Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

As I delve into the lives of these extraordinary young souls, it’s hard not to be moved by their stories. Jenni, the baby of the brood, has grown from a tiny bundle of joy into a teenager with a heart as big as her family. Her love for animals is as endearing as her care for her younger relatives.

Jason Duggar is celebrating a milestone birthday for his new wife.

On Maddie Grace’s 21st birthday, the 24-year-old celebrated with a touching message that gently hinted at their recent wedding.

On October 9th, Jason titled a beautiful collection of photos, “Happy Birthday,” expressing his heartfelt affection with these words: “My lovely wife, I adore you now and for all eternity.

In the pictures, it’s clear that Jason and Maddie marked Maddie’s birthday with a charming dinner date, featuring a delightful dessert and a lit sparkler for good measure. The happy newlyweds showcased Maddie’s wedding band and engagement ring, which Jason presented to her back in August.

Maddie’s sisters-in-law were thrilled to participate in the festivities, as Jessa Duggar Seewald wrote on the post: “Wishing you a most joyful birthday, dear sister! I adore you deeply!

Jill Duggar Dillard added, “Yay! Happy b’day Maddie!!”

The birthday festivities came less than a week after the couple tied the knot.

On October 3rd, the twelfth child of Jim Bob Duggar and Michelle Duggar, who together have nineteen children, got married at home in Tennessee. The ceremony was attended by approximately 300 guests, during which the couple exchanged vows, making it a special day for them, as they were surrounded by many of their loved ones.

Maddie pointed out that the move to Arkansas is particularly significant for her since she’s originally from Tennessee, and a large portion of her family resides in Tennessee and Kentucky. She expressed to People magazine (published October 4) that this move will allow everyone to gather in one place, making it a grand occasion akin to a big family reunion where everyone comes together.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

The couple, who initially crossed paths on Instagram back in 2023 when Jason found his future spouse’s profile, became engaged in August. Now, a few short months later, they eagerly anticipate the start of their next phase in life. Although they are excited about what this new stage holds, they prefer to progress at their own comfortable speed.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

Jason put it simply, “Both of us are straightforward folks, I guess. It’s all about living life side by side, experiencing future phases, and moving forward together.

For more of the Duggar’s large family tree, read on. 

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

As a die-hard admirer, I can’t help but be captivated by the heartwarming tale of two lovebirds who began their journey as high school sweethearts. These two became the parents of 19 and grandparents to over three dozen precious little ones!

Michelle shared that she felt “rescued” at the age of 15. One evening, Jim Bob was out conducting home visits for his Baptist church when he was directed to the Ruark family’s residence by a friend who mentioned that “a girl from school who had recently found religion and is a cheerleader” resided there.

They extended an invitation for Michelle to attend Sunday school at their church, and Jim Bob mentioned he had asked God to guide them as spiritual mentors for each other. However, it seemed their initial encounter didn’t leave a lasting impression on Michelle. A year passed, and she applied for a position at the frozen yogurt shop owned by Jim Bob’s parents. In a blog post written in 2017 for Jim Bob’s birthday and their 33rd wedding anniversary, Michelle recalled their first meeting: “You stood behind the counter where I was standing near the cash register and introduced yourself. You were reserved but kind! I don’t remember much about that chat, except you eventually found the courage to ask me if I would attend your junior-senior banquet with you!

She went to dinner with him at Shiloh Christian, but it wasn’t until they spent hours talking about the Bible at her parents’ house afterward that she felt a strong connection with him. Michelle has shared that this is when their relationship deepened. They both graduated high school in May of 1984 and got married in July, with Michelle being 17 and Jim Bob being 19 years old at the time.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

The couple dedicated themselves to God and each other for the long run.

Jim Bob previously held the position of a state legislator, representing Arkansas’s sixth district in the House of Representatives from 1999 to 2002. During his tenure, he served as vice chair of the Corrections and Criminal Law Subcommittee. In 2002, he attempted to secure a seat in the U.S. Senate, but this effort ended during the primary. Similarly, a 2006 campaign for the Republican nomination for Arkansas State Senate District 35 also did not succeed.

The duo, who are both real estate agents with valid licenses, have been involved in conservative movements – a part of their lifestyle that earned them both strong supporters and critics. They were associated with the reality TV show “19 Kids and Counting” (originally titled “17 Kids and Counting” when it premiered in 2008), drawing both praise and criticism from viewers. A robocall recorded by Michelle in 2014, urging people to vote against an anti-discrimination ordinance in Fayetteville, sparked a Change.org petition calling for the cancellation of the show. In this call, she expressed concerns about making it legal for transgender individuals to use the restrooms they feel most comfortable in.

The city council approved the ordinance.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

The firstborn Duggar, Josh, made his entry into the world on the 3rd of March, 1988. Similarly, he took up the mantle of a conservative advocate, working to support the Family Research Council’s causes.

He resigned following the unearthing of police records from 2015, which implicated him in allegations of molestation as a teenager. This included accusations against his sisters Jessa and Jill. Later in June, Jessa spoke out in an interview with Fox News, defending her brother, stating that the harsh terms people were using to describe him were “exaggerated and false”. She could say this because she was one of the victims herself.

His wife remained loyal to him, even after he confessed to infidelity. In 2016, when he sought help at a rehabilitation center, his parents viewed it as the initial step towards recovery and healing. The family of five—daughter Mackynzie (born Oct. 8, 2009), sons Michael (June 15, 2011) and Marcus (June 2, 2013)—when the scandal erupted, Anna gave birth to their fourth child, Meredith, on July 16, 2015, coincidentally the same day TLC canceled 19 Kids. Their fifth child, Mason Garett, was born on Sept. 12, 2017, followed by Maryella Hope on Nov. 27, 2019, and their seventh child, Madyson Lily, arrived on Oct. 23, 2021.

Back in April 2021, federal authorities accused Josh of two separate crimes involving child pornography: receiving and possessing it. He denied these accusations on both charges. In the year 2022, a court found him guilty on both counts and sentenced him to serve 12 and a half years behind bars.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

Not long after Josh’s birth, Michelle conceived another child, only to experience a miscarriage later. As they mourned this loss and sought divine direction, they discovered they were expecting twins.

She shared that it was a special gift, as she expressed to Love to Know. It seemed like God was offering comfort and guidance, and they were still discovering more. Remarkably, this wasn’t the norm, but given her circumstances, it appeared to be another extraordinary act by the Lord in their life. She breastfed her babies, yet they were born so closely together – eight months apart. It was another surprising twist in the story that God had chosen for them.

John-David and his sister Jana were born on Jan. 12, 1990.

Following a prolonged period of mutual acquaintance, spanning years, and a swift courtship, John-David and Abbie exchanged vows on November 3, 2018, at a church gathering in Oklahoma, their home state. Their family expanded with the birth of daughter Grace Annette Duggar on January 7, 2020, and son Charlie Duggar in September 2022.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

On his 30th birthday in January 2020, John-David’s twin expressed a heartfelt sentiment to him: “From when we were small children, people have often asked if we possess that ‘twin sense.’ You know, the ability to sense each other’s emotions or thoughts…Well, John, I’ve always maintained that we don’t—but now I can truly admit that when baby Gracie was born, I shared in every ounce of joy you felt, so perhaps it does exist!

Jana went on, expressing, “It’s heartwarming to see you with Abbie as parents. You both seem so natural at it! The traits that have made you an outstanding sibling will undoubtedly make you a fantastic father.

Meanwhile, Jana observed as 11 out of her 18 siblings tied the knot before she found her own love with Stephen Wissmann – a man whose sister Hannah is married to a former TLC star’s brother named Jeremiah. She feels it was all orchestrated by divine intervention.

In my own words, I’ve often found myself puzzled about the grand scheme of things, but I firmly believe that wisdom lies with God, and He knows what’s best for each one of us. For me, that meant waiting to tie the knot a bit later. As unique individuals, our lives are like distinct chapters in a novel; if we were all identical, life would lose its charm. I shared this perspective with People magazine just before my wedding in August 2024.

 Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

Born on May 17, 1991, Jill shared a romantic tale similar to her parents’. Fate brought her together with Derick, who lived approximately 45 minutes away, during Christmas of 2011. He happened to drop by the Duggar family home while out caroling with his church group.

Jim Bob acted as a cupid, and Jill and Derick found themselves drawn to each other through emails and Skype conversations. In November, they decided to meet in person when Father and daughter traveled to Nepal to visit Derick. Their bond deepened, leading them to fall more in love. In February 2014, Derick asked Jim Bob for Jill’s hand in marriage, and they got married on June 21, 2014. Today, they are proud parents of three sons—Israel, born on April 6, 2015, Samuel, born on July 8, 2017, and Frederick, born on July 7, 2022.

In April 2024, Jill disclosed that they had experienced a miscarriage, as they were eagerly awaiting the birth of their first daughter with Derick.

The duo featured prominently on both “19 Kids and Counting” and its successor, “Counting On.” However, Derick was dismissed from the show in 2017 following comments he made that were perceived as homophobic towards a fellow TLC reality star, Jazzy Jennings.

As a lifestyle advisor, I’ve taken a deep dive into the captivating world of the Duggars, as portrayed in the Amazon Prime Video documentary titled “Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets,” which debuted in June 2023. The series offers an intriguing exploration of the complexities and debates surrounding their family’s beliefs and controversies, providing a unique perspective on their lifestyle.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

Jim Bob and Michelle’s fifth child was born Nov. 4, 1992.

Jessa got to know Ben via church back in 2013, and he started wooing her using traditional courtship methods – an unfamiliar concept to many viewers. Before their engagement, they rarely discussed their romantic lives, so Jim Bob clarified to People magazine, “Courtship involves getting acquainted in a group setting, with both families spending time together. The couple also establish shared goals to decide if they’re destined for marriage. Dating often involves couples going out alone, which can sometimes lead to a more intimate relationship.

Back in August 2014, Ben proposed to me, and we officially became engaged. We sealed our union by holding hands for the very first time. Our wedding took place on November 1, 2014. At that point, I was expecting our first child, and sadly, our show, “19 Kids and Counting,” was terminated. However, TLC aired a special focusing on sexual abuse, with Jill and me as the main participants, aiming to enlighten viewers about the topic. That winter, we found ourselves leading our own spin-off series, titled “Jill and Jessa: Counting On.” Over time, this show expanded to include other Duggar siblings, eventually becoming known simply as “Counting On.

Jessa and Ben had their first son Spurgeon on November 5, 2015, followed by son Henry on February 6, 2017, daughter Ivy Jane on May 28, 2019, and daughter Fern in July 2021. Unfortunately, Jessa experienced a miscarriage during the 2022 holiday season. However, she went on to give birth to her fifth child, George, in December 2023.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

The sixth Duggar child was born Dec. 21, 1993.

Jinger and Jeremy first crossed paths while engaged in religious work in Laredo, Texas, and their relationship blossomed into courtship in the year 2016. They tied the knot on November 5, 2016, which happened to be the birthday of Jinger’s nephew Spurgeon – quite a significant date for them as part of a family with 19 members! However, their union was quickly followed by whispers about potential pregnancies.

In a year from now, we likely will have found our footing, continuing our work in ministry here in Laredo, with the main goal of serving the Lord in whatever capacity we can. This was shared by Jinger during a June 2017 episode of Counting On.

On July 19, 2018, their daughter Felicity entered the world. Back in May of that same year, they announced that Jinger was expecting again, and tragically had experienced a miscarriage during the previous fall. In November 2020, they were blessed with another daughter named Evangeline Jo.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

Born on January 20, 1995, No. 7 found the perfect moment for romance when he proposed to Kendra, whom he had met through church, at his sister Joy-Anna’s wedding in May 2017. The proposal came after only a few months of dating.

Joseph confessed to People magazine that he was indeed anxious before proposing, yet he wasn’t worried she would refuse because she had previously mentioned, “I’m keeping the seat warm for you!”. Kendra responded with joy and astonishment, expressing her happiness and shock, struggling to find the right words.

Since then, they’ve added four children to their family: Garrett, who was born in June 2018, Addison, born in November 2019, Brooklyn, born slightly earlier in February 2019, and most recently, Justus, who joined them in May 2023.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

Eighth in line, Josiah was born on Aug. 28, 1996.

A few months following the public revelation of his relationship with Lauren, the duo declared their engagement in March 2018. In a statement, he shared that the location where he proposed to Lauren was the very same spot where her parents had gotten engaged. The property holds a lot of family history, making it a particularly meaningful place for Lauren.

Michelle, Lauren’s future mother-in-law, expressed her affection in a blog post video, saying, “Lauren is truly special to us; she’s like a precious gem.” Jessa and Ben also extended their congratulations and presented a chocolate treat shaped as x’s and o’s. Michelle then playfully suggested, “I think you two are planning to save your first kiss for the wedding, but if you visit us, we have a sweet surprise waiting here…” She indicated the enticing reward she was holding up.

In the summer of 2015, a relationship with Marjorie Jackson ended amicably and they decided to go their separate ways. Looking back, as Josiah shared with People in March 2016, “We had some wonderful moments together. We were simply trying to listen to God’s guidance on every step we took. At that time, she didn’t feel it was the appropriate moment, so we took a brief break.

On June 30, 2018, he and Lauren got married, describing their wedding day to People as “utterly flawless.” Their first child, Bella Milagro, was born on Nov. 8, 2019, a name meaning “miracle baby,” since the couple had previously experienced a miscarriage in October 2018. They were blessed with another daughter, Daisy, in 2022 and their son, Ezra, in May 2023.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

The ninth Duggar sibling was born Oct. 28, 1997.

For fifteen years prior, she had been friends with Austin, and then he began pursuing her. After that point, they didn’t let any time slip away. He popped the question in February 2017, and their wedding took place on May 26, 2017, at Cross Church in Rogers, Arkansas (the same church where Joseph proposed to Kendra!). Their son, Gideon Martin Forsyth, arrived on February 23, 2018.

In 2019, Joy-Anna suffered a pregnancy loss with a baby girl at 20 weeks along.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

On Aug. 21, 2020, the couple welcomed daughter Evelyn Mae Forsyth.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

The couple’s third child, son Gunner James Forsyth, was born on May 17, 2023.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

Jim Bob and Michelle’s second set of twins were born on Dec. 30, 1998.

Back in February 2017, I was honored to be interning at the state capitol, where my father once made a significant impact with the Arkansas House of Representatives. Now, at just 21 years old, I find myself on the ballot, running for State Representative for District 89. My commitment is to uphold and prioritize Springdale’s conservative values.

Jeremiah, a qualified flight instructor, is wedded to Hannah Wissmann, and they share two children: Brynley, born in December 2022, and Brielle, who came into the world in February 2024.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

Duggar child No. 12 was born on April 21, 2000.

In January 2017, according to the Daily Mail, Jim Bob assisted Jase in purchasing a fixer-upper worth $33,000 in Prairie Grove, Arkansas, which is approximately half an hour from the Duggar family home. Interestingly, he also established his own construction business, but he still managed to lend a hand to Jed during his campaign.

In May 2024, he made their relationship public on Instagram with Maddie Grace, and they became engaged in August 2024.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

Charmed No. 13, James arrived on July 7, 2001.

 Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

When he turned 19 in the year 2019, his mother expressed that “He’s like a ‘fun uncle!’ The younger lads around here admire him greatly and aspire to emulate him. James possesses an incredible ability to accomplish almost anything he conceives. As kids, we would often discover James tinkering with different household appliances. He has always been one who enjoys disassembling things, understanding their mechanics, and reassembling them—with a few unique enhancements!

This year, James put in a great deal of effort to earn his Commercial Driver’s License, and now he’s mastered operating all sorts of large vehicles and heavy equipment! We’re eagerly anticipating the exciting things that await him in the future, guided by divine plans.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

No. 14 arrived on Nov. 15, 2002.

And from the department of growing up so fast…

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

In September 2020, Justin made their relationship with Claire known to the public. They became engaged in November of the same year, and on February 26, 2021, they tied the knot.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

Here with his big sister Jill, Jim Bob and Michelle’s 15th child was born May 23, 2004.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

At the age of sixteen, Jackson’s mother, Michelle, complimented his wit and mentioned that she was well aware of his eagerness to obtain a driver’s license.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

Duggar baby No. 16 was born Oct. 11, 2005.

2020 saw me gushing over Johannah on her 15th birthday! She’s such a blast to be around, always making new connections. Her little sisters simply idolize her, thinking she’s nothing short of lunar greatness – and I couldn’t be more blessed, feeling like the luckiest mom in the world for being given the privilege to raise this extraordinary girl!

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

On August 2nd, 2007, No. 17 made its appearance. At that time, 17 Kids and Counting was still new, and Jenni was the youngest member of the family.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

Now, OMG, she’s a teenager.

Michelle wrote, “Jennifer is reliable, devoted, and simply delightful!” when her granddaughter turned thirteen. The nieces and nephews adore her, often asking her not to put them down because they don’t want to be separated from her! Jennifer also has a deep affection for animals and diligently takes care of her pets daily. Recently, she even helped nurse a brood of seven baby bunnies!

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

Here on the right, the penultimate Duggar child was born Dec. 18, 2008.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

2019 saw Jordyn-Grace being described by her mom as an exuberant young lady who easily forms friendships, with a chuckle that often illuminates our day.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

19 Luck, who currently cradles his niece Meredith, made his entrance into the world on December 10, 2009, three months ahead of schedule and tipping the scales at a mere 1 pound, 6 ounces. Josie had to endure six months in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit but is thriving healthily now.

Jason Duggar Celebrates “Gorgeous” Wife Maddie Grace After Wedding

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2024-10-11 19:21