Territory ending explained: What does that dramatic finale moment mean?

Territory ending explained: What does that dramatic finale moment mean?

As a seasoned Australian outback enthusiast and long-time Netflix subscriber, I must say that Territory left me with a thirst for more high-stakes cattle drama after its gripping debut season. The series masterfully weaves together the complex tapestry of life on a vast station like Marianne, where family ties, land disputes, and the raw power of nature converge in an exhilarating dance of survival.

In simple terms, Netflix’s series “Territory” delivered intense drama all through its first season, ending with a thrilling climax that cast doubt on the fate of the Lawson family and Marianne Station like never before.

The Australian six-part saga centers around the globe’s biggest cattle ranch, a property that young Daniel Lawson, who is also the president of the Cattle Federation, was supposed to receive as his inheritance.

However, upon his death, a contentious struggle ensues among the family and external parties who have desired the property for years; they are prepared to go to great lengths, including murder, to seize control of it.

But how did it all play out? And what’s next?

Read on for a full rundown of Territory’s ending.

Territory ending explained

What does that dramatic finale moment mean?

Territory ending explained: What does that dramatic finale moment mean?

After the ending, Elton appeared before the grand residence that Colin recently gifted to Emily and his surviving son, who is Emily’s partner, as a gesture of reconciliation. From then on, they were in charge, a long-desired aspiration for them both.

But Elton wasn’t alone. Walking alongside him was Daniel’s white horse.

On the day Emily’s brother-in-law’s horse was shot following a heated dispute, Dan was present. Originally, Dan had promised to continue running the family business with Marianne when Colin retired, but he later decided to renege on that deal. Instead, he intended to sell it to wealthy mining tycoon Sandra Kirby, who would use the profits to pay off the staggering debts of the station.

Upon learning this news, Emily’s anger escalated, causing her to discharge two rounds. The initial shot served as a warning, but the second bullet was intended for Dan’s horse, striking it and causing Dan to fall off in shock when hit.

After that, Emily departed, stranding him injured on the ground without any way to reach safety.

A short time later, he was mauled to death by wild dogs.

Emily had already confessed the truth to Graham, but Colin was still in the dark about the circumstances surrounding his son’s death. However, that all changed following Elton’s arrival.

With a deliberate motion, the patriarch of the Lawson family handed ammunition to Colin, his gaze fixed intently on Emily. It was then that he discovered the unsightly truth.

Originally, he had held a strong distrust towards his daughter-in-law due to her lineage, but that suspicion is set to grow significantly more intense after the recent turn of events.

Contrarily to Dan, Emily was striving to maintain Marianne as a family member. Might this crucial detail be her salvation?

What will happen to Marianne Station?

Territory ending explained: What does that dramatic finale moment mean?

At the end, it was a shock when Lachie, Sandra’s son, went against her by sharing with Emily and her brother Hank the details of her plans.

The refurbished gold mine at Marianne Station was intended for storing radioactive waste. Sandra planned to utilize the facilities to increase uranium’s purity, which she would later sell abroad. Afterward, she would be compensated to bring it back, where it would be permanently stored on Lawson land, ultimately leading to the demise of their livestock industry.

However, for her plan to succeed, she required constructing a road over both Marianne and Brannock’s land, which leads to the coast, her intended location for the port. This construction, though, involved destroying an ancient, revered site where Indigenous people suffered a tragic massacre in the past.

If the site were officially registered, Sandra wouldn’t be allowed to move forward. However, surprisingly, Colin had previously prevented such a registration from happening, making it open to potential misuse.

Despite the Lawsons’ tireless attempts to prevent it, the explosives were set off, thereby achieving the initial phase of Sandra’s wicked scheme.

Is it possible that they can successfully obtain official recognition for the site, thereby potentially blocking the road? Alternatively, could Sandra’s substantial resources and influential connections be sufficient to overpower any obstacles in this situation?

Who died in season 1 of Territory?

Territory ending explained: What does that dramatic finale moment mean?

The following characters all met their makers in the show’s debut season?

  • Daniel Lawson – thrown from his horse before being mauled to death by wild dogs.
  • Susie Lawson – caught up in a fist fight between Marshall and Lachie, which ended when she was gored to death by a bull.  
  • Rich Petrakis – fatally shot by Colin Lawson after he held both him and Marshall hostage. 

In the gunfight known as “The Sorry Place,” cattle magnate Campbell Miller was wounded. Although it’s uncertain if he will survive, there’s optimism that he’ll recover and persist in his efforts to dismantle the Lawson business empire.

Will Marshall return in a potential Territory season 2?

Marshall, who had only just returned to Marianne, decided to leave once again in the finale.

He explained to Emily that he felt out of place,” he said, “but it was also because he carried the burden of guilt about Susie’s passing.

It seemed like the possibility of a future together with Sharnie vanished, following her choice to chart her own path instead.

“We can’t fight who we are,” she said, their plan to build a life together dashed.

Although it’s likely that Marshall will return, given his important role in the series, it’s uncertain whether Sharnie will make a permanent exit.

The territory can be streamed immediately on Netflix. Subscribe for as low as £4.99 per month. Additionally, Netflix is accessible on Sky Glass and Virgin Media Stream.

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2024-10-24 20:36