The upcoming game titled “Earthblade,” created by the same group that made the critically-acclaimed Celeste, has unfortunately been terminated. Originally announced in 2021, its planned launch was scheduled for last year; however, due to unforeseen circumstances, it faced a postponement.
Last month, the founders and key team members of Extremely OK Games, Maddy Thorson (R&D director) and Noel Berry (programmer), made a joint decision. This situation unfolded following a disagreement between Thorson, Berry, and art director and co-founder Pedro Medeiros over the intellectual property rights of the game Celeste.
Ultimately, we found a solution, yet both sides decided it was best for us to part ways in the end, as Thorson penned down,” Medeiros later established Coldblood Inc. and is currently developing a fresh project titled “Neverway“.
Thorson mentioned that although it wasn’t the only reason, the issue did encourage them to carefully reconsider if completing the “Earthblade” project was the best choice going forward. Despite many positive aspects, it was also less advanced than anticipated for a project in such an extended development phase.
Despite their conviction that Earthblade had the potential to be exceptional if they persevered, Thorson and Berry found themselves torn, and the looming success of Celeste didn’t make things easier. Over time, Noel and I started questioning our experience working on this project daily and acknowledged that it has been a challenge for quite some duration. Certainly, dedicating oneself to one project for an extended period can lead to monotony, but this seems to be a more profound issue.
As a game developer, the triumph of Celeste left us with an immense challenge: we needed to create something even more spectacular for Earthblade. This expectation has been a significant factor in making our work on it feel overwhelming and exhausting.
Pedro isn’t at fault here – quite the opposite, our separation has provided us with a much-needed perspective to realize we’ve strayed from our path, and an opening to acknowledge our mistakes. I harbor various emotions about it, but one strong sentiment is certainly relief.” Thorson also stated that the choice and accountability for the termination were theirs alone, and Pedro and his group “shouldn’t be considered adversaries.
Moving forward, the pair aims to apply the insights gained, “start fresh,” and “redirect our efforts towards more compact projects.” Essentially, they are getting back to experimenting and brainstorming at their own rhythm, with an aim to rekindle the spirit of game development similar to when they initially started projects like Celeste or TowerFall. Naturally, the team intends to continue working with composer Lena Raine, Power-Up Audio, artist Amora Betanny, and others in future collaborations.
After the launch of “Celeste”, expanding our main team didn’t work out as planned, but that’s alright. We poured all our effort into it, and now we move forward. We’re excited to get back to our original ways, rediscover some creativity, and see where this journey leads us. Keep an eye out for future updates on our upcoming projects.
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2025-01-23 15:11