The beloved series “The Harem in My Fourth Year of High School” is set to release additional episodes this month, marking the start of Season 2. This season will delve deeper into Rentaro Aijo’s new love interests, offering intriguing sneak peeks through unique teaser trailers for each character. Originally airing on TV in 2023 as “The 100 Girls Who Love You Insanely”, it gained immense popularity and was swiftly renewed for a second season due to its success. By the end of the first season, Rentaro had formed relationships with six girls. Now, he’s ready to welcome some new ones into his life.
In this month, the second season of “The Harem of One Hundred Girls Who Adore You Beyond Measure” is set to return as part of the ongoing Winter 2025 anime lineup. This season will further delve into the Rentaro Family, revealing more of Rentaro’s soulmates. Special previews showcasing each new character’s unique qualities have been released (with a sneak peek in the video above and more details below). Be sure to take a look at these intriguing teasers.
Who’s New in The 100 Girlfriends Season 2?
Following Hakari Hanazono’s mother becoming Rentaro’s sixth girlfriend at the end of season one, it’s now time to introduce new romantic interests. One from the original manga is being saved for anime fans, but four fresh characters are teased in the trailers for upcoming episodes. The first is Kurumi Haraga, voiced by Amane Shindo and a year younger than Rentaro. She has an insatiable love for snacking whenever she hears something that triggers food memories.
Here are the character descriptions rephrased:
1. The initial teasers focus on introducing new female characters.
2. One of them is Iku Suto, portrayed by Rie Takahashi, a dedicated athlete who strives to expand the school’s baseball team due to her intense training regime that may have scared others away.
3. Another character is Mimimi Utsukushisugi, voiced by Lynn in the anime, who values her beauty so much she’ll go to great lengths to preserve it.
4. The fourth and final teaser is for Meme Kakure, brought to life by Kanon Takao, a timid girl who vanishes as soon as someone starts talking to her.
Where to Watch The 100 Girlfriends Season 2
Season 2 of “The One Hundred Girls Who Absolutely Adore You” is set to debut on January 12th as part of the current Winter 2025 anime lineup. This season will be available for streaming exclusively on Crunchyroll, excluding Japan. The original team from Season 1, including Director Hikaru Sato (Bibury Animation Studio), Scriptwriter Takashi Aoshima, Character Designer Akane Yano, and Music Composer eba, will all be returning to work on this new season.
The original voice actors from the first season are coming back, including Wataru Kato as Rentaro Aijo, Kaede Hondo as Hakari Hanazono, Miyu Tomita as Karane Inda, Maria Naganawa as Shizuka Yoshimoto, Asami Seto as Nano Eiai, Ayaka Asai as Kusuri Yakuzen, Sumire Uesaka as Hahari Hanazono, and Shigeru Chiba as God. The new opening theme for the season is “Arigato, Daisuki ni Natte Kurete,” sung by the actors representing the Rentaro Family, similar to the first season of the anime. However, it’s not clear at this time if the new additions will be included in that lineup.
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2025-01-06 02:11