A Marvel Hero Sacrifices Immortality to Bring Spider-Man Back as the Unstoppable Juggernaut!

[Caution: This article reveals details about The Amazing Spider-Man #69.] In this latest chapter of Joe Kelly and Ed McGuinness’ “Spider-Man” series, we find that Doctor Doom, Sorcerer Supreme and Emperor of Earth, has passed on his responsibilities as Earth’s champion of the Covenant to none other than Spider-Man. With his powers, Doom equips Spider-Man with enchanted armor and eight of the life-restoring Reeds of Raggadorr, tasking him with saving our world from the eight scions of Cyttorak – the most powerful entities in the Marvel Universe’s mystic realm.

Ages past, eight powerful beings – Balthakk, Cyttorak, Farallah, Ikonn, Krakkan, Watoomb, Valtorr, and Raggadorr – participated in the Great Cosmic Bet, each crafting artifacts known as totems, filled with a piece of their immense cosmic energy. Any person who touched these totems would be metamorphosed into an embodiment, a representative, of that power.

The Crimson Gem of Cyttorak transformed Cain Marko into the relentless Juggernaut, a force previously harnessed for malevolence until he joined the X-Men. However, not even the indomitable Juggernaut could halt the Blight – an energy born from destruction and dedicated to annihilating life. If unimpeded, the Blight would bring about global devastation. To prevent this catastrophe, Doctor Strange – formerly the Sorcerer Supreme – struck a deal with Cyttorak, leading to the formation of a sacred pact.

Only the Crimson Chest of Cyttorak, a powerful artifact, can save Earth from the devastation caused by the Blight. Therefore, Earth’s protector must face a test to safeguard the Covenant and the Chest, as they are targeted by eight of Cyttorak’s offspring, his scions.

In the role of Sorcerer Supreme, the responsibility was first assumed by Doctor Strange and later by Doctor Doom. However, Doom violated the pact when he chose Spider-Man to become his successor as Champion. As Victor von Doom refuses to endure, the universe is now at risk of annihilation. The only hope lies in reaching the Crimson Cosmos to persuade Cyttorak into restoring the Casket.

In the midst of this, Spider-Man employed all eight revival tools – four on himself after perishing in combat with the scions Callix, Cyperion, Cyrios, and Cyntros, and the remaining four to revive Aunt May as well as three other civilians who were killed by the Blight. Unfortunately, it was Scion Callix who ultimately claimed Spider-Man’s life. Following this, Callix went on a rampage, killing his siblings with the exception of his twin sister Cyra, and set out to seize the throne in the Crimson Cosmos.

As the Blight’s malevolent influence spread among the X-Men, causing them to turn against the Juggernaut who was immune due to being Cytorrak’s representative on Earth, it appeared as though there was no hope of preventing the Blight from laying waste to the entire universe.

In issue #69 of “Amazing Spider-Man,” Spider-Man’s selfless act made Cyra understand that there exists a power greater than even Cyttorak. Later, Agent Phil Coulson, who embodies Death, clarified to her why Cyttorak wasn’t opposing the Blight-possessed Callix despite their fallen offspring: Cyttorak couldn’t experience loss unless he felt love for his children first.

Coulson tells Cyra, “That’s the same emotion your father is experiencing – the one you are feeling now.” He believes that love for life is the only significance we can find in an otherwise meaningless universe. The burden of this love is too heavy for some to carry. Unfortunately, Spider-Man is gone, Cyra. Taking care of life is something for those who are still alive.

After that, Cyra makes a selfless move by giving up the power and eternal life as a descendant of Cyttorak to revive one resilient human soul. Consequently, Cyra, the last heir of Cyttorak, transfers her red energy into Spider-Man’s mortal body. This act is a testament to sacrifice and love, as Coulson explains, “It’s Spider-Man’s love for us, for everyone.

As Spider-Man is reborn, Cyra urges him to transform into something more powerful to stop Blight. “Transform into a weapon and discard the title of chess piece. Become the embodiment of strength. Become invincible. Become… a RELENTLESS FORCE.

In the final installment of “8 Deaths of Spider-Man,” Spider-Naut clashes with Callix, ruler of the Crimson Cosmos. This epic conclusion unfolds in Amazing Spider-Man #70, slated for release on March 26. Subsequent to this volume-ending issue, a fresh start awaits in Amazing Spider-Man #1, which drops on April 9. Featuring a new antagonist and a revamped creative team, the series will be penned by Kelly with illustrations by Pepe Larraz and John Romita Jr.

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2025-03-13 03:40