Mortal Kombat 1’s T-1000 & Peacemaker Intro Video Breaks the Fourth Wall (Exclusive)

The T-1000 downloadable content for Mortal Kombat 1 is nearly here, with developer NetherRealm Studios gradually revealing glimpses of the liquid metal assassin in trailers, gameplay previews, and character introductions. In the latest character introduction, DC Comics’ Peacemaker squares off against the T-1000, and the helmet-donning character, known for his goofy demeanor, identifies the iconic figure from Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

The introduction commences as the T-1000 inquires about Peacemaker’s intense gaze. In response, Peacemaker casually remarks, “Well, buddy, you remind me of my old man!” Following this, they momentarily cease their confrontation.

You can watch this exclusive clip from Mortal Kombat 1 for yourself here:

Robert Patrick is known for portraying the T-1000 from the movie “Terminator 2” and August “Auggie” Smith, who is both Peacemaker’s father and the white supremacist antagonist White Dragon in the HBO series. Interestingly, while Arnold Schwarzenegger did not reprise his role as the T-800 for the DLC of “Mortal Kombat 11,” Patrick will be returning to play the T-1000 in “Mortal Kombat 1.” Similarly, Schwarzenegger didn’t appear in the Conan the Barbarian DLC for the original “Mortal Kombat” game.

Approximately half of this conversation was obtained from the game around its September 2023 release, and it hinted that the T-1000 might eventually appear in MK1. Similarly, the remaining main fighters in the Khaos Reigns expansion were also revealed this way. Even a single side of a conversation provided valuable context about who was likely to be added to the roster.

In the latest Kombat Kast, NetherRealm revealed details about the playstyles of T-1000 and Kameo Madam Bo, set to launch on March 18th for those with Khaos Reigns (everyone else will get it a week later). The future of Mortal Kombat 1 after these character launches is somewhat unclear. Ed Boon, one of the co-creators of Mortal Kombat, hinted at potential DLC, but his statement leaves room for various interpretations. Previous reports suggested that plans for additional content in Mortal Kombat 1 were scrapped due to alleged poor sales of Khaos Reigns, but a reliable source found character slots that could indicate more DLC down the line. Another trusted dataminer discovered this intriguing detail.

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2025-03-13 22:14