28 Years Later Teaser May Have Spoiled a Cillian Murphy Cameo (And Bummed Us Out)

As a cinephile who has spent countless hours navigating post-apocalyptic wastelands on the silver screen, I must say the latest trailer for “28 Years Later” left me both intrigued and apprehensive. Cillian Murphy, our beloved Jim from the original “28 Days Later,” seems to be reprising his role in this belated sequel.

In the upcoming trailer for “28 Years Later,” we might catch our first look at Cillian Murphy’s portrayal of character Jim, who originally starred in “28 Days Later” back in 2002. It was confirmed in April that Murphy would once again take on the role of Jim when the main cast was announced. The trailer seems to suggest that Jim may not have had a joyful conclusion, and his part in this sequel could be quite grim.

Heads up: Potential spoilers lurk ahead! In my cinematic journey, the tale of 28 Days Later concluded on a promising note for Jim and his band of survivors. They managed to find a hidden sanctuary to ride out the virus, even hinting at connections with other living souls, which sparked optimism regarding the future. The infected appeared to be succumbing to starvation, implying that the outbreak could eventually subside. But, there’s always a twist – Jim, our hero in the first film, was nowhere to be found when the sequel 28 Weeks Later rolled around. Who knows what became of him in the 27 years and 11 months that followed our last encounter?

In the fresh trailer for the movie titled “28 Years Later“, the first glimpse of Jimmy appears at the 53-second point. It features an ancient stone building where a Bible verse has been painted – “Look, here comes one with the clouds.” However, in a more scribbled handwriting, someone has written the name “Jimmy” beneath it, so the quote could also be interpreted as: “Look, here comes Jimmy with the clouds.

28 years since the original release, a star from the movie shares initial plot details and an unexpected update about the filming progress.

The second hint can be found at the 1-minute, 48-second mark in the trailer. There, you’ll spot a thin, shirtless man, possibly affected by the rage virus, rising from a field of yellow blossoms. It’s just a fleeting moment, but some spectators believe this figure resembles Murphy. It might be that we discover Jimmy’s heartbreaking end just by seeing him among the infected.

As a film enthusiast, I’ve pondered over the continuity of the Rage Virus saga, particularly since the chilling conclusion of “28 Weeks Later.” It seems that Europe was left infected with the virus, which wasn’t completely eradicated. However, the official synopsis for “28 Years Later” suggests a return of the virus, implying it might have been contained temporarily.

In the meantime, it’s crucial that we think ahead about the future of our franchise. “28 Years Later” is set to launch a new trilogy, with Murphy set as the main character in “28 Years Later Part II: The Bone Temple”. Although he might appear in flashbacks or recorded footage, he could also be required for whatever follows, living or otherwise.

On June 20, 2025, you’ll have the chance to discover it for yourself as “28 Years Later” graces the silver screen. For those who can’t wait, you can currently stream “28 Days Later” on Apple TV, and “28 Weeks Later” is available on Hulu.

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2024-12-11 01:12