In the forthcoming spin-off titled “Elden Ring Nightreign,” developed by FromSoftware, they’ve decided to eliminate one highly appreciated feature from Elden Ring. Unlike its predecessor, Nightreign is designed to offer shorter gameplay sessions, approximately an hour long. Unlike the expansive open-world exploration offered in Elden Ring, players will be guided towards more significant interactions instead. This shift in format leads to a change that eliminates a system common across all FromSoftware’s Soulslike games.
In an interview, the director of Elden Ring Nightreign, Junya Ishizaki, revealed that the messaging system found in Elden Ring won’t be a part of Nightreign. This interactive feature, which FromSoftware first implemented in Demon’s Souls and has carried over to games like Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring, is being omitted due to the brief nature of sessions in Nightreign, making it impractical for players to exchange messages with each other. However, the ghostly presence of other players will still be noticeable throughout Nightreign.
Ishizaki mentioned that although you can still perceive the spectral presences of other players, the option to send messages has been taken out. This change was made because in this game, with sessions typically lasting around 40 minutes each, there simply isn’t enough time for players to compose their own messages or read those written by others.
In the game Elden Ring Nightreign, the absence of message removal might displease some long-time fans of Soulslike games. However, it’s challenging to oppose FromSoftware’s rationale for this decision. Since Nightreign is designed to foster more direct interaction between players, there’s no requirement for a messaging system in the game. That said, the lack of message removal will significantly diminish the comedic aspect of Nightreign compared to Elden Ring, as many players primarily used these tools for trolling or humor when given the chance.
At the moment, there isn’t much information available about Elden Ring Nightreign. The game is slated for release in 2025 and will be playable on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC. A trial play session for Nightreign is planned for February, and registration for this test will open later this week.
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2025-01-06 21:14