🌴 Pavel Durov, the illustrious founder of Telegram, has returned to his sun-soaked abode in Dubai. The dashing digital Don Juan has been through quite the legal ordeal, but fear not, dear readers! Durov has emerged victorious, with his company having not only met but exceeded its legal obligations in moderation, cooperation, and fighting crime.
After spending a few months in the land of baguettes and berets, Durov has finally been granted permission to return to his desert oasis. The French judges, no doubt swayed by Durov’s dashing good looks and charm, have allowed him to return to his beloved Dubai. Durov took to his preferred platform of communication, Telegram, to express his gratitude:
“I want to thank the investigative judges for letting this happen, as well as my lawyers and team for their relentless efforts in demonstrating that, when it comes to moderation, cooperation, and fighting crime, for years, Telegram not only met but exceeded its legal obligations.”
Durov also took a moment to thank his supporters across the globe, who have stood by him throughout his legal tribulations. “There is nothing our billion-strong community can’t overcome,” Durov added, with a hint of smug satisfaction.
Durov’s triumphant return has sent shockwaves through the cryptoverse, with Toncoin, the native crypto asset of The Open Network (TON), a project heavily associated with Telegram, experiencing a surge in value. The crypto asset has been on a rollercoaster ride, reaching a seven-day high of $3.59 on March 17. At the time of writing, the crypto asset is trading at $3.41, according to CoinGecko.
The TON Society, a grassroots movement supporting the TON blockchain, celebrated Durov’s release. The group said they’ve stood behind the executive since his arrest, praising the Telegram founder’s “commitment to freedom of speech and transparency.”
Telegram Founder’s Dubai Homecoming: Durov’s Legal Obligations Exceeded
So, there you have it, folks! Pavel Durov is back in his desert paradise, and his company has exceeded its legal obligations. What a time to be alive! 🎉
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2025-03-17 14:48