Dying Light 2 Update 1.21.4 Released With Tower Raid Fixes

Today sees the launch of an update for “Dying Light 2” on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC systems. Even though it’s more than three years old, support for this game hasn’t waned in 2025. In fact, about a month ago, Techland reintroduced its popular Tower Raid game mode in “Dying Light 2,” making it a permanent feature. Now that Tower Raid has been integrated back into the game, Techland aims to refine and enhance this mode further.

Just grabbed the fresh 1.21.4 update for Dying Light 2, and boy oh boy, it’s all about Tower Raid! Techland’s been listening to our feedback and sorted out a bunch of problems we’ve been encountering lately. However, they’re not done yet – more fixes are coming in the next patch for some remaining issues. They also highlighted a few known ones that are still hanging around in DL2. Let’s keep gaming!

As a die-hard fan of Dying Light 2, I’ve been eagerly waiting for the latest update from Techland.

* Spruced up graphics to make the world even more immersive and lifelike.
* Optimized performance to reduce loading times and improve overall gameplay.
* Fixed various bugs that were causing annoying glitches or crashes.
* Added new weapons, parkour moves, and survivor abilities to keep gameplay fresh and exciting.
* Introduced a new storyline for players to uncover, deepening the mystery of the infected world.

Dying Light 2 Update 1.21.4 Patch Notes


  • Fixed issues with one of the toughest enemies:  fire extinguishers
  • Rebalanced bounties
  • Added new achievements
  • Resolved multiple AI replication issues (more to come)
  • Included more floors for the Quick & Regular mode rotations
  • Gameplay balance and difficulty adjustments on some of the floors
  • Rebalanced the rooftop fight
  • Fixed clipping issues with chests and small bins
  • Added further fixes for players being blocked by geometry
  • Shortened the time needed to apply medicine
  • Fixed an issue with players teleporting outside the map
  • Various bug fixes

Future Fixes

  • Improve experience when team lose their last life
  • Make the overall Tower Raid experience more rewarding

Known Issues

  • Resolving AI replication issues
  • Balancing floors to provide the best experience for solo and co-op players
  • Addressing bugs

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2025-03-11 22:41