All the Avowed ending choices and epilogue-affecting decisions

Approaching Avowed’s release, its game director Carrie Patel mentioned there were multiple endings in the “double digits.” After experiencing the finale myself, I can easily infer a similar count without delving into specific quest outcomes. The game has two major decisions at the climax that largely shape the primary ending variations. Along the way, numerous smaller choices impact the overall tone, making it more joyful or melancholic.

I’ve structured this guide so it discusses the two pivotal moments, followed by a part examining the minor quests depicted in the final slideshow and how various decisions intertwine, either supporting, conflicting, or complementing each other. It’s worth mentioning that you can express your preference for different outcomes (such as an autonomous Living Lands) during gameplay, but this does not limit your choices. In fact, you could make a surprising move and align with the Steel Garrote at the last minute of the game, even if earlier you had spared Sapadal – such a choice carries its own specific repercussions.

Sapadal ending choice

The first significant decision you’ll face post-Avowed’s critical juncture is whether to eliminate or save Sapadal, the deity residing within your mind. While there are three different options, your actions towards Sapadal throughout the game could impact your final slides if you choose to spare her. Regardless of the choice, all outcomes conclude the Dreamscourge.

What happens if you spare Sapadal in Avowed?

Among all options, Self-governing Sapadal seems best suited for Autonomous Living Lands, and this decision doesn’t seem to clash directly with Avowed’s political outcomes—except when aligning with the Steel Garrote and Lödwyn. Choosing Sapadal effectively puts an end to the Dreamscourge.

One of the closing slides delves into the personality and perspective of Sapadal, particularly regarding the Living Lands and its inhabitants. The way Sapadal behaves seems to shift from a tense or aggressive demeanor to one that is more tranquil and appreciative of life. However, this change might depend on how you interact with them during the game, as Sapadal could potentially become a vindictive deity if faced with ruthless or indifferent characters. If such an ending exists, it may necessitate your character to eliminate Ygwulf in Paradis, along with other unforgiving choices early on in the game. According to Radio Times Gaming on YouTube, they were unable to obtain a “vengeful” Sapadal slide after choosing to spare Ygwulf but fueling their darker impulses.

Starting off by sparing Sapadal and granting him the Adra Mechanism in Sargamis’ mission early within the game will lead to an exclusive ending slide depicting how the deity utilizes this item. It remains uncertain if this outcome is also dependent on shaping Sapadal’s moral compass, but the slide I encountered portrayed a heartwarming scene reminiscent of The Iron Giant.

What happens if you kill Sapadal in Avowed?

Slaying Sapadal is a triumph for Eora’s original deity pantheon, specifically Woedica, and aligns best with the different pro-Aedyr conclusions in the subsequent critical decision. However, eliminating Sapadal while championing an autonomous Living Lands seems out of sync, but the final scenes will not penalize you for this choice. Killing Sapadal effectively concludes the Dreamscourge, similar to if you had saved them instead.

In summary: If you have played Pillars of Eternity, you’ll notice that Sapadal and the other gods’ roles are distinctively portrayed. At the conclusion of the first Pillars game, it is disclosed that the principal deities of Eora were created by an ancient civilization through mass sacrifices and potent magic. Since Sapadal was generated from a gradual loss of life and accumulation of souls without any mortal involvement, it can be reasoned that Sapadal may be the only genuine or natural deity in this setting.

What happens if you merge with Sapadal in Avowed

It wasn’t until I watched Radio Times Gaming’s walkthrough of Sapadal’s ending that I became aware this path was available. This alternative seems to be a grim, negative choice, perhaps even grimmer than slaying the deity. In this scenario, you encounter additional Sapadal-focused dialogue and interjections during the climactic battle. Lödwyn also has unique lines for this specific route. The final slide reveals that your original self is completely consumed by Sapadal, much like the Mind Flayer in Baldur’s Gate 3. However, the Dreamscourge is vanquished once more.

Living Lands ending choice

During your pre-battle council with the leaders of the Living Lands, you have four primary political options to consider for their future: a victory under Steel Garrote’s rule, establishing an Aedyran colony, the Aedyran “gréfram” option, or maintaining the independence of the Living Lands.

What happens if you side with Lödwyn and get the Steel Garrote ending in Avowed?

As a gamer, I’ve found that while there’s no strict rule preventing alliance with Lödwyn, the outcome may not be favorable if my actions didn’t align closely with Steel Garrotte’s cause. If I’ve strayed too far from his path, Lödwyn might view me as a traitor and execute me at the climax, resulting in a rushed ending where she seizes control without me. To avoid this, I need to make choices that demonstrate my loyalty to Steel Garrotte throughout the game.

  • Kill Ygwulf in Paradis.
  • Let Fior burn in Emerald Stair.
  • Destroy the ruins in Shatterscarp.
  • Let Kostya destroy Solace Keep.
  • Kill Sapadal.

Perform those actions, and Lödwyn bestows upon you the title of Paladin of the Steel Garrote, ensuring your survival as you witness Lödwyn subdue the Living Lands. Doesn’t it give you a warm feeling?

What happens if the Living Lands becomes an Aedyran colony?

In a less authoritarian conclusion that remains quite somber, this scenario resembles choosing to spare Caesar in New Vegas but allying with Lanius. This ending could be likened to the favorable karma outcome where Caesar’s Legion prevails in the story. The Aedyr takes over the administration of The Living Lands, and some of your settlement decisions can significantly influence this ending’s outcome, either leading to a joyful or ominous resolution.

  • Things do not go well for Solace if Aedyr takes over and Kostya is not in charge.
  • Fior and Thirdborn don’t seem to have a particularly happy ending with Aedyr no matter what you choose.

What the hell is a “gréfram” anyway?

Ah, it seems you’re a moderate type. I suppose that would make you a “Balanced” or “Peacemaker” in Disco Elysium. The ending of Deus Ex hints at a similar theme, “Why can’t we all just coexist?” Regardless, the Living Lands experience a form of colonization by Aedyr, but they retain some degree of self-rule. Things improve for Solace, Fior, and Thirdborn, but there’s always room for progress. Choose your allegiance, friend.

What happens if you push for an Independent Living Lands?

Absolutely, my dear! A world without deities or rulers enslaving others. The conclusion of “Yes Man” suggests a thriving Fior under Mihala’s guidance, a prosperous Solace, and a Paradis where Ygwulf survives. However, I cannot predict the outcome if Kostya destroys Solace or if Fior is left to perish. Regarding the Thirdborn, I’m afraid there seems to be no joyful ending across the major storylines (more on that later).

Non-main quests and choices with ending slides

Here’s a brief summary outlining some additional content that can potentially influence the final slide presentation:

This provides a concise overview of supplementary material that may impact the final PowerPoint conclusion:

Or simply:

I’m offering a short review of extra elements that might alter the final slides summary:

  • Giatta can either stay an animancer, or just chill out and get into music like somebody’s cool aunt, depending on how you encourage her.
  • I’ve seen Yatzli either stay in Fior or apprentice to Ryngrim⁠—I’m not sure what happens if she doesn’t apprentice herself and Fior is destroyed. The Fior ending had her restless and worried she missed out.
  • Marius winds up pretty happy and content if you finish his quest. It’s probably a major bummer if you don’t.
  • Kai’s ending is, of course, a real downer if you don’t do his quest. Depending on what you say to him after his personal quest, he’ll either live, laugh, love like Giatta, return to Rauatai as a political reformer, or stay to help rebuild Thirdborn. I’m not sure if this has an effect on Thirdborn’s own slides, but this is the closest I’ve seen to a happy ending for the town. All three of Kai’s happy endings can also be followed by a romance epilogue, if you expressed your interest.
  • If you gave Sargamis’ Eothas mech to Sapadal in Dawntreader and then spared the god, you’ll get a slide about how they use it. It’s all very “Iron Giant” for a Sapadal at peace, unclear if there’s a “vengeance” variation.

1. Unique Arsenal: Secure these first

2. Rightful Rulership Totem: Gather all the fragments

3. Awe-inspiring Cat Armor: Solve the treasure map riddle

4. Kai Relationship: Persevere together

5. Ygwulf Allegiance: Strategies for dealing with the assassin

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2025-03-08 01:03