The popular anime series Bleach has experienced a significant comeback with the debut of Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War. This latest anime installment is significant as it’s the first time the main storyline from the Soul Society has been adapted for television, featuring Shinigami battling the Wandenreich and their ruthless leader Yhwach. Although a live-action movie was made about Ichigo Kurosaki’s tale, Bleach found itself in real-world headlines due to a much more somber reason. In a recent murder case, it appears the accused individual was attempting to reenact one of Bleach’s scenes in a disturbing manner.
I’m excitedly following a gripping story unfolding in New Zealand. I’m referring to the ongoing case where Gabriel Hikari Yad-Elohim, aged 36, is charged with the murder of Michael Mulholland, a 69-year-old resident. The tale goes that Yad-Elohim visited Mulholland’s apartment, initially intending to buy drugs, but things tragically escalated, leading to Mulholland’s death. This case reemerged in the spotlight after the 2017 conviction due partly to a recently unveiled appeal.
Initially, Yad-Elohim’s lawyer argued that he was mentally unsound at the time of the incident. However, in a recent development, the lawyer claimed there were crucial aspects that weren’t adequately represented in their client’s case. This appeal reached the highest court of New Zealand, the Supreme Court, last July 2024, but as of now, it remains undecided whether they will take up the case.
Bleach’s Day In Court
It seemed that Yad-Elohim was trying to reenact a scene from the anime Bleach, with the specific scene being unclear. The court concealed any references to Soul Society, revealing later that it was brought up in the defendant’s statement during police interrogation following the act. The defendant had previously been diagnosed with schizophrenia and pleaded insanity, but a New Zealand jury did not initially accept this claim. In 2018, the defendant declared he was “mentally ill when the event occurred.
The New Zealand Supreme Court has reviewed the video and transcript of Mr. Yad-Elohim’s speech. Dr. Cavney notes similarities between the video and the attack on Mr. Mulholland, as well as with Mr. Yad-Elohim’s speech. It is suggested that these similarities support the idea that Mr. Yad-Elohim was under a delusion when he attacked Mr. Mulholland. While this evidence seems substantial and plausible, it is challenging for us to evaluate its potential impact on other expert testimony presented during the trial and appeal, as well as its bearing on the final verdict, given that we are considering a leave application.
The third segment of “Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War” concluded its run at the end of 2024, with the fourth and last sections anticipated to premiere sometime this year. Neither Studio Pierrot nor creator Tite Kubo have yet announced if more stories featuring the Shinigami will follow after the Blood War concludes.
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2025-01-15 20:41