Absolute Superman Reveals Shocking Fate of Key DC Character

As a film enthusiast who has spent countless hours immersed in the rich tapestry of DC Comics, I must say that Jason Aaron and Rafa Sandoval’s “Absolute Superman” is a breathtaking journey through the heart of the Man of Steel. The third issue, in particular, offers a fresh perspective on the end of Krypton, delving deeper into the relationship between Kal-El and his parents, Jor-El and Lara.

What I found most intriguing was the role reversal between the Els and the Kents. In this universe, it’s the Els who inspire their son to stand for truth and justice, a role usually played by the Kents in traditional Superman lore. The dynamic is both refreshing and thought-provoking, offering a unique twist on a timeless character.

The issue concludes with a heart-wrenching scene featuring Martha Kent, who is shown frail and bedridden in a nursing home. The mysterious young man by her side, whom eagle-eyed readers might recognize, adds another layer to the already complex origin story of Superman.

In this Absolute universe, it seems the Kents have played a role in Kal’s life, despite not being his biological parents. The circumstances surrounding his arrival on Earth remain a mystery, but one thing is clear – the Kents went to great lengths to protect their adopted son, perhaps to ensure he could become the hero we know and love.

All in all, “Absolute Superman” continues to impress with its cinematic storytelling and innovative reimagining of iconic characters. I can’t wait to see where this new status quo takes our favorite Kryptonian!

Oh, and let me tell you, folks, if you thought the last scene was a shocker, just wait until you find out who that mysterious nurse looks like… It’s enough to make even Superman blush!

The DC Universe’s Absolute line has been performing exceptionally well, reinterpreting their iconic characters, and the series “Absolute Superman” by Jason Aaron and Rafa Sandoval is doing a fantastic job with Superman. This series is establishing a fresh dynamic for Superman, and the third issue further explores the demise of Krypton. There are numerous intriguing aspects in this installment, particularly the alterations to the El family and Krypton itself, but the most significant event occurs at the very end. Not only does a key Superman character make her debut, but her destiny deviates significantly from what is customary in DC Comics. Warning: Spoilers for Absolute Superman ahead!

Superman’s Parents Play New Roles in the Absolute Universe

In issue #3 of “Absolute Superman,” the focus is on Kal-El’s bond with his parents. Unlike other students who rely heavily on Krypton’s computers, Kal chooses to write his own assignments independently. This independent spirit aligns with his future journalistic nature and Jor-El and Lara, his parents, actually support this rebellion against Kryptonian norms in him. It’s uncommon for readers to witness Kal-El having a genuine connection with his birth parents, but “Absolute Superman” #3 beautifully illustrates their significant role in shaping his character in this universe.

Jor-El and Lara defy the Kryptonian Science Guild, which governs their planet, a fact that readers would anticipate. When Jor-El tries to reveal to the guild’s religious leaders about the impending doom of Krypton, he is imprisoned, an event Kal observes during a field trip. Upon his father’s urging, Kal rushes home and fetches his mother. Together, they launch an assault on the Halls of Wisdom to free Jor-El, with Lara battling the guards. Meanwhile, Kal manages to obtain the access codes from one of the guards and learns the shocking truth about the Science Guild – they are aware of Krypton’s destruction and have constructed their own spaceships.

Kal shares this news across the globe, embodying journalistic skills from an early age, a move that overshadows his parents’ revelation about Krypton’s destiny. What they reveal to him is surprising – they constructed a large spaceship capable of evacuating numerous people, a significant deviation from traditional Superman storylines. This action serves as a testament to the values instilled in their son by the Els, effectively replacing the roles of the Kents. The issue concludes with a shocking revelation for readers as it depicts a frail Martha Kent residing in a nursing home, seemingly alone except for a photograph next to her bed of Jon, herself, and a recognizable young man. Through the scene, she repeatedly requests her “guardian angel” to return to her. Observant readers might recognize a nurse from an earlier page who bears a striking resemblance too.

The Status of Martha Kent Sets Up More Of Absolute Superman’s Origin

In the world of Absolute, it’s not the Kents who shaped Superman; instead, it was the Els who inspired their son, Kal-El. The Absolute Els fostered a unique upbringing for Kal, encouraging him to stand out and champion the underdogs, while always being truthful. This is typically the role of the Kents, making this an intriguing twist on the traditional Superman story.

In contrast, issue #3 of “Absolute Superman” unveils Martha Kent’s involvement in Superman’s life, suggesting that the Kents have had a significant influence on Kal. While the details surrounding Superman’s arrival on Earth remain unknown, it is clear that Kal-El was already quite old when he landed. This could explain why the nurses claimed Martha had no family; it might have been more challenging to adopt or register him in the system, leading the Kents to conceal his existence and prevent a public upbringing as their child. The dramatic narrative of “Absolute Superman” continues to impress, with this latest reveal adding another layer to the storyline for readers.

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2025-01-04 21:10