In an exciting turn of events, one of Spider-Man’s captivating spin-off stories has drawn its final chapter. The manga titled “Spider-Girl Octopus” revolved around the character Doctor Octopus, who found himself in an unusual predicament – inhabiting the body of a middle school girl. This narrative pays tribute to the “Superior Spider-Man” comics, where Doc Ock had control over Spider-Man’s body with the intention of transforming into a superior superhero. Instead, this series places the notorious villain in a high school environment, making him grapple with typical school issues and teenage girls. The creative team behind this intriguing tale is Hideyuki Furuhashi and Betten Court, who are also known for their work on “My Hero Academia: Vigilantes“.
Readers have grown attached to the quirky character called “Octo-Girl,” which presented a fresh take on the Spider-Man universe for fans to enjoy. The series also further developed the transformation of Doctor Octopus into a more heroic figure, following his journey in the “Superior Spider-Man” comics. Today marks the end of the series as chapter 32 wraps up its storyline. In this final chapter, Doc Ock finds himself back in his original body once more. Fans who prefer reading manga in Japanese can access it on the Japanese Shonen Jump+ website, while an English version will be released at a later date. Viz Media has been distributing the English version of “Octo-Girl” in volumes, with volume 1 now available for purchase.
Octo-Girl: The Superior Doctor Octopus
In the manga published from 2023, titled “Octo-Girl,” we find Otoha Okutamiya inexplicably inhabited by Otto Octavius. This story is heavily influenced by a specific phase of Spider-Man comics. More specifically, “Octo-Girl” follows the Worldwide era of Spider-Man comics, which started when Spider-Man transitioned into a successful businessman. As the Worldwide era progressed, Doctor Octopus received a new body, a blend of his original and Peter Parker’s. Subsequently, he crafted a new suit and transformed into Superior Octopus.
In the comic book series “Octo-Girl,” Otto, dressed as Superior Octopus, frequently appears. Similarly, Peter Parker is depicted in his advanced Spider-Man suit throughout the series, hinting at the story’s setting during that time. However, due to Otto being in a coma and the surreal nature of the narrative, the timeline within the manga can be somewhat unclear. Although the manga contains nods to the specific comic book era, it doesn’t necessitate prior knowledge of Spider-Man’s backstory to appreciate. It’s designed as a self-contained series for fans of anime and manga.
Marvel’s Push in the Manga Market
In many instances, comic book sales in the U.S. are surpassed by manga. To tap into this vast market, Marvel has partnered with Japanese creators to produce their own officially licensed manga featuring Marvel characters. Some of these include Spider-Man: Octo-Girl, Spider-Man: Fake Red, Deadpool: Samurai, and Marvel’s Secret Reverse. Viz Media is responsible for translating and distributing these Marvel manga volumes. Moreover, they have also re-released the comic adaptation of the 90’s X-Men animated series.
In the early 2000s, I noticed Marvel’s endeavor to penetrate the manga and anime market, capitalizing on the Toonami craze. Their approach was to develop the Marvel Mangaverse, a reimagined portrayal of their characters, tailored to appeal to this audience. Notably, they crafted a superhero team, the Runaways, explicitly designed to evoke manga and anime styles. Similarly, DC Comics has ventured into the realm of officially licensed manga series featuring their characters. Among these are “One Operation Joker” and “Superman vs. Meshi“.
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2025-01-07 00:09