Where to find Goatskin in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

In his role as a master blacksmith and skilled swordsman, Henry occasionally steps out of the norm and takes on the role of a medieval detective. An instance like this arises in the Kingdom Come 2 story mission titled “Into the Underworld,” where you’re tasked with tracking down an individual known as Goatskin.

Goatskins are often spotted roaming Kuttenberg’s streets at night, preying on drunk merchants for small change in the southwestern part of town. However, tracking down this thief precisely isn’t an easy task. In fact, it’s quite a quest to find him.

How to get information on Goatskin

During your mission, you get introduced to Goatskin by having a conversation with Katherine. You can find her disguised as a barmaid at the Hangman’s Halter Tavern, located in the southeastern part of the city.

Henry is on a quest to find a noble, Liechtenstein, who might aid him in freeing the imprisoned Hans Capon. Discuss Liechtenstein with Katherine and she’ll bring up Goatskin, a spy working for an unidentified noble. His employer could be connected to our helpful nobleman. This is Henry’s sole lead, and he chooses to pursue it. Katherine advises inquiring at The Hole in the Wall inn, where Goatskin was noticed flashing some earnings from his spying job.

The Hole in the Wall is a shabby, rundown watering hole situated in the Hoprink district, located southeast of the Hangman’s Tavern within Kuttenberg.

When you reach the spot, it will be distinctly noticeable due to a unique emblem out front resembling a musical instrument similar to a trumpet but shaped like a human leg, moving – indicative of a character walking. Kingdom Come 2 is an excellent video game.

1. Make your way indoors and seek out Innkeeper Mole, who will guide you to a regular customer called Chenyek. He’s often found seated at the corner table closest to the wall skeleton in the tavern.


2. Venture inside and look for the innkeeper, Mole. He should point you towards a frequent guest named Chenyek. You can usually find him cozied up at the table near the wall skeleton in the corner of the tavern.

Get information on Goatskin from Chenyek

Your task now is to gain the favor of Chenyek, a person whose dealings seem less than legitimate and who might possibly know the whereabouts of Goatskin. To win his approval, you can employ several strategies:

1. Impress him through your intelligence, skillset, or resources that he finds valuable.
2. Offer him something he desires in return for information about Goatskin’s location.
3. Demonstrate your loyalty and trustworthiness by carrying out tasks he assigns without question.
4. Showcase your knowledge of the seedy underworld, as this may pique his interest and respect.

  • If your speech skills (Persuasion and Intimidation) are high enough, you can convince him you’re a tough dude and he’ll tell you what you need to know.
    • You get a second chance to persuade him if you have a high amount of Presence.
  • You can “buy him a drink” by dropping 200 groschen for the information.

face off against one of Chenyek’s tough associates. To accomplish this, choose the option “Perhaps I can assist you?” Show him your readiness, and he’ll guide you to the barn exterior where you’ll encounter Goliath.

Outside the tavern, near the big, wooden barn door, you’ll come across Goliath casually resting. Mention Chenyek sent you, and he might ask you to undress down to your undergarments. Don’t fret, it’s all part of the scheme.

1. Take off only your shirt and shoes, then approach Goliath once more. He inquires if you’re prepared for a brief fight. Affirm his challenge and enter the battlefield within the barn.


2. Discard just your top clothing and footwear before addressing Goliath again. He queries if you’re set for a swift scuffle. Agree and make your way into the combat zone inside the barn.

If you’re not sure about your fighting abilities, the fight should come to an end swiftly. Goliath truly embodies his name, packing quite a powerful punch.


If you’re not well-versed in hand-to-hand combat, the fight ought to conclude rapidly. Goliath certainly lives up to his name, dishing out some heavy blows.

In simpler terms, it doesn’t make a difference whether you emerge victorious or defeated in the battle. Regardless of the outcome, Chenyek will acknowledge that you’ve succeeded just by stepping into the ring with Goliath. Such courage is what he admires.

Following his respect for you, you might want to inquire about Goatskin from Chenyek once more. As he mentioned, the thief has been in some strife and was spotted “somewhere between Hradek and the Horse Market” stealing from inebriated individuals at night. You could prompt Chenyek for additional details. He’ll suggest that you inquire among the taverns nearby — specifically, the Black Horse — as well as the bathhouse for more information.

Note: Now that you’ve impressed Chenyek, you can return to him later for jobs.

Head toward that area Chenyak mentioned, near the city’s southwestern wall.

Where to find Goatskin

As Chenyek pointed out, I’ve got two spots where I might find some goatskin: the steamy bathhouse and the rowdy Black Horse tavern. The tavern’s located right near the western edge of my map, so I guess that’s where I’ll start my hunt.

Inquire from Innkeeper Weighman concerning the goatskin matter. He will disclose that a thief has been targeting intoxicated German merchants in the vicinity during the night. This might imply there’s an intoxicated German merchant around, but it would be prudent to gather additional details. Furthermore, Weighman hints that Goatskin is romantically involved with a woman who works at the bathhouse. Investigating her could potentially lead to another avenue of inquiry.

Head to the bathhouse, just a short walk south from the tavern.

As a gamer, I stumbled upon some intriguing information during my visit to the bathhouse. It seems that the management, specifically Madam Beata, has been keeping tabs on Goatskin, a suspicious character who’s been eyeing their clientele, particularly German merchants. Interestingly, there’s a German merchant named Udo here at the moment. He’s known for his fondness of ale and dice games.

Beata hasn’t mentioned anything about Goatskin’s girlfriend, but she suggests you talk to Adam, the proprietor of the bathhouse, for further information.

Adam isn’t very helpful in locating Goatskin, but he’s someone worth seeking out. If you talk to him, choose the dialogue option “What do you need to take care of?” He’ll bring up scholar Jan Schindel, who was recently robbed by Goatskin. Schindel has been causing a fuss about it, so Adam asks you to retrieve the stolen items and return them to their rightful owner.

Uncovering the info grants you access to the mission, “Master Shindel’s Toys”. Once you secure the Goatskin and extract the necessary details from him (which I’ll detail later), you may opt to finish this side-quest.

The two ways to locate Goatskin: Setting a trap or finding his girlfriend

Currently, you find yourself at a crossroads in your pursuit of the thief. There are two primary strategies to consider: firstly, establishing a trap with Udo, who was previously mentioned; secondly, extracting information from Goatskin’s girlfriend. The subsequent parts of this guide delve into each strategy and their respective outcomes.

How to find Goatskin’s girlfriend

Adam and Beata claim that none of the women at the bathhouse are involved with Goatskin romantically, yet it’s important to note that just because they deny it, doesn’t necessarily make the rumor false.

Inquire for Hanka from Prague at the bathhouse and request information about the thief she might know. She’ll tell you that a man matching the description has been seen with one of the employees, but there are two women named Mary there. To narrow down your search, you should speak to both Marys to get more details.

You might find Goatskin’s companion, known as Lousy Mary, often in a bathhouse room near the tables. Engage her in conversation and inquire about Goatskin’s whereabouts. If you can persuade her effectively with your words, she may reveal his location to you.

She’ll tell you Goatskin is holed up in an old barn near the Black Horse tavern.

To locate the barn, make your way back to the Black Horse tavern and step out onto their outdoor seating area. Keep an eye out for a modest flight of steps that ascend to a door situated on the eastern wall.

1. Step through the doorway, head to your left. Keep walking along the pathway till you hit the main street. Watch out for a barn located directly opposite the tavern; that’s where Henry will be waiting.

2. Pass through the door on the left side. Proceed down the alleyway until you arrive at the main road. You’ll find Henry in the barn situated directly across from the tavern.

3. Go into the entrance, turn to your left. Follow the passageway until it leads you to the main street. Henry can be found in a barn that is right opposite the tavern.

4. Make your way through the door; veer off to your left. Continue along the path until you reach the main road. Keep an eye out for a barn located directly across from the tavern, as that’s where Henry will be.

5. Enter via the entryway, head in the direction of your left hand. Walk straight ahead till you get to the main road. Don’t miss the barn located right across from the tavern, as it’s where Henry will be waiting for you.

To enter the barn, travel along the primary road moving east until it curves to the left.

Take a left and enter the property to the left via the doorway surrounded by vines.

Climb the stairs leading to the west side of the building, then access the upper level or loft. Next, step onto the table with a ladder on it and crawl through a tiny window to reach the loft in the adjacent structure.

Walk to the other end of the attic and climb down through the hole in the wall.

Climb the ladder and exit the attic via the doorway on the other side.

As a devoted fan, I’ve just arrived at Goatskin’s barn! To explore the cozy attic, I should hop onto the nearby wagon against the wall, then ascend to gain access through the invitingly open door up there.

It’s possible goatskin isn’t in the attic. In that scenario, spend approximately an hour by selecting ‘Wait’ from the Menu using the T key on your keyboard or the Back button on an Xbox controller.

Or, more colloquially:
If the goatskin isn’t up in the attic, just hang out for about an hour. You can do this either by pressing the T key on your keyboard to select ‘Wait’ from the Menu, or using the Back button on your Xbox controller.

Wait an hour at a time until Goatskin returns.

How to set a trap for Goatskin

To lure Goatskin, make use of the German trader named Udo as an attractant. You can find him occupying a seat near the dice game within the bathhouse.

As a gamer, here’s how I might phrase it:

“Alright buddy, I think it’s time for a break. You’ve been going at this game for hours now. Let’s call it a day, shall we? It’s getting late and I bet you have other things to do back home.” Hopefully, I can persuade him to log off and take care of his responsibilities.

Exit the bathhouse after Udo. Eventually, he heads towards the Black Horse tavern, passing through a hidden door in the wall that opens onto a dimly lit alleyway.

Continue to accompany Udo as he makes his way along the narrow passage. Eventually, a figure hidden behind a cart will emerge and ask for money. (The figure is later revealed to be Goatskin.)

Step in, and Henry will tell Udo to take off while he has a word with his thief friend.

Get the information from Goatskin

No matter if you capture or hunt down Deerhide, the outcome remains consistent: it’s in your grasp when required, and it won’t offer resistance.

It appears goatskin isn’t very good at keeping confidential information. He quickly reveals his handler’s name, which is Samuel. Additionally, the thief admits that he’s stealing from others in order to accumulate sufficient money to depart from this place.

You might try extracting additional details from him, but keep in mind that he won’t provide significant assistance without being compensated financially. Be aware that this could potentially lead to increased costs for you.

  • If you succeed the speech skill check, he asks for 150 groschen.
  • If you fail, he asks for 500 groschen.

Exhausting Goatskin’s dialogue options will give you what you need to continue the mission.

How to get information on Master Schindel’s Toys

Speaking with Adam, the proprietor of the bathhouse, offers an opportunity for you to inquire about Schindel’s possessions. In response, he might disclose information about Kuttenberg’s clandestine system of underground tunnels, which he uses to conceal his ill-gotten treasures.

You have two options – either use your Intimidate skill or give him 50 groschen to get information on the map’s location for the tunnels. This action contributes to Master Schindel’s Toys mission, which you can only complete after wrapping up with Goatskin.

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2025-02-28 17:20