How Jason Duggar’s Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

As I delve into the lives of these remarkable Duggar siblings, I find myself in awe of their unique journeys and the love that binds them together as a family. Jenni, the youngest of 19, has grown from a cherished baby to a teen full of life and spirit. Her unwavering loyalty, dependability, and infectious fun make her an adored member not only of her immediate family but also among the nieces and nephews.

Jason Duggar and his wife Maddie Grace celebrated their wedding day on their own terms.

At our heartfelt wedding on October 3rd, surrounded by loved ones, my partner and I decided to include a dance floor in our celebration – a unique touch for our special day that marked a new tradition within our Duggar family lineage.

Jeremy Vuolo mentioned during their October 23rd podcast episode that something unique occurred at their wedding which had never taken place at a Duggar wedding before. He hinted at this mystery event using the phrase “Cha, Cha Slide.

Hey there! As a lifestyle enthusiast, I’d like to share an insightful tidbit from my observations about the Duggars. Jinger, at 30 years old, opened up about the absence of a dance floor at their weddings. Here’s why – many guests, you see, aren’t accustomed to dancing outside of guided routines. So, to keep everyone comfortable and included in the festivities, they opt not to include a traditional dance floor. It’s all about creating an enjoyable experience for everyone!

Jinger mentioned that she doesn’t know anyone who can dance, except for a few of her siblings and bridesmaids who have taken lessons. It’s not something that’s typically practiced within their culture, making it intriguing to observe.

In August, Jana Duggar and Stephen Wissman had their first dance as a married couple, making it a unique moment within the Duggar family. However, it was Jason and Maddie who graciously set up the dance floor for all the guests to enjoy.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

Jeremy commented that after Jason and Maddie’s first dance, they opened the dance floor for everyone. This must have left the DJ bewildered, given that he had been playing hits for a beautiful first dance, followed by a father-daughter dance.

Jeremy elaborated that the DJ often found it challenging when the audience began dancing to choreographed routines, only to later empty the dance floor for well-known tracks.

At some point, Jeremy approached him and asked, “Hey, buddy, do you happen to know what’s expected of you at this wedding?” To which he replied, “Nope, but it sounds exciting.” Jeremy then explained, “Look, man, here’s the thing – they don’t dance.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

Overall, the new addition to the Duggar traditions was a success in Jeremy’s book.

Jeremy exclaimed, “I had a fantastic time,” before turning to his wife and saying, “You know, Jinger, even though we attend numerous weddings, we should probably learn to dance.

On October 3rd, the twelfth child among Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar’s nineteen offspring got married to Maddie. This union took place after they had connected on Instagram, despite living miles apart. The ceremony took place before approximately 300 attendees who gathered to witness their vows.

Maddie mentioned in an interview with People (on October 4) that the reason for this move is particularly significant for her since she hails from Tennessee, and a large part of her family resides in Tennessee and Kentucky. Furthermore, they are relocating to Arkansas. For her, it’s going to be wonderful to gather everyone in one place because it will feel like a big celebration where the entire family gathers together.

For a breakdown of the Duggar family tree, read on. 

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

As a devoted follower, I’d express it this way: My parents, who eventually became the grandparents of more than thirty tiny individuals, first met each other when they were both high school sweethearts.

Michelle mentions being “rescued” at the age of 15. One evening, Jim Bob was carrying out house visits for his Baptist church, and upon advice from a friend, he knocked on the Ruark family’s door. The friend had told him that a girl from school who had recently converted and was a cheerleader lived there.

They extended an invitation to Michelle for Sunday service at their church, and Jim Bob mentioned that he hoped God would make them spiritual guides for one another – although it seemed their initial encounter didn’t leave a lasting impression on Michelle. A year after this, she applied for work at the frozen yogurt shop owned by Jim Bob’s family. In a letter shared on their family blog in 2017 for their 33rd wedding anniversary and Jim Bob’s birthday, Michelle recounted their first meeting: “You stood behind the counter near the cash register when I introduced myself. You were timid but charming! I don’t recall much about that discussion, except that you eventually gathered enough courage to ask me if I would accompany you to your junior-senior prom!

She went to a dinner with him at Shiloh Christian, but it wasn’t until later, when they spent hours discussing the Bible at her family’s house, that she felt their bond deepen. As Michelle put it, “It was then our hearts became one.” They completed high school in May of 1984 and got married in July. At the time, she was only 17, while he was 19 years old.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

The couple dedicated themselves to God and each other for the long run.

Jim Bob previously held a position as a state legislator in Arkansas, serving within the Sixth District of the House of Representatives from 1999 to 2002. During his tenure, he was vice chair of the Corrections and Criminal Law Subcommittee. In 2002, he made an unsuccessful attempt to secure a seat in the U.S. Senate during the primary elections. Similarly, a 2006 run for the Republican nomination for Arkansas State Senate District 35 also did not lead to success.

The realtors, him and Michelle, are actively involved in conservative issues, which has earned them both admirers and critics, including being supporters and detractors of “19 Kids and Counting,” a TV show that first aired in 2008 as “17 Kids and Counting.” A robocall recorded by Michelle in 2014, urging people to vote against an anti-discrimination ordinance in Fayetteville, where she warned about the alleged dangers of allowing transgender individuals to use restrooms that align with their gender identity, sparked a petition calling for TLC to cancel the show.

The city council approved the ordinance.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

The eldest member of the Duggars, Josh, entered the world on March 3, 1988. Similarly, he became an activist with conservative views, working to support the Family Research Council through his advocacy efforts.

In 2015, it was discovered that he had been accused of molesting several girls, including his sisters Jessa and Jill, when he was a teenager. This revelation led him to resign. Later in June, during an interview with Fox News, Jessa defended her brother, stating that the allegations against Josh were “excessive and false,” adding that she could say this because she was one of the victims herself.

In this rephrased version, I’ve attempted to make the text more accessible and easy to read:

Back in April 2021, federal authorities accused Josh of two separate crimes involving child pornography: receiving and possessing such material. He denied these charges by pleading not guilty for each count. Fast forward to 2022, a court found him guilty on both counts, and he was handed down a sentence of 12 and a half years in prison.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

Just after Josh’s birth, Michelle discovered she was expecting another child, unfortunately experiencing a miscarriage. Still mourning this loss and seeking divine direction, they learned that twins were imminent.

She expressed to Love to Know that it felt like a special gift twice over for her. God was giving them reassurance in their journey. They continue to learn, and this experience is quite uncommon because she breastfeeds her children, yet they are so close in age – only eight months apart. It’s also remarkable how the Lord has chosen to work in their unique situation in such an unusual way.

John-David and his sister Jana were born on Jan. 12, 1990.

Following a prolonged period of acquaintance, spanning several years, despite never having met previously, John-David and Abbie crossed paths at a church gathering in Oklahoma, where Abbie resided. Subsequently, their relationship progressed swiftly, leading to an engagement and marriage on Nov. 3, 2018. Grace Annette Duggar was born on Jan. 7, 2020, and Charlie Duggar joined the family in September 2022.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

On his 30th birthday in January 2020, John-David’s twin sent him a heartfelt message, acknowledging, “Ever since we were young, people have asked us if we experience that ‘twin connection’. You know, the feeling of sensing what the other is experiencing or knowing what they are thinking…Well, John, I used to deny it, but now I can truthfully say that when our little sister Gracie was born, I felt every bit of joy you did. So, maybe there really is something to it!

Jana went on, “It’s such a delight to see you and Abbie in your parental roles! You two are just inherently good at it! The same traits that have made you a fantastic sibling will undoubtedly make you an exceptional father.

Meanwhile, Jana waited as 11 out of her 18 siblings tied the knot before she met Stephen Wissmann – who is married to Hannah Wissmann, a sister of Jeremiah Duggar (a former TLC star) – she considers it all part of God’s design.

In August 2024, just before her wedding, Jana shared with People that she hasn’t always grasped the overall plan, but she trusts that God knows what is best for everyone. Therefore, she chose to marry later in life. She expressed that every person’s story unfolds uniquely; if our lives were identical, it would lack the excitement and richness we enjoy.

 How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

Jill was born on the 17th of May in 1991. Her love story bears a striking resemblance to that of her parents’. On Christmas Day in 2011, Jill crossed paths with Derick for the first time. This encounter took place when he dropped by the Duggar family home during his church group’s caroling activities, as they were located approximately 45 minutes away.

Jim Bob acted as a cupid, and Jill and Derick found themselves drawn to each other through emails and video calls. In November of the same year, they decided to meet in person in Nepal, where their bond deepened even further. Over time, their feelings for one another intensified. In February 2014, Derick asked Jim Bob for Jill’s hand in marriage, which was granted. They got married on June 21, 2014, and have since welcomed three sons into their family: Israel, born on April 6, 2015, Samuel, born July 8, 2017, and Frederick, born on July 7, 2022.

Come April 2024, I found myself sharing the heart-wrenching news of a pregnancy loss we’d experienced – our much-anticipated little girl with Derick.

The duo featured prominently in both “19 Kids and Counting” and its subsequent series “Counting On”. However, Derick was dismissed from the show in 2017 following comments he made that were perceived as homophobic towards another TLC reality star, Jazzy Jennings.

In the Amazon Prime Video documentary titled “Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets,” which debuted in June 2023, Jill and Derick pondered over the debates and religious viewpoints connected to Jill’s family that were portrayed within it.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

Jim Bob and Michelle’s fifth child was born Nov. 4, 1992.

Jessa encountered Ben at church, and their courtship began in 2013 – an antiquated yet intriguing take on love for many spectators. Prior to their engagement, they didn’t openly discuss their relationships. To clarify this concept, Jim Bob explained to People that courting involves getting to know each other in a group setting, with both families spending time together and the couple establishing shared goals to determine if they are suited for marriage. In contrast, dating often involves a couple spending private time together, which can sometimes lead to a more intimate relationship.

In August 2014, Ben asked for Jessa’s hand in marriage and made the proposal. Their first moment of being a couple was sealed when he held her hand for the first time. They got married on November 1, 2014. When Jessa was expecting their first child, the show 19 Kids and Counting was taken off air by TLC. A special about sexual abuse followed, with Jill and Jessa as key figures to educate viewers further on the topic. That winter, they became the main stars of their own show, titled Jill and Jessa: Counting On. Later, this show developed into Counting On, which included other Duggar siblings too.

2015 marked the arrival of my little treasure, Spurgeon, on November 5th. Two years later, on February 6th, 2017, I was overjoyed to welcome Henry into our family. In May 2019, Ivy Jane graced us with her presence on the 28th, and in July 2021, Fern joined us. Unfortunately, during the 2022 holiday season, I experienced a heartbreaking miscarriage. However, the joy returned in December 2023 when my fifth child, George, was born.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

The sixth Duggar child was born Dec. 21, 1993.

Jinger and Jeremy first crossed paths while serving in ministry in Laredo, Texas, in 2016, and began dating around that time. They tied the knot on November 5, 2016 – which happened to be their nephew Spurgeon’s birthday, though it’s not easy when you’re part of a family of 19! Speculation about pregnancies quickly surfaced after their wedding.

In a year, we likely will have established ourselves, continuing our ministry right here in Laredo, all while striving to serve the Lord in whatever capacity we can, as Jinger shared on a June 2017 episode of Counting On.

On July 19, 2018, their daughter named Felicity was born. Back in May of that year, it was announced that Jinger was expecting another child, but sadly she had experienced a miscarriage the previous autumn. In November 2020, they were blessed with the arrival of their second daughter, Evangeline Jo.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

On January 20, 1995, Individual Number 7 was born. Leveraging the romantic atmosphere, Joseph popped the question to Kendra (a church acquaintance) during his sister Joy-Anna’s wedding in May 2017, after only a few short months of dating.

Joseph confessed to People magazine that he was certainly anxious leading up to the proposal, yet he wasn’t worried she would decline because she had already expressed, “I’m just waiting for you!” After the question, Joseph said. Kendra added, “I’m overjoyed and absolutely astounded. There are so many things I want to express, but all I can say is shocked.

Since then, I’ve been incredibly blessed to expand my family! In June 2018, I welcomed a little boy named Garrett into the world. Fast forward to November 2019, and my daughter Addison joined us. Just a few months earlier, in February 2019, Brooklyn arrived. Lastly, my youngest son Justus was born in May 2023. I can’t express how much joy they bring into my life!

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

Eighth in line, Josiah was born on Aug. 28, 1996.

Back in spring of 2018, mere months after our romantic journey became public knowledge, my beloved and I shared the exciting news of our impending union – our engagement! In a heartfelt declaration, I revealed that the magical location where I popped the question was none other than the very same spot where Lauren’s parents had been betrothed. “This property holds deep-rooted family history,” I explained, making it an extraordinarily meaningful place for my dearest Lauren.

Michelle, Lauren’s future mother-in-law, expressed her affection for Lauren in a video shared on their family blog, stating, “Lauren is truly a special girl whom we adore.” Jessa and Ben joined in with congratulations, along with chocolates designed as x’s and o’s. Michelle playfully suggested, while holding up the treat as an incentive, “I think you two might be waiting for your first kiss on your wedding day, but if you visit us here, we have a little sweet reward waiting…

In the scorching summer of 2015, my courtship with Marjorie Jackson didn’t pan out as planned. Looking back, I remember our time together fondly, shared as it was in pursuit of God’s guidance. Marjorie felt that the moment wasn’t right for us then, so we decided to take a break from each other for a while. In March 2016, when speaking with People magazine, I recounted these events, emphasizing our mutual respect for divine timing.

On June 30, 2018, they officially got married, and they told People that their wedding day was “just perfect.” Their first child, Bella Milagro, was born on Nov. 8, 2019, which translates to “miracle baby.” This was special because after Lauren had a miscarriage in October 2018, they named her as such. In 2022, they welcomed another daughter called Daisy, and in May 2023, their son Ezra arrived.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

The ninth Duggar sibling was born Oct. 28, 1997.

She knew Austin for 15 years as a friend before he started courting her—after which they didn’t waste any time. He proposed in February 2017 and they married on May 26, 2017, at Cross Church in Rogers, Ark. (the wedding where Joseph proposed to Kendra!). They welcomed son Gideon Martin Forsyth on Feb. 23, 2018.

In 2019, Joy-Anna suffered a pregnancy loss with a baby girl at 20 weeks along.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

On Aug. 21, 2020, the couple welcomed daughter Evelyn Mae Forsyth.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

The couple’s third child, son Gunner James Forsyth, was born on May 17, 2023.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

Jim Bob and Michelle’s second set of twins were born on Dec. 30, 1998.

In February 2017, it was announced that Jed had been interning at his father’s former workplace, the Arkansas State Capitol, for the House of Representatives. At just 21 years old, he is now running as a candidate for State Representative in District 89, with a strong focus on upholding Springdale’s conservative principles. He tied the knot with Katey Nakatsu after a year of dating in April 2021. Their family has since grown, welcoming son Truett in May 2022 and daughter Nora Kate in June 2023.

Jeremiah, a qualified aviation trainer, is wed to Hannah Wissmann, and together they have two children: Brynley, born in December 2022, and Brielle, who arrived in February 2024.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

Duggar child No. 12 was born on April 21, 2000.

Back in January 2017, according to the Daily Mail, Jim Bob assisted Jase in purchasing a $33,000 property requiring repairs (a fixer-upper) located in Prairie Grove, Arkansas, roughly half an hour from the Duggar family’s main residence. Surprisingly, he also established his own construction company. Yet, even with these endeavors, Jim Bob still found time to support Jed during his campaign.

In May 2024, he made their relationship public on Instagram with Maddie Grace, and they became engaged in August 2024.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

Charmed No. 13, James arrived on July 7, 2001.

 How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

On his 19th birthday in 2019, his mother penned, “He serves as a role model for all the young lads around here, admiring him and aspiring to be like him! James possesses an exceptional ability to accomplish almost anything he dreams up. As a kid, we’d often discover James tinkering with various household appliances. He has always been one to disassemble things, understand their workings, reassemble them, and occasionally make some unique improvements!

This year, James dedicated himself to earning his Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), and now he’s proficient at handling large vehicles and heavy equipment. We eagerly anticipate what lies ahead for him in the future as guided by his destiny!

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

No. 14 arrived on Nov. 15, 2002.

And from the department of growing up so fast…

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

In September 2020, Justin made their relationship with Claire known to the public. They became engaged in November of the same year, and they tied the knot on February 26, 2021.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

Here with his big sister Jill, Jim Bob and Michelle’s 15th child was born May 23, 2004.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

On his 16th birthday, Jackson’s mom, Michelle, complimented his wit and pointed out that she was certain he was eagerly anticipating getting his driver’s license.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

Duggar baby No. 16 was born Oct. 11, 2005.

On Johannah’s 15th birthday in 2020, I penned, “This girl is full of life and always ready to socialize, and she delights in forming new connections.” Her younger siblings hold her in high esteem, regarding her as nothing short of a celestial being, and I couldn’t be more thankful to the heavens for granting me the privilege of being her mother!

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

17 was delivered on August 2, 2007. When the show was simply titled “17 Kids and Counting,” Jenni held the position as the youngest child in the family.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

Now, OMG, she’s a teenager.

Michelle expressed, “Jennifer is reliable, devoted, and full of joy!” on the occasion of her niece’s 13th birthday. The young ones adore her and often find themselves being carried around by her because they don’t want to be put down! Jennifer also cherishes animals deeply and diligently cares for her pets daily. Not too long ago, she played a significant role in raising a brood of seven little bunnies!

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

Here on the right, the penultimate Duggar child was born Dec. 18, 2008.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

In 2019, her mother described Jordyn-Grace as a sociable girl who seems to know no strangers, and added with a smile that her laughter often brings joy to our days.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

19, affectionately known as Lucky, cradles his niece Meredith. Born on December 10, 2009, he arrived three months early and weighed just a pound and six ounces. Josie initially stayed for six months in the neonatal intensive care unit but is now thriving healthily.

How Jason Duggar's Wedding Broke a Longtime Duggar Family Tradition

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2024-10-24 14:51