A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon’s Sprawling Family Tree

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

As I delve into the whirlwind of events surrounding Nick Cannon, a man who seems to have mastered the art of fatherhood, I find myself awestruck by his impressive feat. With each passing month, he expands his brood, adding new lives to his ever-growing family tree. Bre Tiesi’s all-natural home birth experience mirrors the raw, unfiltered energy that pulsates through Nick’s life – a testament to his strength and resilience.

“We’re here to be fruitful and multiply.”

So Nick Cannon said in 2016, years before insuring his baby-making parts for $10 million. 

He clarified to ABC News that the primary purpose of our existence is to nurture our young ones, enabling them to produce their own offspring, thus ensuring the continuation of our lineage across numerous generations.

At that point, he had twin children with Mariah Carey, who was soon to be his ex-wife. Despite being incredibly busy with radio and television hosting, he expressed that he wasn’t strictly opposed to the idea of having more children in the future.

Cannon frequently discusses this topic, but let me make it clear: children hold a special place in my heart. It’s no secret to anyone – whether it involves expanding my own family or adoption, whatever the case may be – I am drawn to the process. Children somehow awaken a lively and energetic side within me, so whenever there’s an opportunity for me to participate in their journey, I gladly take it.

Consider Cannon a man who doesn’t just talk the talk.

Instead, he embarked on a journey focused on having children during the past few years, culminating in the birth of his 12th child, daughter Halo Marie Cannon, on December 14, 2022.

It’s clear that the individual who claimed he would be prolific and have many descendants, and stated he would not engage in a conventional relationship with a woman, is sticking to his promise by dating a male companion.

Everything kicked off involving his exceptional ex-spouse, who by the way, he openly expresses a strong desire to reconcile with.

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

Cannon revealed that it was Carey who inspired him to take the step towards starting a family he had long desired. Conversely, in her 2020 autobiography “The Meaning of Mariah Carey,” the Grammy winner disclosed that by the time they met, 11 years her junior Cannon, she had nearly given up on the idea of becoming a mother. At that point, Carey also expressed no interest in remarrying, as she recollected.

In her second marriage, Carey explained, the shared dream of having kids was the driving factor. This shared longing for parenthood turned into an irresistible natural force, causing us to rush into our union.

After deciding that three weeks was far too rushed, they opted for a six-week wait, finally getting married on April 30, 2008, in the Bahamas.

Initially, they attempted to begin their family immediately, fulfilling their desire, but unfortunately, Carey suffered a miscarriage towards the end of 2008 – just before Christmas, which was their intention for announcing their joyous news to the world.

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

In an interview with Access Hollywood in October 2010, Carey expressed that the incident left us both feeling deeply affected and led us into a challenging and grim state. She further explained that when this event occurred, she found it extremely difficult to discuss it with anyone. It wasn’t simple at all.

Added Cannon, “It definitely brought us closer together. It strengthened our relationship so much… She handled it so well.”

In the upcoming days, joyous moments lay ahead as they disclosed during that interview that another addition to their family was on the way. Carey admitted she felt apprehensive about voicing it due to past hardships, but at this stage of her pregnancy, she either needed to share her news or retreat into seclusion.

Cannon expressed, “A child is the most precious gift Earth can offer. Since our very first encounter, we’ve already chosen names for them, and we aim to honor this decision by staying faithful to it.

It was discovered that twins were imminent, and surprisingly, Carey shared this news first with Barack and Michelle Obama during the recording of the Christmas in Washington concert special in December 2010.

In her current situation, she hadn’t disclosed any details yet since medical professionals suggested we maintain privacy until we progressed further. On his morning radio show following the announcement by the president and first lady to their close circle, Cannon explained this, adding that due to the anticipation and strong emotions, she revealed to the president and first lady that we are expecting twins.

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

On their third wedding anniversary, which fell on April 30, 2011, Monroe and Moroccan were born. This loving pair, who enjoyed symbolic vow renewals, exchanged those promises once more in the very same year, at the hospital where they became parents.

Despite their deep affection for their children, Carey and Cannon found themselves drifting apart starting from the year 2014. They took some time apart, attempted reconciliation, and eventually separated once more, leading up to Cannon’s filing for divorce in December 2015.

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

In a June 2016 interview, Cannon expressed that things between them were going smoothly, he was joyful about Carey’s recent happiness with her Australian billionaire partner James Packer, and they were actively progressing through their divorce process.

Cannon mentioned he’s been deeply considering his role as a father and striving to be the best he can be, inspired by his own parents. He kindly requested the public to honor their journey, showing patience and kindness while he and his family work towards finding happiness.

In her memoir, Carey didn’t hold back on praise for the father of her 13-year-old twins. She expressed that they will always be a family and have found a way to make it work. They continue to enjoy each other’s company, reminisce, and joke. Both parties are convinced that their children, Roc and Roe, are indeed their source of light, bringing new life into their days every single day.

By the time Carey’s divorce from Cannon was finalized in the fall of 2016, she and Packer had ended their engagement—and Cannon was expecting a baby with beauty queen Brittany Bell.

In response to your query, here is a possible paraphrasing: “Cannon explained on Power 106 Los Angeles that his ex-wife brought up the topic first, making it less complicated for him. He admitted he’s unsure of how she found out, but when they spoke, she was playful about it, saying something like, ‘Oh yeah, I heard you’re causing a stir out there.’

Inquired about whether the upcoming arrival in his life came as a surprise, he stated unequivocally that it wasn’t an unplanned child. Instead, he meticulously planned his decisions and has always desired five children. The end of his marriage didn’t hinder him from expanding his family.

In February 2017, radio host Howard Stern asked Nick Cannon why he hadn’t used contraceptives if he continued to date, to which Cannon responded that he was serious about Bell and his days of carrying around thirty condoms were behind him.

He mentioned that he usually doesn’t engage in sexual activities with individuals unless he feels it’s someone he wouldn’t object to starting a family with.

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

Cannon explained that he desired to confirm Bell was reliable, spiritually minded, and shared similar beliefs with him. He stated, “She’s been an integral part of my life. Our families have known each other from growing up together in the same housing projects in San Diego. There’s a deep connection there.

When Stern playfully joked that Cannon barely had time for his two children, the adept multitasker chuckled in response, asserting, “That’s not accurate. Yes [I do have time], I adore kids, and this is going to be fantastic!” He clarified that all the kids would be residing in the same city, and he didn’t anticipate any challenges in merging families.

He and Bell welcomed son Golden “Sagon” Cannon on Feb. 21, 2017.

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

Beyond his affectionate role as a father, Cannon emphatically conveyed to Stern and Robin Quivers that he has no intention of remarrying. When asked about what his future children might call his next spouse, he passionately declared, “I’m never getting married again! Absolutely not!” He reiterated that the institution of marriage does not align with his personal preferences.

A few years had passed, but Cannon’s perspective on marriage remained unaltered; he wasn’t particularly fond of the concept of monogamy as well.

In an interview on T.I.’s podcast ‘expediTIously’ in September 2019, a father of three expressed his difficulty committing to only one woman again. He admitted, “It’s quite challenging for me. I managed it within a marriage! I was extremely loyal throughout my entire marriage…

He explained further, “The reason for our separation wasn’t due to infidelity or anything similar. Instead, I realized that marriage simply isn’t a construct suited for me. After distancing myself from it, I felt that this structure wasn’t meant for me. So, even though I had doubts about marriage before, I gave it my best shot—especially since it was with Mariah Carey! If she said we were bound for the moon, I would have agreed, ‘Let’s go!’

They laughed, as T.I. acknowledged he had “married well.”

Cannon agreed, “If I’mma marry somebody, I’mma marry her!”

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

T.I. noted, “It don’t look like you’ve looked back since.”

Cannon explained, “Indeed, you’re correct. However, let me clarify, I’ve come to realize that I won’t enter into a romantic relationship or marriage again. In essence, what I’m aiming for is to sort out my own life first.” Translating this means, “I prefer not to be responsible for someone else’s happiness…In other words, I’m working on getting myself sorted out.

He expressed a desire for additional children, yet emphasized that stress often lands him in the hospital (given his openness about managing lupus complications). In his words, “every relationship brings stress. I’ve never been in a relationship that wasn’t stressful; it doesn’t matter if I create the tension or if it comes from her.

Cannon expressed his opinion when asked about polyamory, stating, “I respect those who embrace this lifestyle, but for me, it seems too structured with too many regulations. I prefer to be independent and not have multiple partners; I prefer solitude instead.

“Forever,” he vowed. “I got ‘lonesome’ tattooed on my neck, I’m good.”

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

Forever, maybe, but not all the time. 

“I love women,” Cannon added. “I love various women, and they understand how I move!”

On Instagram, Bell announced on June 13, 2020, that Golden would become an older sibling. Six months down the line…

“The best gift ever we have been surprised with… A GIRL!!!!!” she captioned a pic of the family of four, Cannon suited up like Santa and the newborn in her arms, on Dec. 25, 2020. “Powerful Queen Cannon came this week perfect timing for Christmas. So much more to share. All I can say is that Nick was my rock through the most intense yet empowering natural water birth. It was nothing but POWERFUL.”

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

Approximately a few weeks following this, on January 11th during the episode of Fox Soul’s Hollywood Unlocked with Jason Lee, model Jessica White disclosed that she had experienced a miscarriage of Cannon’s child about two weeks prior to Bell announcing her pregnancy with their second baby in June of the previous year.

She claimed that she knew about her news two weeks after my miscarriage because he informed her, and since I resided at his home, she was already aware of that fact.

However, White asserted that she wasn’t aware of Bell being pregnant as well. She disclosed this information learned from Instagram just like everyone else, as Lee mentioned in his episode introduction. It should be noted that Lee referred to Cannon as White’s boyfriend for six years, but it remains uncertain if Cannon viewed their relationship in the same light. Prior to this disclosure, White stated, she had faced harsh comments on social media, being branded a homewrecker due to Cannon seemingly leaving Bell and their son to be with her.

In his words, they shared an unbounded affection for one another, describing their relationship as a deep friendship. When you share a very strong bond with someone, it’s almost intuitive…He recognized my idiosyncrasies and I appreciated his, and we simply complemented each other. We had a harmonious connection. Before our separation, we were genuinely content.

Nonetheless, the situation unfolded, with a significant contribution coming from the fact that Cannon failed to speak up for her in public when she was targeted online.

White informed Lee that he had stated he would rectify his mistakes and speak up, but so far, he hasn’t done it. White believes he is a man who keeps his promises and will do so when the time is right. She understands that life happens and she herself is quite understanding. For her, it was like this: given her private nature, her sensitivity, and her emotional side, he needed to address the matter. She trusts him to be true to his word and believes he’ll act in due course.

Cannon didn’t speak openly about White’s version of their encounter, yet they maintained a cordial relationship that led to their public sighting dining at Nobu in Malibu in June 2022.

Instead of taking a back seat, Abby De La Rosa appeared more prominently in the family album when she announced on Instagram on April 11, 2021, that she was expecting twins with Cannon. In her post, she expressed gratitude for being chosen to be their mother and shared her hope that God would guide them as they grew and fulfilled their purpose, just like their father.

As a lifestyle guide, I want to assure you both: Your Dad and I stand side by side with you, offering our unwavering support. Regardless of the challenges life may present, remember that forgiveness is a powerful tool, and your path is uniquely yours. What’s meant for you, belongs to you! The love we have for you two is already abundant, and we eagerly look forward to meeting each of you in the future.

Sons Zion Mixolydian Cannon and Zillion Heir Cannon arrived on June 14, 2021.

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

Six days after, on Father’s Day, Alyssa Scott shared an Instagram Story photo of herself, visibly pregnant, with a man holding her belly. Although he had his face hidden, his distinctive turban and tattoos suggested clearly, “Here is Nick Cannon!

I can’t help but rejoice over this special moment today, echoing Scott as he captions the stunning shot. The talented Hawaii-based photographer, Nick Andrew, then generously shared additional photos from the beautiful maternity shoot. One of these snaps offers a glimpse into the expectant father’s face, and he thoughtfully tags @nickcannon and Scott in the caption: “A new chapter unfolds.

On May 6, 2021, Scott referred to a maternity photo with the caption, “My son, I love you.” However, this was the initial instance where he publicly identified himself as the child’s father.

When that piece of news spread like wildfire, De La Rosa removed numerous Instagram posts, among them her announcement about pregnancy. However, one picture of her holding her newly born sons still stayed put on her account.

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

Scott and Cannon’s son, named Zen, was born on June 23, 2021; however, on Cannon’s self-titled talk show on Dec. 7, he shared that their five-month-old had passed away due to complications from a brain tumor. He disclosed that the baby had undergone surgery, but around Thanksgiving, his health started deteriorating rapidly.

“Alyssa was just the strongest woman I have ever seen,” he said. “Never had an argument, never was angry. She was emotional when she needed to be but was always the best mom and continues to be the best mom possible. So I’ve got to say thank you to my entire family but specifically to Alyssa.”

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

I’ve been bursting at the seams with excitement ever since January 31, 2022! On that special day, during my talk show, I couldn’t contain it any longer—I proudly shared the thrilling news that Bre Tiesi was carrying my eighth bundle of joy. To make things even more exhilarating, images from our gender-reveal party started popping up over the previous weekend, giving everyone a sneak peek into our joyous celebration!

On the very same day, Scott expressed her thoughts about that piece of news on Instagram, stating it was “agonizing to see my son involved in discussions that don’t resonate with his essence and legacy. This isn’t a choice I made for him or me.” However, she wanted her followers to understand, she continued, “I am composed, I am at peace. I view everyone’s circumstances with compassionate eyes. I will not condemn. I will thoughtfully decide what I will engage in. I am enveloped by love.” (In June, she and Cannon initiated the Zen’s Light foundation to aid pediatric healthcare.)

During his November 19, 2021 interview on Dr. Oz, Cannon expressed his intention to avoid fatherhood for a while, at least temporarily.

As a person who’s expecting my eighth child soon, I can’t predict how I’ll feel five years down the line. The question, “Will you have more kids?” is tough to answer, especially if there are no plans for a vasectomy. I’m uncertain about whether I’ll find love again, or how deeply I’ll commit in future relationships. Life can be unpredictable, and it’s hard to foresee what the universe has in store for me.

Approximately two months after announcing it on “The Nick Cannon Show,” he shared that him and Tiesi were expecting. He elaborated, “This is the reason I felt compelled to get my life in order. I felt like I was spinning out of control. Abstinence aided me in finding balance within myself, helping me cope with this situation, so now everyone understands why I was abstaining.

But his mindset, he added, was still to have “as many children as I can helpfully provide for.”

In the Language of Love podcast, held in February 2022, Cannon shared with Dr. Laura Berman that his intimate experiences were restricted to those who might potentially bear a child if and only when he was prepared to have a child with that individual.

He shared, “Every woman I’ve had a child with proves to be an exceptional mother. When considering starting a family, I’d think, ‘She’d make a fantastic mother, she’s always wanted children, I can’t wait to witness her maternal journey.’ To clarify, I would say that these pregnancies were deliberate.

To put it bluntly, I’m not cut out for the traditional marriage path. Monogamy just doesn’t resonate with me. It feels more like a trap of selfishness and possessiveness. You know, the kind of guy your mom always warned you about – the one to avoid at all costs!

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

On the Daily Pop segment of TopMob News in March 2022, Tiesi shared that she and Cannon had a history of being together and apart since they first met a decade ago on Wild ‘n Out. Even after her marriage and divorce with football player Johnny Manziel during one of those off times, she continued to reconnect with him.

The Selling Sunset star expressed, “I deeply admire and cherish him as a person so immensely, that when I pondered, ‘Would I want my son to be like him?’ I focused on his qualities, his character, and how he interacts with others. Those aspects are infinitely more significant to me than anything else. And he is incredibly kind to me, which is all that truly matters.

Regarding any examination of the ambiguous nature of our partnership, Tiesi stated, “Some individuals may hold traditional views on relationships and specific aspects. However, ours is a remarkable relationship filled with immense support and positivity.

In an interview with Men’s Health, Cannon further explained his approach to family planning by saying, “I’ve witnessed the idea that a conventional family setup is best, yet there can be a great deal of negativity in such situations. It’s not about following societal norms. Instead, it’s about finding what works for you, what brings you happiness, and how you choose to define your family. People have different ways of defining family.

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

Tiesi gave birth to their son Legendary Love Cannon at home on June 28, 2022.

Simultaneously, De La Rosa revealed on social media on June 3 that she was expecting another child, though she did not promptly disclose Cannon as the potential father.

After their twins’ birthday party at Disneyland on June 14, she expressed her appreciation by saying, “The world may have its opinions, but you exceed all expectations for us. For that, we will always be thankful. It’s not just my birthday, but yours as well! We’ve made magic together, @nickcannon, and it’s evident.

On July 15, 2022, she shared pictures of their vacation in the Bahamas with Cannon, playfully referring to him as her “recently-engaged partner and father of our child.” This amused him greatly.

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

On August 24, 2022, it became evident that Bell was well advanced in her pregnancy, indicating yet another instance where Cannon was juggling several projects simultaneously during that summer.

The following day, De La Rosa shared a comedic Instagram Reel by Brian Moller, which humorously compared the reactions of different generations to Nick’s baby announcement. Accompanying this with laughter and applause emojis, the expectant DJ commented, “Ha! Here comes Gen ‘C’, ready to dominate the baby scene!

Well, Cannon had guaranteed a baby boom.

On the June 7, 2022 episode of Lip Service podcast, Cannon stated that the stork is coming. He hinted at the numbers he presented in 2021 and suggested waiting for what 2022 will bring, since there were many children born last year (specifically four).

For approximately a month and a half, he maintained abstinence, as he shared. However, following Zen’s demise, he found himself lacking the resolve to refuse when presented with the opportunity for intimate companionship.

Cannon expressed that he had planned to achieve his best this year, but life took an unexpected turn for him. He fell into depression after the loss of his son. What made things worse was people suggesting solutions like giving him a gender change as a quick fix for his problems.

It seems he had been downplaying the situation; without prior announcement, LaNisha Cole later gave birth to Cannon’s ninth child in September.

Once more, today, I find myself deeply moved by the divine feminine! It’s with immense joy that I share the news of our daughter’s birth – Onyx Ice Cole Cannon. She’s an angel sent from above, and I couldn’t be more grateful to God for granting Lanisha and me the honor of raising her on earth. I pledge to do everything in my power to protect, provide, guide, and love this precious child with all my heart.

In a preemptive shush, he added, “I promise to love this little girl with all my heart. Regardless what anyone says…I’ve given up on attempting to define myself for the world or society but instead I’m doing the work to heal and grow into the infinite being God ordained me to be.”

Two weeks on, I shared joyously about the arrival of my 10th child, a third with Bell, whom we named Rise Messiah Cannon. I couldn’t help but acknowledge the incredible strength and courage of his mother who endured 48 hours of unbearable pain and faced life-threatening perils during delivery.

In my hour of distress, I was incredibly grateful for the nurturing strength provided by @missbbell. Throughout my fatherhood journey, she’s been like a solid pillar, guiding me through parenting, psychology, spirituality, and even life itself.

Since you couldn’t invent such a scenario (even though theoretically, one could prepare for it), his 11th child was born on the 11th of November.

On the 12th of November, 2022, he posted on Instagram: “A PERFECT DAY for the ARRIVAL of ‘Magnificent Hot Air Balloon Gun‘!” accompanied by a picture showing De La Rosa holding their third child. “Mommy @hiabbydelarosa, you make everything seem effortless and easy, but I am eternally grateful for your endless work, relentless dedication, diligent efforts, and selfless love that you pour into our children and me.

Nine days following their commemoration of the first anniversary since they lost Zen, they brought Halo Marie Cannon into their family, marking the twelfth child for Cannon.

He shared with TopMob News in February 2022 that he deeply cherishes each of his children with an unconditional love, even as a father of seven at the time. He also expressed immense respect and admiration for all their mothers, acknowledging that he can be challenging to handle.

And he may need an assist on Mother’s Day.

While composing the handwritten messages, he found himself confusing the cards, as revealed in an interview on The Daily Cannon in May 2023. He explained that not all six recipients received the intended cards. Consequently, when one baby mama read a card expressing his feelings about another baby mama, things could have been different if he had written generic messages for everyone.

At the same time, you can’t really fault the man for “doing handwritten messages from the heart.”

On October 8th, it was Cannon’s turn to celebrate his birthday. Let’s continue and view pictures of all his children who are now grown at 44 years old.

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

Mariah Carey welcomed her and Nick’s twins on the 30th of April, 2011. They revealed their separation in 2015, following six years of marriage, and officially ended their union through divorce the subsequent year.

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

Pageant winner Brittany Bell welcomed her and husband Nick’s first son into the world on February 21, 2017.

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

Brittany and Nick welcomed their second baby together, a girl, in December 2020.

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

DJ Abby De La Rosa gave birth to her and Nick’s twin boys on June 14, 2021.

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

Model Alyssa Scott welcomed a baby boy with Nick on June 23, 2021. 

Despite the heartbreaking turn of events, only five months after their son’s birth, Nick announced that Zen had tragically lost his life due to brain cancer. “Alyssa was simply the strongest woman I have ever encountered,” he expressed on the December 7 episode of The Nick Cannon Show. “She never argued or showed anger, and she was emotional when necessary. Above all, she was an exceptional mother and continues to be so. Therefore, I must express my deepest gratitude to my entire family, but particularly to Alyssa.

He continued, “It’s hard to guess the struggles others may be facing.” So, show some affection. Give a warm embrace to your loved ones. Express your feelings and let them know you care deeply for them.

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

Oh my gosh, let me tell you, I simply can’t contain my excitement! Bre Tiesi, the woman who has captured my heart, became a mother for the first time on June 28, 2022, with her partner, Nick. Our little bundle of joy tipped the scales at a whopping 8 pounds and 10 ounces at birth! I can hardly wait to see this adorable baby boy grow up!

In a July 2022 Instagram post, I proudly announced, “I successfully accomplished it. A completely natural, unmedicated home birth without any medical intervention.” This extraordinary event was both challenging and exhilarating, pushing me to my limits while simultaneously awakening and empowering me beyond measure. I am eternally grateful to my dedicated team for ensuring the safe delivery of my precious newborn son.

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

Nick and model LaNisha Cole welcomed a daughter on Sept. 14, 2022. 

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

Brittany gave birth to her third child with Nick on Sept. 23, 2022.

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

Abby gave birth to a baby girl, her third child with Nick, in November 2022.

A Complete Guide to Nick Cannon's Sprawling Family Tree

Alyssa gave birth to her and Nick’s daughter on Dec. 14, 2022.

In a heartfelt Instagram post, the model revealed a video of the ‘Wild ‘n Out’ star assisting in the delivery of their baby. “Our lives have been irrevocably transformed,” she penned. “Zen fills every breath I breathe. I feel his essence was present during that special morning. I believe he is looking down on us from above. He continues to show me signs each day. I will cherish this moment forever.

She went on to say, “I’ll never forget the sound of Nick’s voice as he said ‘it’s a girl’, and the emotions of all we’ve been through reflected in his eyes. I’ll always remember the sound of her taking her first breath and feeling her heartbeat against mine. Oh, my darling! What a wonderful surprise you were! We adore you, Halo Marie Cannon!

(This story was originally published June 22, 2021, at 6 a.m. PT)

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2024-10-08 20:23