AEW’s MJF Delivers Shocking International Title Win at Dynamite 250

AEW's MJF Delivers Shocking International Title Win at Dynamite 250

As a long-time fan of professional wrestling and someone who has attended live events for years, I must say that the match between Ospreay and MJF for the International Championship was one for the books! The intensity and sheer determination displayed by both wrestlers were truly captivating.

In an intense episode of AEW Dynamite, Will Ospreay and MJF clashed in a high-stakes bout for the AEW International Championship. Their animosity towards each other had been brewing for weeks following MJF’s brutal assault on Daniel Garcia. The pivotal moment came when MJF injured Ospreay’s knee, leaving him limping and determined to press on. Despite MJF targeting his shoulder as well, Ospreay refused to give up. Both athletes displayed their strength with various moves, such as the Cross Rhodes, but none could secure a victory. After an extended 45-minute battle, MJF seized the opportunity when the referee was momentarily distracted and hit Ospreay with his ring, claiming the title of AEW International Champion.

An Epic Start

AEW's MJF Delivers Shocking International Title Win at Dynamite 250

Following an intense standoff in the wrestling ring, MJF abruptly exited and dashed towards the crowd, tossing water bottles at spectators and destroying signs near the barricade. He ultimately re-entered the ring and, after dodging Ospreay’s assault, paid tribute to Rick Rude and Ric Flair with a mocking gesture. In response, Ospreay mimicked MJF’s actions, and they resumed their combat. The duo rapidly exchanged moves and evasions, but neither managed to connect a hit as Ospreay gracefully landed on his feet. MJF falsely accused Ospreay of pulling his hair, leading to MJF being ejected from the ring. Ospreay then tracked down MJF and knocked him to the ground after leaping over the ropes.

Ospreay delivered a kick and a suplex, but MJF managed to survive the pin attempt. In response, MJF attempted to escape under the ropes, but instead collided with the turnbuckle and rebounded, sending Ospreay crashing into the opposite one. Subsequently, MJF applied an armbar to slow things down, but Ospreay broke free, ending up being slammed forcefully onto the mat from behind.

Ospreay suffered a painful knee blow to his stomach, but managed to bounce back, unfortunately right into an unexpected stunner. Following this, Ospreay managed to kick out of the ensuing pin, but was met with a cutter thrown over the ropes and another cover. Once again, Ospreay showed resilience by kicking out. MJF attempted a heat-seeking move, but was hit in the head by Ospreay’s boot before receiving an elbow strike. In retaliation, Ospreay clotheslined MJF, and then executed a stunning move over the ropes, sending the challenger crashing down to the floor.

After executing a shooting star press and following it up with another impressive move instigated from the ropes, Ospreay prepared for his Hidden Blade finish. However, MJF managed to roll out of the ring, only to be met with a crossbody dive over the ropes, leaving him lying once again outside the ring. Eager to continue the action, Ospreyset up a table at ringside. With MJF crawling back into the ring, Ospreay delivered a stinging chop to his chest before landing another one. Yet, the momentum was disrupted when MJF retaliated with a powerful move of his own.

A Turning Point

MJF appeared wounded after Ospreay landed a move on him. However, he retaliated with a piledriver and attempted to pin Ospreay down. But Ospreay showed resilience and managed to kick out. They exchanged several moves and eventually took a break to catch their breath, with MJF being the first to recover. Seizing the opportunity, MJF focused on Ospreay’s leg and applied a Figure Four hold. Ospreay countered and put stress on MJF’s knees instead. MJF reversed it once more, but Ospreay escaped by grabbing the bottom rope before the hold could be locked in completely.

After their intense exchange, it was evident that Ospreay’s leg, particularly his knee, had taken a hit. He tried to regain feeling in the limb as MJF scratched him and shoved him into the ropes. When Ospreay collapsed on his injured leg, MJF capitalized by checking in with the referee before attacking Ospreay’s face to keep him down. Ospreay retaliated with punches and chops but was momentarily halted when MJF landed a chop block on the damaged knee. Despite having some energy left, Ospreay managed to knock MJF down, but MJF didn’t miss an opportunity to target the knee once more. However, this time, Ospreay countered with the Oscutter.

Injuries Mounting

During their wrestling match, Ospreay attempted another cutter near the ring apron, but MJF skillfully dodged. Consequently, Ospreay landed heavily on his injured shoulder against the ring apron. The impact caused him significant pain. Following this, MJF exploited the vulnerable shoulder by throwing Ospreay into the steel steps. For a time, MJF maintained control over the Champion, wearing him down. Subsequently, MJF targeted the injured shoulder and executed another slam prior to pinning Ospreay. However, the tenacious Champion managed to survive this near-defeat by kicking out before the referee counted three.

During their intense battle, Ospreay executed a smooth comeback with a counter move, followed by lifting MJF for a spin and slam. However, MJF showed resilience by managing to kick out before the referee could count three. The action then spilled over into the stands as Ospreay pursued MJF relentlessly. In the crowd, Ospreay continued to land blows on his opponent. MJF retaliated by crawling down the stairs and throwing someone’s beer in Ospreay’s face to gain an advantage. The fight intensified further when Ospreay retaliated by slamming MJF’s head into a nearby trash can before kicking it for good measure.

At last, Ospreay managed to get MJF on the prepared table, climbing up high. But just as Ospreay was about to deliver a move, MJF slipped off and returned to the ring. Both wrestlers exchanged cover attempts. In a swift maneuver, Ospreay executed a reverse hurricanrana, but was met with a powerful kick to the jaw from MJF. Seizing the opportunity, MJF performed a sunrise dive from the ropes and aimed for a pin. However, at the brink of defeat, Ospreay miraculously kicked out.

MJF positioned Ospreay on the table and climbed up, appearing a bit wobbly. Ospreay slipped off the edge, and MJF retaliated by biting his arm. MJF taunted Garcia for a brief moment before returning to Ospreay. Ospreay was forced into the barricade by MJF. MJF blinded Ospreay with a rake of his eyes, followed by a powerful kick to the face. Ospreay retaliated by launching himself over the barricade and executing a cutter on MJF, crashing him to the ground. However, MJF managed to kick out before Ospreay could secure the victory with the Cross Rhodes.

As a gamer, I can tell you that during the match, MJF pounced on Ospreay’s left arm and followed it up with a DDT for a pin attempt, but he didn’t get the victory as Ospreay showed some resilience and kicked out. Next, MJF unleashed a monstrous lariat from the ropes, aiming for another cover, but Ospreay miraculously managed to survive yet again at the last second. MJF then attempted a Tombstone move, but Ospreay countered it. In retaliation, Ospreay struck me with a super kick and executed a styles clash on the apron. More pin attempts ensued, but neither of us could keep our opponent pinned down for long enough to secure the win. Eventually, I managed to reverse a cutter into a Piledriver, but even that wasn’t enough as Ospreay continued to showcase his tenacity and kicked out once more.

A Painful Moment

AEW's MJF Delivers Shocking International Title Win at Dynamite 250

During the intermission, it came to light that Ospreay had dislocated his shoulder and needed to put it back in place. Following this, MJF squeezed Ospreay with a rope, but the referee intervened before the act was completed. Ospreay retaliated by slamming MJF into the turnbuckle at high speed. In return, MJF hurt Osprey’s injured arm by slamming it down on the mat. However, MJF ended up being thrown out of the ring and to the floor shortly after. Ospreay took advantage of MJF’s taunting and attacked him with a hidden blade through the ropes.

During the match, Ospreay managed to get MJF in the ring and executed a forearm strike from the top rope. However, MJF survived the ensuing pin attempt. In retaliation, MJF knocked Ospreay off his feet. But Ospreay quickly regained control and performed the Styles Clash using the ropes. Subsequently, Ospreay pinned MJF down for a cover, but MJF reached out to save himself by grabbing the bottom rope. Later on, MJF targeted Ospreay’s injured shoulder and held him near the ropes, but the referee intervened after noticing the violation of rules, warning MJF and releasing his hold. After a commercial break, MJF continued to put pressure on Ospreay’s injury while holding onto the ropes for support, but the referee cautioned him and forced him to let go.

During an intense back-and-forth exchange, Ospreay and MJF came close to securing pins on each other multiple times. However, MJF managed a hurricanrana for a near-pin, while Ospreay kicked out just in time. Next, MJF attempted the Kangaroo Kick, but Ospreay countered and retaliated with a super kick to MJF’s head. Ospreay then climbed the ropes and sent MJF crashing down, but MJF miraculously got up and struck back with a lariat. MJF taunted Ospreay using Garcia’s signature move, only for Ospreay to dodge and counter. They continued their fierce battle, with Ospreay delivering a powerful kick to MJF’s face followed by another one. Both wrestlers then attempted pins, but neither could keep the other down. Finally, Ospreay executed the Spanish Fly, but it wasn’t enough to defeat MJF.

In an unexpected turn of events, Ospreay executed an Oscutter followed by a Hidden Blade on MJF. Amazingly, Maxwell managed to kick out before the three count. Ospreay aimed for another Hidden Blade, but MJF evaded the move. Next, Ospreay delivered a headbutt and attempted a Tiger Driver with just one minute remaining. However, Ospreay was hesitant due to his promise not to use this move again. In a sneaky maneuver, MJF shoved the referee into Ospreay, allowing him to land a powerful punch with the ring. By the time the referee recovered, MJF had pinned down Ospreay and secured the win, claiming the title of the new International Champion.

“What were your thoughts on the wrestling match? Feel free to share your views with me on Threads and Twitter @mattaguilarcb.”

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2024-07-18 04:40