themselves from Janelle, me, and our kids. Following this text conversation, there was a division that occurred.

According to Robyn, her older children expressed that the interaction felt uncomfortable for them and requested some space in their relationship. However, she clarified that it wasn’t a matter of wanting to cut off contact or have no further involvement; instead, they were simply indicating that things had become unpleasant.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

Aurora emphatically stated that she was repeatedly informed by various individuals and situations, that she wasn’t welcomed into the family when her mother married Kody in 2010. She wasn’t seen as a sister to them; instead, they didn’t acknowledge or perceive her in that role.

Her sister Breanna expressed that she believes the parents might have made more efforts to foster our familial bonding, but unfortunately, such connections were not established effectively.

But Christine isn’t sure how they could have opened their arms any wider.

Robyn’s children and Robyn are always welcome to join any event,” she emphasized. “In other words, they can feel free to drop by our home whenever they please.

Simultaneously, she mentioned, her daughter Ysabel Brown shared a strong bond with Robyn’s children. In fact, Mykelti Brown Padron lived with them for a while: “We had challenging periods and my children felt exasperated at times, but they regarded Robyn’s children as their siblings regardless.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

Speaking enthusiastically about the freedom she experienced, Janelle expressed her viewpoint on plural marriage as follows: “In a well-balanced situation, you become an integral part of this extraordinary family structure, connected to a community that supports you. You have a husband whom you share a deep bond with, and yet, you maintain your individual independence too. To me, a plural marriage setup offers a fantastic balance.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

According to Janelle, Kody found it harder to divide his affection when the family moved from Las Vegas to Arizona in 2018.

On the September 29th episode, it was observed that Kody found living in Flagstaff more convenient for distancing himself. Occasionally, I had to remind him to visit me because he’d often cite exhaustion as an excuse. However, she added, “I’m really tired. I’m like, ‘You can rest just as easily at my house as you can at Robyn’s.’

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

Janelle stated that her kids were often reprimanded for accessing Robyn’s refrigerator, which she believes contributed to their sense of separation from her. Meanwhile, Christine’s children felt distant because they recognized that Robyn was their father’s partner and he wasn’t present in their household.

And Robyn said her crew definitely felt the divide. 

In the September 29th episode, she mentioned that Meri welcomed my children and me warmly, but the rest of the family found it difficult to accept us. She expressed that our wish was simply to become a part of their family.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

During a September 29 broadcast, Kody revealed how moving between four homes affected his eighteen children, especially when his youngest with Robyn, Ariella (born in January 2016), became upset and held onto him tightly as he attempted to depart.

Kody stated, “‘I had to tell her, ‘There’s another wife and children who depend on me,’ he said. ‘Another family that needs to see me.’ She clung to me, crying, ‘Don’t abandon me, Daddy, don’t leave me.’ It’s tough, I can tell you.

Unfortunately, that’s just a reality of plural marriage, insisted Janelle. 

She shared that from the start, her children were aware that their father wouldn’t be a constant presence. It seemed to her that Kody and Robyn handled the situation poorly with their children. He was unable to be away for more than three or four days because Ari would become very sad. To her, this felt like poor parenting. Throughout family history, the other children had dealt with similar circumstances and they have grown into well-adjusted adults.

Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Says Marriage to Robyn Has Been Hurt Most

Among the not many young individuals from the Brown family, Mykelti maintained relationships with both Robyn, Kody, and Kody’s other wives, Christine and Janelle. During Kody’s divorce processes, it was Mykelti who often served as a mediator or peacemaker among them.

From the instant Robyn joined the Brown clan, Mykelti warmly welcomed her to such an extent that she included her in the delivery room during the November 2022 arrival of her twins, Archer and Ace.

During a recent episode on September 29th, as I embarked on this journey of self-discovery upon welcoming Robyn into our family, she played an instrumental role in making me feel valued and understood. When I found myself in need of companionship, Robyn was always there to listen, offer love, and provide the emotional support I craved.

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2024-10-07 13:21