10 Best Stats in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Ranked

Uncover the top 10 important statistics in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, which significantly enhance Henry’s power and survivability across the Kingdom of Bohemia.

In Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 (KCD2), the stats play a crucial role in shaping Henry’s abilities across different domains. These stats include Strength, Agility, Vitality, and Speech. They measure your proficiency in handling heavy weapons, dodging attacks, withstanding combat, and influencing others during conversations. To enjoy an optimal gaming experience, tailor your gameplay approach according to how you distribute points among these stats as the game unfolds.

In KCD2, stats are not just passive attributes; they evolve over time and change based on the decisions you make and how you take care of Henry during the game. To preserve these States, make sure to eat well, get enough rest, use bathhouses, and engage in other activities that support Henry’s well-being.

As a seasoned gamer in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, I’ve come to understand that my character’s core stats aren’t the only numbers shaping my adventure. There are secondary attributes known as derived stats, which are computed based on primary stats, gear, and other factors. These stats significantly impact gameplay mechanics, making them vital for success in diverse aspects like communicating with NPCs and engaging in combat. Lastly, let’s not forget about Dialogue Stats – they’re influenced by the main stats, weapons, and armor, and they ultimately decide my character’s knack for persuasion or charm when dealing with other characters.

In this manual, we’ll be sharing the top 10 statistics to prioritize as you journey through Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, aiming to enhance Henry’s strength and charisma.

Brief Overview of Stats in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, there are four distinct categories of statistics that affect Henry differently. The primary stats enable him to wield more powerful weapons and boost his persuasion skills. On the other hand, the attributes, such as Health, Stamina, Energy, and Nourishment, reflect his core traits. As Henry progresses through the game, his overall health and stamina improve, but his energy and nourishment levels remain constant at 100. However, he can enhance these aspects by unlocking perks from his main stats and skills.

Following the key statistics and attributes, we encounter Derived Statistics, which serve as secondary attributes for Henry. These encompass crucial aspects such as Charisma, Visibility, Noise, Speed, among others. They are influenced by various factors like primary stats, gear, interactions with Non-Player Characters (NPCs), and additional elements. Lastly, there’s the Dialogue Statistics that aid Henry in persuasion scenarios. These primarily stem from Speech skills, equipment, and knowledge acquisition.

Top 10 Best Stats in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Ranked

For Henry, each stat plays a unique role, making them all essential. Yet, some stats demand immediate focus at the onset of the game to ensure optimal management of situations throughout your gaming experience.

  1. Strength: Defines how well you can handle physical challenges.
  2. Agility: A measure of speed, movement, and nimbleness.
  3. Vitality: Determines your stamina pool, fatigue resistance, and overall health.
  4. Speech: Affects your ability to persuade others in dialogue options and negotiate better deals.
  5. Charisma: It gauges how well you can impress people.
  6. Speed: It determines how fast you can run, walk, or sprint.
  7. Energy: It represents overall tiredness of Henry.
  8. Impression: It defines how nicely you can persuade people.
  9. Domination: it defines how well you can persuade people via threatening or condescending behavior.
  10. Conspicuousness: It allows you to stand out in the usual environment.

10. Conspicuousness

Visibility or noticeability refers to how easily a player can be spotted in regular surroundings. This term illustrates the level of uniqueness or distinctiveness of one’s appearance, influencing the time it takes for others to recognize you upon sight. The less conspicuous a person is, the longer it may take them to be noticed. For instance, if your conspicuousness is minimal, an adversary might spot you from afar, but you could potentially vanish before they fully understand what they observed. Extravagant attire and costly armor are usually quite conspicuous examples.

Only one advantage boosts the visibility factor, and it’s the “Stealthy” perk derived from the “Pickpocketing Talent.

  • Inconspicuous: The person you’re robbing may not see you, so you can reach even into their front pouch, but while you’re rummaging through their pockets, they might still feel your presence.

9. Domination

One method of influencing discussions, leveraging your charm, frequently employing intimidation and disrespectful actions. Many people may find this distasteful, yet it could lead to dominating them effectively. It’s worth noting that such behavior often results in a poor reputation among them. The Dominance factor is primarily based on your Charisma and secondarily on your Speech proficiency. Throughout your journey, you will converse with many commoners frequently. They are generally impressionable by Charisma, but occasionally, you might need to be stern. This is where Domination becomes crucial, enabling you to persuade them through threats when necessary.

The Dominion stat can be boosted by a single advantage, and that’s the Dark Arts Apprentice perk derived from the Alchemy skill.

  • Dark Arts Apprentice: When brewing potions between midnight and dawn (0:00 – 4:30), you’ll work better – the whole process will be less susceptible to minor mistakes and you’ll more easily achieve a higher quality product. In addition, you have a +2 bonus to Coercion, Domination, and Intimidation stats when talking to commoners.

8. Impression

Your ability to express yourself effectively in dialogue is largely due to your charm and polite demeanor, which greatly enhances your standing among others. A strong reputation significantly boosts your chances of success. Primarily, your Charisma score has the most significant impact on this stat, while your Speech skill also plays a supporting role. Consequently, maintaining a high level of Charisma and a positive reputation will increase the likelihood of leaving NPCs favorably impressed by your good manners.

Among the notable advantages you can gain at level 12, there’s a particular one – Good-Natured – which has a positive impact on your Impression score.

  • Good Natured: It’s easier for you to convince others the “nice way”. You gain +2 to Persuasion, Impression and Presence. People are also more likely to try to solve crimes with you in person rather than going straight for the guard. But beware, the more dangerous you look, the more likely they still choose to go for the guard instead.

7. Energy

Energy plays a crucial role in Henry’s condition, influencing his fatigue levels. Over time, as energy depletes, rest becomes necessary. Exhaustion can diminish one’s endurance, potentially leading to fainting. To safeguard this vital resource, moderate alcohol consumption is recommended, but excessive drinking counteracts its benefits and so does overeating. The most effective method to restore energy is through sleep. While roadside camps may serve as an option for sleeping, opting for a proper bed in a tavern for the night would be more beneficial. This ensures that your energy fully replenishes by morning.

Some advantages can be gained by enhancing your primary attributes and abilities, which will assist in boosting your Energy level.

You can enjoy some benefits when you focus on upgrading your main stats and skills; these improvements will contribute to increasing your Energy.

  • Enthusiast: While brewing potions, your Energy will slowly replenish and your Nourishment will not decrease.
  • Creative Soul: Your Energy will slowly replenish while doing Alchemy, Sharpening, Blacksmithing, or playing Dice.
  • Contemplative: As long as you remain still, your Energy and Nourishment will reduce much more slowly.

6. Speed

Speed refers to how fast a character can walk, jog, or dash. This speed is primarily influenced by a player’s Agility score, which also determines overall movement swiftness. It’s important to note that the weight of your armor can impact your speed as well; heavier armor increases the amount of stamina required for both combat actions and movement. However, you can lessen this effect by boosting your Agility and Strength levels. On the highest tiers of Strength and Agility, even heavy armor pieces won’t slow you down significantly.

Moreover, some of the best perks that will help you improve the Speed Stat are as follows.

  • Creeping Phantom I & II: When sneaking, your movement will be 15% (I) or 35% (II) faster.
  • Hermes’ Haste: You will be 20% faster when sprinting.
  • Ironclad: The weight of the armour you wear affects your speed of movement and how much stamina sprinting depletes. Using this perk, your armour will weigh you down 20 lbs less, thus having a lesser effect on your stamina. Neither the actual weight of your armour nor your carrying capacity will change, however.

5. Charisma

Charisma refers to a character’s ability to make a strong and favorable impression on others. It is essentially a measure of one’s appearance. This factor comes into play during skill checks and trading encounters. The total charisma score is calculated by averaging the individual charisma values of the visible items you are wearing, such as clothes or armor. Hidden layers do not contribute to your overall charisma. Keep in mind that your clothing should be well-maintained; damaged, stained, or bloodied garments have lower charisma scores. Additionally, ensure personal hygiene by visiting bathhouses, vats, or piers regularly. Enhance your charisma through the use of perfumes, which you can craft using alchemy skills.

Here are some of the best perks to help improve Charisma stat in KCD2.

  • Charming Companion: When you have your dog with you, your Charisma is increased by 3
  • Flower Power: If you have more than 30 fresh or dried herbs (not spoiled) in your inventory, your Charisma will count as 2 more.
  • Fundamentals of Law: When dealing with guards, your Speech and Charisma will count as 2 higher. The total fine will be 20 % lower.
  • Heracles: For every 5 levels of Strength, your Charisma increases by 1.
  • Knight in Shining Armour: When you wear plate armour, you gain a bonus to Charisma ranging from +1 to +4.

4. Speech

In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, your character’s skill with words can help resolve situations without resorting to violence. The more you interact with people, the more effectively you can use persuasion and diplomacy. This ability can prevent conflicts from arising in the first place by allowing for peaceful resolutions. Your character’s eloquence, represented by their speech stat, even allows them to talk down an opponent who they might not be able to defeat in a fight through force. It’s important to note that persuasion isn’t about comparing your character’s speech level to that of the NPCs around them; rather, it’s a skill that can be developed and honed over time.

Here are the best perks available in the Speech Stat that you can acquire by leveling up Speech.

  • Polished Wares: When selling weapons, armor, or clothing that are in near-perfect or perfect condition (98-100%), you’ll gain 10% more money for them.
  • Silver Tongue: You get a +4 Speech bonus when haggling, making it easier to negotiate better prices.
  • Artisan: You can sell and buy weapons, armor, and clothing at a 10% better price.
  • Jack of All Trades: You get a bonus of +2 to skill checks. You will also get twice the amount of experience from these skill checks.
  • Battle Cry I & II: If you use a Battle Cry during combat, you deal 10% (I) or 15% (II) more damage. The effect lasts for 20 seconds.
  • Final Offer: When a merchant loses his patience while haggling, instead of calling off the deal altogether, he’ll give you one last chance to offer a fair price.
  • Partner in Crime:You can now sell stolen goods to anyone without fear of detection.

3. Vitality

In Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, the character’s vitality impacts their ability to endure and persist. A higher vitality means enhanced stamina and a quicker rate of stamina regeneration. Additionally, it decides how far your character can run. Boosting your vitality can be achieved by running over obstacles, surviving battles within the game, and other similar activities. Each level upgrade in vitality increases your stamina by approximately 5 to 6 points.

At levels 19-20, you’ll notice an improvement in stamina by a modest 2 points. Additionally, your resistance to being wounded increases based on your Vitality. Sustaining more wounding may lead to ongoing health depletion and bleeding. In this role-playing game (RPG), both non-player characters (NPCs) and player characters have Vitality values, and their characteristics are quite similar. NPCs wearing heavy armor will not sustain any health damage if their stamina is sufficiently high.

Here are the best perks to acquire from Vitality as you level it up.

  • Ascetic: Your Nourishment will decrease 30% slower, in other words, you will last longer without food before hunger starts to bother you.
  • Creative Soul: Your energy will slowly replenish while doing Alchemy, Sharpening, Blacksmithing, or playing Dice.
  • Hermes’ Haste: You’ll be 20% faster when sprinting.
  • Marathon Runner: When sprinting, you consume stamina 20% slower.
  • Red Mist: When your health drops below 25 health points during combat, you gain a +3 bonus to strength and agility for a time, and your stamina regenerates 4 times faster.
  • Revenant I & II: Your health will gradually regenerate up to 50 (I) or 75 (II) health points. This effect does not apply if you are in combat or bleeding.
  • Never Surrender: If your health drops below 25 points during combat, you get a +25 bonus to your armor, increasing your chance of survival. The effect lasts until your health rises above 25 points again, or until combat is over.

2. Agility

In the game Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, agility serves as an indicator of a character’s swiftness, mobility, and nimbleness. A character who is agile can easily evade enemy attacks and move at a quicker pace. They are proficient in using advanced weapons such as bows that require expert archery skills. Archery, similar to other combat methods, contributes to increasing the character’s agility. With each level of agility, your base speed improves, with the most significant enhancements coming from levels 4 through 7.

As a dedicated gamer, I’ve found that surviving intense battles significantly enhances my agility, granting me more gaming experience. This statistic, particularly when utilizing shortswords, hunting swords, sabers, or archery, becomes even more influential. Not only does it quicken my combat animations, but it also makes executing combos during fights a bit smoother. Interestingly, each Non-Player Character (NPC) has its unique agility levels, which are significantly influenced by the player’s actions. This is evident in their varying attack speeds.

Here are the best perks that you can acquire from Agility as you level it up.

  • Deft Hands: The required agility for all weapons will be 2 (I) or 5 (II) lower for you. In general, if you have a lower Agility than the weapon requires, you will find it more difficult to fight with. But if you have a higher Agility, the stamina consumption will drop. With this perk, you will reach that state sooner.
  • Featherweight: Fall damage will reduce by 30%.
  • Dominant Hand: If you use a one-handed weapon without a shield, the attack will cost 20% less stamina. Blocking will also cost less stamina and be more effective. This effect works even with a torch in your offhand.
  • Nimble Stance:Dodges cost you 40% less stamina.
  • Ranger Man: After 10 seconds of fast sprinting, you will briefly get a big bonus for stamina recovery. When you slow down afterward, you will quickly regain your strength and can start running again.
  • Creeping Phantom I & II: When sneaking, your movement will be 15% (I) or 35% (II) faster.
  • Totentanz: After performing a perfect dodge (a dodge in the window for a perfect block) you get a 15% weapon attack bonus. The effect lasts for 5 seconds.
  • Finesse I & II: The slashing damage of all melee weapons will increase by 5% (I) or 10% (II).
  • Viper I & II:The piercing damage of all melee weapons will increase by 5% (I) or 10%(II).

1. Strength

In this game, the level of strength you possess significantly impacts your ability to handle physical tasks and overcome obstacles. A higher strength level translates to less stamina drain and more potent attacks when wielding heavier weapons. As you progress and level up your strength, your inventory capacity expands. Additionally, your strength affects your movement speed when carrying a heavy load or weapon. You can boost your strength by engaging in combat with enemies.

With each level of Strength, your storage space for items expands by 4. Utilize longswords, axes, and maces to rack up more experience points. Any form of combat will automatically boost your Strength. As your Strength grows, so does your ability to deal damage in battle, making it easier to win fights. However, you’ll find yourself at a disadvantage when fighting NPCs with significantly higher Strength. Conversely, you’ll gain an advantage against NPCs with much lower Strength, albeit for only a brief window of time. Overall, Strength is a fundamental stat that impacts Henry’s combat capabilities and prowess.

Here are the best perks to acquire from Strength as you level it up.

  • Train Hard, Fight Easy I & II: The required Strength for all weapons will be 2 (I) or 5 (II) less for you. In general, if you have a lower strength than the weapon requires, you will do less damage with it. If your strength is higher, you’ll do more damage. With this perk, you’ll reach that state sooner.
  • Pack Mule: It will increase your carrying capacity by 12 pounds.
  • Tight Grip: The higher your Strength skill, the easier it’ll be for you to knock someone out or kill them stealthily.
  • Strong as a Bull: It will decrease your carrying capacity by 20 pounds.
  • Vanguard: Shield blocks cost you 30% less stamina.
  • Grand Slam I & II: Blunt damage of all melee weapons will increase by 5% (I) or 10% (II).
  • Thrasher: Charged attacks deal 5% more damage.
  • Heracles: For every 5 levels of Strength, your Charisma increases by 1.

FAQs about the best Stats in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

What are the Stats in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2?

Character traits such as Strength, Agility, Vitality, Intelligence, and Charm are fundamental aspects that shape your in-game character. These traits, honed through gameplay, dictate your performance in combat and various other actions within the game.

What is the Strength Stat in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2?

Physical power or strength is what enables you to effectively handle and overcome physical tasks and difficulties. A higher level of strength results in less fatigue and more potent attacks when wielding heavier weapons.

How to increase stats in Kingdom come Deliverance 2?

To improve a particular skill, participate in tasks that are tailored to that ability. For instance, if you aim to enhance strength and agility, consider engaging in physical activities like combat or exercises. If you’re targeting vitality, focus on running and jumping tasks. To boost your speaking abilities, make use of conversational scenarios and practice verbal interactions regularly.

Looking For More About Kingdom Come: Deliverance II (KCD2)?

Appreciate your attention as you perused our rundown of Top 10 Statistics in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: Ranked Guide. Here, we share the freshest updates and craft guides for Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 (KCD2). Don’t forget to catch me streaming games on Twitch or check out my YouTube channel!

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2025-02-19 20:48