DC Reveals Shaken-Up Looks and Powers for Two of Green Lantern’s Most Lethal Villains

The iconic Green Lantern Corps of DC Comics has returned with renewed vigor, yet the world they aim to safeguard remains unstable. This instability stems from a chaotic emotional spectrum that has been let loose following the devastation of numerous Power Batteries across the cosmos. Consequently, this turmoil has affected some of the Green Lantern Corps’ most formidable adversaries, including Atrocitus and Dex-Starr, who undergo significant transformations in their appearances and abilities as depicted in Green Lantern Corps #2. For a detailed breakdown of the spoilers for this issue, please see below.

John Stewart, Hawkgirl, and several other Green Lanterns, including Kilowog, embark on a journey to the ruins of Thanagar. The tragic fate of this once-thriving planet is due to the machinations of Thaaros, who manipulated the emotional spectrum, leading to Mogo, the sentient planet, losing self-control as it was consumed by uncontrollable rage. This enraged state caused Mogo to crash into Thanagar, nearly annihilating it. However, we discover in this issue that other entities are now ruling there for an unknown, enigmatic reason.

Stewart and Hawkgirl discover a colossal vessel tearing into Thanagar’s surface, controlled by the lingering members of the Rage Corps. Atrocitus stands at the helm, leading this rebellion without his previous vibrant red armor or any sign of a Power Ring. Instead, he is dressed in a predominantly black attire, adorned with several pieces of armor that glow ominously red from within.

Apart from him, another character known for his violent deeds, Dex-Starr, the murderous cat, also sports a fresh outfit. The new attire predominantly features black with hints of red, mirroring a change in style similar to Atrocitus. Unlike before, there are no more flashy red suits from the Rage Corps and the old Lantern emblem is nowhere to be found.

Concerning Atrocitus, we discover he has the ability to tap into the power of rage due to his armor, and he can even create weapon projections. It’s Zilius Zox who provides this power, but it’s not a decision on his part. Zox is imprisoned in a device that channels rage energy straight into the spaceship, and it’s the Nth metal that enables the vessel to transmit this energy.

Normally, when someone produces Rage energy uncontrollably, it leads to an explosion. However, the mysterious Nth metal is intercepting this energy from Zox before it becomes too intense, maintaining Zox in a constant state of torment and enabling Atrocitus to commandeer that power for himself. This is why they are on Thanagar; they require more Nth metal to advance their objectives.

Previously, we’ve been introduced once again to Green Lanterns, Yellow Lanterns, and now Red Lanterns, leaving us wondering if more Lanterns from the original Corps will make a personal appearance in the future. Delve into the full issue to discover Atrocitus’ upcoming plans, especially after another significant twist concludes it.

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2025-03-13 04:09