Sakamoto Days Anime Drastically Alters Manga for Faster Pacing and Bigger Impact

The animated series “Sakamoto Days” premiered during Winter 2025 and has quickly become a massive success. The show is an adaptation of Yuto Suzuki’s Weekly Shonen Jump manga, focusing on Taro Sakamoto, a former hitman. In just three episodes, the anime has introduced several key characters. However, the story takes an unexpected turn in the second episode when we learn that a billion yen bounty has been placed on Taro’s head. Despite his efforts to live a tranquil life with his family, Taro is once again thrust into a perilous situation. He must not only fend off the assassins pursuing him, but also uncover the identity of the person who set such an extravagant price on his head.

In addition to himself, the reward’s safety also lies with his family, fortunately for him, Shin is there to lend a hand. The anime series “Sakamoto Days” has garnered acclaim for its vivid color scheme and striking visuals. However, deviations from the original manga became apparent in the second episode, as opposed to the first one which followed it faithfully. For instance, the character Lu Shaotang was introduced differently in the anime compared to the manga. Given that the new adaptation is moving at a faster pace, we might anticipate further alterations in future episodes.

Sakamoto Days’ Anime Removes Scenes From the Manga for Faster Pacing

In the manga, Chapter 2 skips some initial scenes featuring Lu Shaotang. After harshly scolding Taro and threatening divorce, Aoi feels remorseful for her harsh words towards him. She confides in a friend during their shopping trip, who offers comfort before they go their separate ways. Meanwhile, Shin and Taro encounter an old police officer on patrol duty, who cautions them about local robberies. While commuting on a public bus, Aoi finds herself in a hostage situation orchestrated by a gang upset over the cancellation of their favorite manga series.

Even though they’re in a perilous predicament, with Aoi’s bus being hijacked and threatened to collide into the Shuei building, the company that cancelled her favorite manga, Aoi remains preoccupied about her ice cream melting because she expects to be home late. On their delivery route, Taro and Shin stumble upon this alarming scenario. They notice Aoi’s unusual behavior and she assures them of her faith in Taro during the tense situation.

Because Aoi is certain that he’ll rescue her no matter what, all she needs to do is stay patient until he arrives. The manga then transitions to a flashback from the second episode, where Taro and Shin effortlessly subdue the hijackers. Meanwhile, the infamous hitman remains hidden behind an amusing mask. Aoi expresses her regret about the morning and vows to prepare a unique dinner as per family rule number 12.

Moreover, the anime omitted Chapter 3 in which Officer Nakase pursued Taro relentlessly due to the chaos caused during the bus hijack episode. She holds the view that anyone who resorts to violence shares equal blame as the culprits. Subsequently, while hunting for the masked man (unaware it’s Taro), she encounters danger and is rescued by him. The anime then progresses into Chapter 4, centered around Lu’s introduction.

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2025-01-29 19:43