Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

As a therapist who has seen many families go through similar struggles, I can empathize with both Kody and his children. It’s heartbreaking to witness the estrangement between a father and his adult kids. However, it’s also understandable that Kody might feel overwhelmed by their cold shoulder, given his own past experiences with parental divorce.

Over the last few years, the Brown family has experienced significant events such as divorces, marriages, the arrival of new grandchildren, and a heartbreaking loss due to death.

Certainly, the stars of “Sister Wives” have experienced their fair share of ups and downs following Kody Brown’s transition to monogamy after three out of his four wives chose to part ways with him. Now, both Christine Brown and Janelle Brown are thriving in a fresh chapter of their lives.

Three years following her separation from Kody, Christine shared with TopMob News that she’s thriving and enjoying life to the fullest. In her own words, “That’s the best way I can put it. Honestly, it’s true.

Christine, who tied the knot again with David Woolley in October 2023, is looking ahead positively following the dissolution of her marriage to Kody, with whom she has six kids together.

She put it this way: “It seems refreshing to begin anew in a fresh phase.” Similarly, we’re embarking on a new phase as well.

In her own words, Janelle, who parted ways with Kody in 2022, expressed similar feelings and stated, “I believe it’s a time for fresh starts. You’ve got so many thrilling developments happening in your new relationship. As for me, I’m crafting an entirely new life for myself.

Even though her marriage has ended without any intention of reconciling, Janelle isn’t planning to start looking for a new spouse immediately.

As a lifestyle guide, I must confess that the modern dating landscape can be downright daunting, much like navigating through a sea of dating apps. However, I’m not on board with that approach.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

Instead, Janelle is focusing on launching a fresh enterprise, Taeda Farms, a joint venture with her daughter Madison Brush and her son-in-law Caleb Brush.

She shared that her daughter, son-in-law, and herself have acquired land in North Carolina, and they will soon start making it a reality, as seen on the show “Sister Wives”. This long-held dream of hers is about cultivating a garden, as she believes it will bring immense joy.

Regarding Christine, she hinted at the upcoming times by saying, “We are in for a rollercoaster of experiences. Our lives are already packed, bursting with richness, and there are countless new adventures waiting for us, not just those we’ll share but also those we’ll pursue separately. It’s about finding that harmony between what we do together and what we each explore individually.

Regarding the ongoing saga of the family’s TLC series, Janelle and Christine are eager to carry on revealing their personal experiences to the audience.

Janelle expressed her consistent joy in welcoming new people to join her journey and experience what she’s up to,” she said. “Should they be intrigued, they are more than invited to join us.

Sister Wives airs Sundays at 10 p.m. ET on TLC.

For more bombshells from this season of Sister Wives, read on. 

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

Kody Brown asserted that he was prepared to part ways with his first wife, Meri Brown, soon after their wedding in 1990. However, as he told her, “When we move to Flagstaff, this will be a fresh start for us,” giving the impression that they would work on their issues. Meri revealed this during the premiere on September 15, hinting at their relocation in 2018. She expressed that Kody had often given her false hope with similar statements over the years.

“She expressed her primary concern as being his inadequate communication, including his feelings, desires, and even his past stories over the years.

Initially, Kody admitted there might have been some ambiguous signals, but as he began working on various tasks, he found himself questioning, “What’s the point of doing this?” He clarified his stance by stating, “I wouldn’t pursue a relationship with her at this moment.

Either way, Meri’s friends were thrilled when she finally pulled the plug in early 2023. 

She admitted, “They essentially said, ‘We’re here for you, we stand with you. And it’s high time,'” she confessed. Removing her blinders, she now feels that he had subtly been encouraging her to leave for years by claiming he didn’t love her, “As if, if I could be made to depart and I do, then he isn’t the villain because he didn’t flee.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

Several years following the acquisition of a 14-acre property in Flagstaff, Ariz., intended for construction, Kody admitted during the season opener that he was prepared to watch the dream fade away. As they were unable to construct without settling the entire $820,000 purchase cost (reportedly paid off in 2023), he expressed this sentiment to his remaining wife, Robyn Brown: “I’d almost prefer to abandon it or sell it and then restart somewhere else.

As for Robyn, “I can’t talk about that,” she responded. “That is so not where I’m at.”

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

Previously, Janelle Brown expressed to TopMob News that they gradually drifted apart. However, it was Kody’s shortcomings in his parental responsibilities towards certain children that ultimately led to her decision to part ways.

In simpler terms, the mom shared with Logan Brown, Madison Brown Brush, Hunter Brown, Garrison Brown, Gabriel Brown, and Savanah Brown that a pivotal moment for her was when his relationship with her kids fell apart and he didn’t appear to be making significant efforts to repair it. She added, “That was what I realized was keeping me here.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

Kody provided the reason behind his reluctance to exert more effort in repairing the strained relationships with some of his grown-up kids, as a result of the issues they were facing together.

In the episode on September 15th, he expressed his feelings of not belonging in the family anymore. Despite being legally married to Robyn and collectively raising their five children – Dayton Brown, Aurora Brown, Breanna Brown, Solomon Brown, and Ariella Brown – he also mentioned having a limited relationship with some of the other children. He questioned, “What do I do with all of this? It doesn’t feel like a family.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

In their 14-year long marriage, Robyn admitted during the season 19 premiere that they are experiencing the most difficulties they’ve ever faced. She explained that it has been a challenging period for them, and Kody is uncertain whether he should blame himself or one of his other wives. Kody feels rejected, which in turn makes him question if Robyn will reject him too.

Consequently, she disclosed that she’s constantly vigilant and ensuring he doesn’t undermine our relationship. In her own words, the most challenging aspect is there’s little guidance available when it comes to being wedded to a man undergoing multiple divorces.

Meanwhile, Kody was grappling with a wave of self-doubt, expressing, “I find it hard to face myself in the mirror and say, ‘Hello there, me. I adore you.’

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

Add Madison, the eldest daughter of Janelle, to the list of kids Kody does not currently communicate or maintain a relationship with. During the premiere, Janelle clarified that Maddie has had no contact with her father. He hasn’t reached out, and neither has she. As a result, she considers both him and Robin as people she has distanced herself from.

Janelle pointed out that Kody is not fully engaged in his relationship with Maddie’s children, Axel, Evangalynn, and Josephine. She expressed that Kody should only have contact with them if he can make a firm commitment to it.

In the September 22 episode, it was revealed that Kody had effectively ended communication with Maddie and her spouse Caleb Brush when the family began to break apart significantly.

Without Kody being around or reaching out, Maddie has taken on a very protective role, as Janelle put it. She feels that until he becomes more reliable, shows up consistently, and avoids unnecessary drama, it might be best for everyone if they keep his presence somewhat hidden from the picture.

Additionally, Robyn mentioned that she’s been urging Kody to make amends, but she also feels that the children ought to take similar steps as well.

Currently, it appears that Kody isn’t quite prepared to mend the rift. He often complains that whenever he talks to his daughter, the conversations seem more about gossip-sharing, which has become exhausting for him.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

During their 32nd anniversary celebration, Meri confided in her friend Brandi that “He hinted at not having ever truly loved me and feeling compelled to marry me.” She then recounted saying to him, “Kody, I know you did love me.

And if he didn’t, the mom to Leon Brown said in a confessional, why did he ever choose to propose? 

“When a young man who has never been in a committed relationship encounters a woman in the same situation, it’s hard to understand why he would propose marriage without genuine feelings. It seems unkind to select her from among many others and then declare, ‘I choose you with the hope that I can force myself to love for the next three decades.’

In a personal reflection, Kody admitted, “Meri is making some allegations. Well, let her say what she pleases. I won’t respond to them.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

Despite being unsure whether to develop Coyote Pass or just sell it, Janelle acknowledged that the first move was settling the Arizona property debt. Since Kody refused to discuss the matter with her, she confided in ex-sister wife Christine Brown during the Sept. 22 episode, saying, “I think I’ll need a lawyer’s help.” This, she believed, was the only way she could possibly get any resolution from him.

In my own words, let me express that if things were left as they are, without the binding of a legal marriage to Kody, I find myself stripped of any legitimate claims on his property. To clarify, it’s not a simple matter of dialing a lawyer and requesting a divorce; instead, it’s an intricate situation because there’s no legal marriage at all.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

Kody’s reason for avoiding discussions with Janelle regarding the Arizona property lies in his lack of trust towards her now.

During the September 22nd episode, I firmly declared, “When the time is right, we’ll settle that property,” speaking in a private moment. Frankly, I’ve had my fill of sharing details that get twisted and spread by the gossip circuit within our fractured family, so I prefer to keep my strategies under wraps for now.

A bit of a pot calling the kettle black, Janelle said in her own interview. 

She explained, “He spills secrets as if he were a colander,” referring to the fact that he shared intimate details about his past relationships and multiple wives with her, which she found inappropriate.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

In the days when their affection for each other continued to grow instead of wane, they would combine their funds in a single collection.

In simpler terms, as Janelle explained on the September 22nd episode, our approach has been to provide full support to one person at a time, then unite to assist the next. This was the norm until around ten years ago. However, now it seems like everything revolves around individual possessions and everyone is focused on building their own estates.

When Robyn required a home in Arizona, everyone chipped in to purchase a luxurious $1.65 million five-bedroom property, which had been put up for sale in August.

Initially, I envisioned the property as a valuable addition for our family. However, when Janelle proposed that we all be joint mortgage holders, my suggestion was met with resistance. Kody responded, “No, no, we must safeguard, you understand, Robyn’s estate.” Now, as I navigate my departure from our family, Janelle explained, she desires her share of the Coyote Pass earnings and wishes to recover some of the funds she invested in Robyn’s house.

But that could be a tough sell. 

Robyn remarked, “After such a lengthy collaboration, it’s puzzling indeed.” And as Janelle mentioned her unpaid dues, Robyn questioned, “I mean, how do you even begin to quantify that? How do you sort that out? It’s just so perplexing.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

Speaking about their ongoing financial struggles with Coyote Pass, Janelle pointed out that Kody often mentioned having numerous other debts. However, she has observed him acquiring various assets such as trailers and home decorations. “I notice all the art in Robyn and Kody’s house,” she commented, “and I see all these things. And honestly, I understand, because I too have spent money on items.” (In his defense, Kody explained that a significant portion of his funds went towards purchasing vehicles—essentially a fleet—and insuring the children.)

And while Janelle acknowledged she wasn’t sure how Kody and Robyn handled their finances, “I used to always be surprised at how nice her backyard was. It was completely finished. And there was always, like, stuff at her house. And I was like, ‘Wow. Huh.'”

Essentially, she expressed that he didn’t give importance to her needs or desires which eventually drained her. Later on, both she and her grown-up children grew frustrated, with expressions like “What in the world, Mom?

In my perspective, I became quite mindful about my financial planning following the end of my previous marriage.

She admitted during the September 22 episode that she wasn’t very good with handling finances in the past. When she was younger, she encountered many challenges which eventually led her to learn effective budgeting skills, particularly during her divorce. Regarding her fellow sister wives, she noted that their priorities for spending money may have been different from hers.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

Currently, as revealed in the Sept. 22 episode, when Janelle gathers with Christine (mother of Aspyn Brown, Mykelti Brown Padron, Paedon Brown, Gwendlyn Brown, Ysabel Brown, and Truely Brown) and their families, she admitted that there is virtually no interaction happening with Meri or Robyn, nor Kody. I don’t see that situation improving significantly in the near future.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

Referring to the period when they shared four homes on a single cul-de-sac in Las Vegas as “the best time of my life,” Kody remarked, “Things were running smoothly, and it was wonderful having Maddie and Caleb around. I adored Caleb; he felt like family.

However, tensions arose in Arizona due to disagreements about coronavirus safety measures. Later, he lamented that the dissolution of his marriages led to a deterioration in his relationships with his children: “This situation simply turned those connections bitter.

But Christine insisted their were issues well before she announced she was leaving in late 2021. 

She mentioned during the September 22 broadcast that the children who appeared upset had already been feeling that way prior to her departure. Regardless of her leaving, their relationships with their father remained unchanged. There is still an opportunity for Kody to mend those connections with his kids.

Though it’ll definitely take some work. 

Kody clarified, “I’ve been deeply hurt by how I’ve been perceived, and it’s left me unable to move past it. The truth is, I won’t accept responsibility for actions that my wife or ex-wife claims I took part in. I long for the day when resentment fades, so we can rediscover forgiveness and love.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

At their wedding, which took place when they were 21 and 19 years old, both Kody and Meri admitted that they weren’t particularly well-acquainted with each other, be it spiritually or legally. They later divorced in 2014, so Kody could legally adopt Robyn’s three older children from her previous marriage.

In our wedding, she seemed quite different and I believe there were some issues from her past that I wasn’t aware of. At first, I thought I could tolerate it. Later on, he admitted that everything was a struggle because “I can’t exist in a state where she is consistently upset with me.

Despite his desire to depart, Kody stated that due to their plural marriage vows, he couldn’t request a divorce. Consequently, he found himself unable to escape from that relationship. Simultaneously, he wasn’t yearning to part ways with the relationship entirely. Instead, he sought understanding as to whether they could mend and salvage it.

Due to the confusing signals, he admitted that Meri believed they could resolve their issues. However, as they spent time together, Kody explained, “She wasn’t pleasant, she wasn’t amusing, she wasn’t compassionate, she wasn’t engaging. I’m trying to be interested in her, but I’m growing tired instead.

In his opinion, it’s understandable that Meri might feel deserted, but he clarified, “However, I didn’t forcefully evict her. Instead, Christine, Janelle, and Meri decided for themselves that I should depart from our shared home.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

Despite the fact that Janelle and Christine perceived no necessity for a divorce since their marriage with Kody wasn’t legally binding, Meri intended to petition their church for an official separation, which is known as a “release.

In the September 22 episode, she clarified that all four of us married Kody through our church. Since we couldn’t all have legal marriages, it was more like a spiritual agreement, or a covenant. I think it’s right for us to end this covenant since none of us are moving forward with marriage anymore. I don’t want to be bound to him forever if he doesn’t want me. At this point, I feel it’s best to sever all ties completely.

As for me, I found myself hesitant towards the concept, expressing my reluctance by not wishing to recognize the leadership of the religious figures.

Kody clarified his position by saying, “The harm was so extensive that there’s no chance of reconciliation, regardless of the circumstances. As for our accountability towards God, I don’t wish to answer to this church and its nonsense. Therefore, I plan to allow Meri her freedom to act as she wishes because if I’m angry with her, it leads to conflict. Frankly, I want her to move on because it seems like she’s been stuck in the past for a long time.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

Over the holiday gift exchange in 2021, things took an unfortunate turn for the 18 Brown offspring, as I personally experienced. As Christine put it, “Things went awry, things fell apart.” It seemed Kody, Robyn, and their children stood on one side of the divide, showing no interest in Janelle, me, or our kids. This text conversation sparked a rift within our group, resulting in a split that followed.

According to Robyn, her older children expressed that the interaction felt “uncomfortably emotional” and decided it would be best for them to distance themselves from the relationship temporarily. However, she emphasized that they didn’t mean to cut ties permanently, saying, “It wasn’t a matter of ‘We never want to see you again,’ or ‘We have no interest in you.’ Instead, it was more like, ‘Whoa, this got messy.’

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

In my own words, I have been informed, under various circumstances and by several individuals, that I wasn’t welcomed into the family when my mother married Kody back in 2010. They made it clear that I wasn’t their sister, and they didn’t recognize or acknowledge me as such.

Her sister Breanna expressed that the parents might have made more effort to foster our family bonding, but unfortunately, this didn’t happen as planned.

But Christine isn’t sure how they could have opened their arms any wider.

Robyn’s children and Robyn themselves were always welcome to any event,” she emphasized. “In simpler terms, they could feel free to drop by our house whenever they pleased.

At the same time, she mentioned, her daughter Ysabel Brown shared a strong bond with Robyn’s children, and Mykelti Brown Padron lived with them for a while. She said, “There were difficult periods and my children felt upset at times, but they viewed Robyn’s kids as siblings regardless.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

Expressing her enthusiasm, Janelle articulated her viewpoint on plural marriage: “In a well-functioning setup, it provides an extraordinary family system you’re connected to, a community where you belong. You have a husband and share a fantastic bond with him. On top of that, I get to keep my independence too. For me, living in a plural marriage is truly an exceptional choice.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

According to Janelle, Kody found it more challenging to distribute his affection when the family moved from Las Vegas to Arizona in 2018.

On the 29th of September, I observed that Kody found living in Flagstaff more conducive to keeping his distance. A few times, I had to nudge him to visit me at home. He’d often make excuses about fatigue, but I would counter with, “You can rest just as comfortably at my place as you do at Robyn’s.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

In simpler terms, Janelle expressed that her kids were reprimanded for going into Robyn’s refrigerator, which made them feel distinct from her. On the other hand, Christine’s children had trouble because they recognized that Robyn was their dad’s partner and he wasn’t living with them at home.

And Robyn said her crew definitely felt the divide. 

On the September 29th episode, she revealed that while Meri welcomed us into their family without reservation, the rest of the family found it difficult to accept my children and me. All along, our goal had been to become an integral part of this family.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

During a September 29 broadcast, Kody disclosed that the frequent movement between four households significantly impacted his 18 children. He recounted an instance where their youngest child, Ariella (born in January 2016), held onto him tightly as he tried to depart, indicating emotional attachment due to family instability.

Kody expressed, “‘I have another wife and children who require my attention, so I had to tell her that I needed to go,’ he said. She clung to him, crying, ‘Don’t abandon me, Daddy.’ It was a challenging situation for him.

Unfortunately, that’s just a reality of plural marriage, insisted Janelle. 

Right from the start,” she clarified, her children had understood that their father wouldn’t be a constant presence. It seemed to her that Kody and Robyn didn’t handle the situation with their kids appropriately. He couldn’t stay away for more than three or four days due to Ari getting so upset. I felt it was irresponsible parenting. Throughout family history, the other children managed just fine after such absences, and they’ve turned out to be well-adjusted adults.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

Among the relatively few young adults of Brown descent, Mykelti was one who maintained relationships with both Robyn and Kody, as well as with Christine and Janelle. In the midst of Kody’s divorce proceedings, Mykelti stepped in to serve as a mediator or peacekeeper between the parties involved.

From the very start when Robyn joined the Brown clan, Mykelti graciously asked her to be present during the delivery of her twin boys in November 2022 – Archer and Ace.

During the September 29th episode, Mykelti shared that when Robyn initially became part of our family, she was still trying to understand myself. Robyn made me feel unique and noticed, she was a comforting presence when I required someone. She was there for me in moments when I needed someone to listen, to care for me, to love me.

Christine was overjoyed beyond words when she saw Robyn and Mykelti’s bond. She expressed this during the October 6 episode, saying, “Ever since I dreamt of having a large family, I wished for my children to have strong relationships with other mothers. And as I see them grow close, it’s exactly what I had hoped for.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

Kody expressed that it’s not just his wives who have chosen to exclude him from their lives; he believes they are deliberately doing so as a form of retribution for a crime he didn’t commit. During the October 6 episodes, he shared this perspective on his growing distance from some of his older children, stating that his guilt primarily stems from not having fallen deeply in love with their mothers.

What’s more, he continued, he think his former spouses are a bit to blame. 

He stated that the strain in his relationship with his children is largely due to him internalizing negative comments. He explained that there’s a swirling sense of disillusionment following the family’s separation, and it feels as though he’s being blamed for the problems because he made mistakes.

However, though he bears some responsibility, he strongly objects to the derogatory remarks. Notably, he admitted to having difficulty bonding with Hunter, Maddie, and Gabriel. In one instance, one of his children retorted angrily to a text message by calling him “worthless” and stating that they would never talk to him again.

In another instance, he expressed to the cameras, “One of my children recently said, ‘You are truly awful. I will no longer speak with you. You’ve manipulated and indoctrinated me.’

He’s unwilling to tackle the problem of venom, as he stated, “I won’t stretch out my hand indefinitely,” emphasizing his belief that adults should take more responsibility for resolving issues. However, he is prepared to extend an effort, but he expects someone else to reciprocate and make an effort too.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

For Robyn, watching Kody’s estrangement from his adult children hit far too close to home. 

In her October 6 episode, she shared that when she was young, her parents went through a divorce. This meant that her father lived with another wife in a different city, while her mother lived on her own. She recalled a time when she questioned her biological father about their separation, asking him why he wasn’t around when she was younger. Instead of providing an explanation, he merely offered weak excuses that left her feeling disappointed and upset.

As a lifestyle expert, I’d put it this way: “Indeed, his feelings of hurt weren’t going to deter me from making an effort. During our heated conversation, caught on camera towards the end of 2022, I found myself struggling not to lose a bit of respect, and I shared that sentiment with him.

As a deeply devoted admirer, I can relate when Kody confesses that he recognizes there’s room for improvement in reconnecting with his children. Yet, what resonates with me most is his honesty about the need to heal his own heart before extending that healing touch to them.

As a devoted parent, I’ve found myself in a state of frustration because it seems like some of my children may be aligning against me. I’ve reached a point where discussing matters with them makes me apprehensive, for fear they might provoke me with accusations that could set off an angry response. At the moment, I’m too emotionally charged, and I fear I would only exacerbate the situation further if I were to engage in conversation with them.

Sister Wives’ Janelle and Christine Brown Detail Their Next Chapters

Despite attending a wedding as a family towards the end of 2022, they didn’t seem to be overflowing with affection.

In the October 6th episode, Kody expressed his displeasure to Robyn, stating that he had noticed Madison hastily removing her children from him, which he found troubling. He mentioned that his daughter had not informed him about her third pregnancy, their daughter Josephine, who was born in February 2023, a fact he discovered later on. Essentially, Kody was saying that she hadn’t shared the news about being pregnant with him.

Frankly, Maddie doesn’t tell her dad much of anything with the two rarely speaking.

Janelle clarified that Maddie avoids Kody because he has no connection with him. Maddie prioritizes the safety of her children, as Kody hasn’t been around since Evie was born, who is now three and a half years old. Janelle added that Maddie didn’t want Kody to suddenly show up at the wedding and claim to be their grandfather, potentially confusing the children.

Kody’s viewpoint is that it’s not practical for grandparents to be constantly involved in their grandchildren’s lives, considering Maddie’s situation in North Carolina. He added that if you relocate your children to a completely different coast, maintaining such a connection becomes challenging due to work and personal commitments in Flagstaff.

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2024-10-13 13:22