10 Hidden Features in Monster Hunter Wilds You Didn’t Know About!

Regardless of sharing the same formula that shattered records for the series, Monster Hunter Wilds offers an impressive array of fresh features for both seasoned players and newcomers to enjoy. It’s not just about revamping most weapons; it also aims to enhance the entire gameplay experience by streamlining various aspects. This new installment boasts something for everyone, including a completely open world where you can travel to numerous locations without encountering a single loading screen, making it the first in the series to do so.

In the case of Monster Hunter Wilds, although numerous enhancements in its latest features have elevated the series, it’s challenging to grasp all these improvements simultaneously. This is particularly true when considering updates like the revamped fishing system and fresh investigation mechanics, which aren’t explicitly explained within the game itself. Regardless of whether you’ve completed Monster Hunter Wilds or are just starting your journey, there are numerous new features that take the gaming experience to even loftier heights.

10. Saving Time With The Favorites Tab

Reducing Frustration From Navigating Menus

Among its performance problems, one significant complaint about Monster Hunter Wilds lies in the complexity of its menu system. For example, something as straightforward as playing multiplayer with friends becomes excessively convoluted due to a labyrinthine sequence of steps. This is particularly noticeable when contrasted with earlier versions that mostly utilized Steam invitations.

It’s great that Monster Hunter World’s favorite tab addresses many of these problems by letting you gather your frequently used or crucial buttons together. This makes it easier because you don’t have to spend as much time navigating menus. Additionally, the favorites tab can be a real game-changer in situations where you need to quickly pause the game during singleplayer lobbies, take a quick screenshot, and so on.

9. Dealing Bonus Damage During Mounting

Getting The Most Out Of Your Limited Mounts

Although the mounting process isn’t drastically altered from earlier versions, the revised mounting system necessitates some re-familiarization in order to maximize its potential. Wilds provides a good overview of how to mount creatures and inflict injuries during the process, but you may not yet be dealing as much damage as possible.

It took some time for me to figure out that if you position yourself close to walls and attack a monster’s head, it might inadvertently crash into the wall, causing additional substantial damage. This tactic, while not always detrimental, is particularly beneficial when walls are covered with thorny vines or other destructible items, as it significantly increases the damage inflicted on monsters that charge recklessly into them. Although the importance of mounting has been reduced in comparison to MH Rise, the potential for increased damage makes this strategy worth trying at least once or twice during a hunt.

8. Decorating Pop-Up Camps Unlocks Useful Features

More Than Simple Cosmetic Upgrades

In Monster Hunter Wilds, you can personalize your pop-up camps according to your preference, which some players may view as just a visual customization. However, Wilds boasts an expansive tent design system brimming with patterns and colors for selection. What truly makes each camp stand out is the external equipment that adds a unique touch.

Following a conversation with the manager at any of the Wilds’ base camps, you will find various external decoration choices at your disposal. These range from seating arrangements, campfires, barbecues, and more conventional decor such as flowers. The standout aspect of the latest feature is the interactivity of some of these items, for instance, the campfire lets you play music with your companions or the barbecue enables you to collect free food on-the-go. However, the most practical feature from the pop-up camp customization would be the portable training barrel. This allows you and your friends to practice combos outside the regular training room, making it an invaluable addition to your campsite.

7. Alma Restocking Your Seikret

Free Supplies Perfect For Your Hunting Needs

Though some players might be annoyed by the auto-pathing of the Seikret in Wilds and hesitant to utilize the mount, it’s one of the most beneficial additions to Monster Hunter in a long time. Not only does the Seikret always stay close enough to switch to your secondary weapon when needed, but your reliable mount also carries valuable materials that are directly tied to your ongoing quest.

The Seikret isn’t just a speedy means of transportation across the map; it offers essential items like cozy sleeping quarters and hot beverages for surviving harsh environments. Moreover, Alma occasionally collects extra supplies from the environment and stores them in the Secret’s pouch. It’s always beneficial to check back periodically, particularly after Alma shares her findings.

6. Collecting Materials Without Looking On Your Seikret

A More Efficient Way To Gather While Traveling

Instead of scrambling to collect materials yourself, Wilds can automate the process for you, making it easier and more efficient.

While keeping the Left Trigger pressed on your controller, you can navigate through any nearby items using the D-Pad. This not only speeds up the process of gathering materials but also helps prevent frustration by allowing you to collect items even when they’re getting out of reach. Plus, while exploring on the Seikret, you can use binoculars to spot large monsters and mark them for easy tracking, aiding in efficient crown farming.

5. Taking Advantage Of Trading For Rare Resources

Unlocking Hidden Gear And Valuable Supplies

In any Monster Hunter game, side quests serve as essential elements, granting access to potent tools and distinctive companions to aid you throughout your adventure. A fine demonstration of this is by fulfilling tasks for NPC merchants; upon completion of certain missions, they will swap exceptionally scarce resources for items unavailable anywhere else. From farming materials to some of the game’s most stylish armor sets, it’s definitely worth stopping by regularly to discover fresh rewards for those prepared to meet the challenge.

Fortunately, Nata will grant you the ability to interact with all trading NPCs via him, in addition to accessing material gatherers from each village. This means you can manage all your farming NPCs conveniently from any base camp within the Wilds. It’s also beneficial to frequently review the drop rates for the materials you’re interested in collecting, as these rates may change over time, making it advantageous to switch between the items with the highest drop chances at any given moment.

4. Keeping An Eye Out For Material Emergences

Saving Time From Grinding In The Long-Run

In the game Monster Hunter Wilds, a map is undeniably an indispensable asset for the hunter. It not only facilitates fast travel, but also provides intricate details about monsters and resources. Material Emergences, although not extremely common, tend to disappear fairly quickly. Therefore, it’s crucial to make use of them promptly whenever you encounter one.

Generally, you’ll find just a few spots where the uncommon material appears, making it barely a diversion from your regular gaming experience. Some of these rewards are merely currency to buy ingredients or monster materials, but others offer exceptionally rare resources such as Sinister Cloth, which can only be acquired through this method.

3. Having Meals With NPCs For Powerful Buffs

It’s Hard To Say No To A Free Dinner

In my Monster Hunter Wilds adventure, I occasionally come across a pop-up inviting me to share a meal. It’s easy to overlook these if you’re not paying close attention. However, while the idea of a free meal might seem unappealing due to its low cost in the game, the bonuses that meal invitations bestow are far superior to what regular cooking could provide.

Non-player character (NPC) meals offer multiple substantial passive benefits that typically require hard-to-find special ingredients. These benefits last longer than standard meals. By boosting your stats, increasing the number of times you can skin a monster, or even allowing you to endure more in a quest, meal invitations enhance your regular gaming experience significantly. Besides the pop-up alert, you can also consult the world map to see if an NPC has invited you for dinner, indicated by an orange food icon near the host’s location.

2. Saving Investigations For More Efficient Farming

Providing Guaranteed Rewards Without Worry

No matter which monster you are trying to collect materials from, investigations tend to be the most effective method. On each map in every area, monsters will display any bonus rewards they offer when defeated. Some of these rewards could include a guaranteed chance to get exceptionally rare gems or decorative items. Even if you’re engaged in another hunt or don’t have time to tackle it immediately, you can reserve the hunt for later by designating it as an investigation.

Building up a library of valuable investigations might take some patience initially, but you can replay each investigation up to three times, making them an effective way to accelerate resource gathering and offer impressive bonuses simultaneously. It’s advisable to store monsters with generous rewards or high-ranking tempered versions, even if you don’t currently require the materials, as this allows for more targeted farming compared to repeatedly playing optional quests. In comparison to conventional farming techniques, having these guaranteed rewards significantly enhances the process, enabling you to focus on acquiring rewards tailored to your requirements rather than relying on random quests.

1. Dodging Attacks With The Seikret

A Life-Saving Move For Dire Situations

An aspect of the game Wilds that I discovered post-completion of its story mode in low rank is that the Seikret will promptly assist you when summoned by whistling, even if it has been knocked down. Although features such as this have led some to label Wilds as too simple, there are still consequences for hastily summoning the Seikret during intense fights. Similar to the Wirebug Escape in MH Rise, a premature use of the Seikret dodge can lead to further complications rather than solving them, as I’ve been knocked out on numerous occasions due to calling for help too early during a Tempered hunt.

In the game Monster Hunter Wilds, the Seikret dodge mechanic is a potent tool for swiftly evading danger to regain health or sharpen weapons with minimal drawbacks. As such, future monster adjustments may be tailored around these abilities. However, whether you choose to utilize these features or not depends on your preferred gameplay style and difficulty level; they simply provide valuable resources for players aiming to maximize their gaming experience within Monster Hunter Wilds.

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2025-03-11 05:58