Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl Walkthrough (Part 6) – Good Old Days/Hornets’ Nest/Invisible Threat

In our walkthrough for Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl, we’ll guide you step-by-step through the main missions – Just Like the Good Old Days, Hornets’ Nest, and Invisible Threat. Additionally, it’s a good idea to complete the On the Edge side mission in Zalissya at around this stage of the game. For the most part, we will be working with Spark during our playthrough.

00:01 – Intro

Just Like The Good Old Days

00:11 – Heading towards Prof. Ludochka and easiest spot to cross to get to him

03:30 – We’ll mostly try to stealth in here

04:33 – Bluish’s PDA

05:55 – Speaking with Lodochka

07:48 – If we choose “gas is not an issue,” we won’t have an additional task, but should opt for “I must repair the ventilation system” if you prefer an extra goal that involves using a fuse to shut off harmful gas.

09:22 – This is the fuse you need for that optional objective we ignored

14:30 – Khors’s Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) serves as the key to the door. If you had chosen the optional goal, this door would have opened automatically using the fuse.

16:04 – Corundum Suit and RPG-7U

17:30 – Use your storage and unload your haul before progressing on the mission

19:40 – Poison cave artifact (Urchin)

21:04 – SVDM-2 weapon pickup

21:28 – Remove the emitter

25:27 – Chatting with Lodochka to finalize “Just Like the Good Old Days” and receive the “Hornets’ Nest” task.

Hornets’ Nest

31:50 – Attacking the Sphere

36:15 – Help Solder (who is alive due to a decision we made in an earlier main mission)

38:40 – Shutting down the generator

42:00 – Sukhin’s Stash (somewhat hidden location)

47:20 – Removing the emitter to complete Hornets’ Nest and re-activate An Invisible Threat

An Invisible Threat

51:00 – Head to Scar in Rostok (we’re aligning with Spark)

51:50 – Consider making a pitstop at Zalissya en route, and completing the optional quest titled “On the Edge” to recapture the camp. This way, you can utilize it throughout your gameplay.

56:35 – We’ll skip ahead, but it’s worth trying to do the rest of On the Edge when you have time

57:33 – Take this angle in from the south to get into Rostok

1:01:33 – Cutscene (talk with Scar and end An Invisible Threat)

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2025-02-11 00:28