Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods Tier List

Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods Tier List

Well, I’ve spent countless hours delving into the mystical realms of Age of Mythology: Retold, and let me tell you, the gods of this game are as diverse as they come!

In the game “Age of Mythology: Retold“, selecting the major god your empire will worship is among the initial and crucial decisions you’ll face. Each major god offers various pantheons, divine abilities,, and numerous advantages throughout the gameplay. Therefore, it’s essential to understand which one suits you best – here’s a ranking guide of top-tier major gods to aid your choice.

Best Gods Tier List

It’s important to remember that this tier list, ranked from best to worst, is entirely subjective. Your opinion may completely differ from mine, since you might prioritise features and resources that I don’t, and vice versa. Everyone plays differently, and this is especially true for strategy games like Age of Mythology: Retold.

So, without further ado, here is our tier list:

Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods Tier List

Don’t worry if you don’t recognise all the icons, as we’ll be going through them all in detail!


There is only one major god we’ve given the title of S-tier to, and that is the Egyptian god, Set.


Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods Tier List

The primary cause for Set’s prominent placement at the highest rank is because of the distinctive units he offers. In all, Set provides a diverse array of eight unique animal units that can be trained by the Pharaoh. If you decide to make Set your primary deity, you will also start the game with a Baboon of Set already within your domain.

As a gamer, I found the divine power bestowed upon me by Set, named Vision, quite handy. It temporarily lifts the veil of uncertainty in a specific region for 20 seconds, which is a game-changer during strategic decision-making. On top of that, Clairvoyance, another technological gift from Set, eliminates the favor cost when I reactivate Vision and even decreases its recast time. To sweeten the deal, there are additional perks like reduced costs for my Barracks, Siege Works, and Migdol Strongholds.


In our tier A, we recognize four significant deities: the Greek deities Zeus and Hades, the Egyptian deity Isis, and the Norse deity Thor.


Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods Tier List

One of the most remarkable features of Zeus is undoubtedly his divine powers. With Bolt, you can unleash a staggering 10,000 damage on a single game unit. Much like other Greek deities, Zeus empowers you to control four distinct characters – namely Jason, Heracles, Odysseus, and Bellerophon. The technology he bestows upon you enhances your ability to manage these characters effectively. Being an Olympian, any characters acquired through Zeus will boast a 25% increase in health points, making them quite resilient in battle. Quite useful indeed!

Furthermore, you’ll receive a special, one-of-a-kind infantry called a Myrmidon. This unit is exceptional because it dispenses divine damage on opponents, bypassing their armor entirely.


Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods Tier List

In your game, you’ll find that the Greek god Hades offers you an opportunity to engage with four brave heroes: Ajax, Achilles, Chiron, and Perseus are the ones he makes available for you. Additionally, Hades provides you with two distinctive units: the Gastraphetoros, a skilled archer armed with a crossbow that excels against structures, and the Shade of Hades. These are mythical warriors, and they emerge with a 20% chance at a Temple if a human soldier meets an unfortunate end there.

For a divine ability, Hades grants you the guardian known as Sentinel. This places five intelligent statues around your opponent’s central area, which will attack any foes that get too close. Furthermore, his technological advantage, Vaults of Erebus, consistently drips gold at a rate of 0.75 per second.


Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods Tier List

Isis doesn’t offer any special individual resources, but she still makes it to our A-tier due to her resource-enhancing abilities. Her God power, Prosperity, lets you mine gold twice as fast for 50 seconds. Moreover, her technology, Flood of the Nile, offers a continuous supply of approximately 0.75 food per second.

In the same vein as other deities, Isis offers certain advantages: Primarily, possessing a Town or Citadel Center grants you an additional 5 inhabitants. Monuments, unique to Egypt, when activated, not only heal neighboring units but also generate Favor at twice the normal rate.


Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods Tier List

Picking Thor as your primary deity at the game’s onset offers numerous perks. Initially, his divine ability, Dwarven Mine, grants you a Gold Mine that you can place anywhere. In later stages, this mine holds more gold and can be mined quicker when activated. However, it’s important to note that any civilization will be able to mine from it as well.

As a gamer, I’ve found an exceptional building in my game world, gifted by Thor himself – the Dwarven Armoury. This bad boy replaces the regular old Armoury and grants me the ability to research technologies, regardless of the age we’re currently in. On top of that, it offers three extra technologies to tinker with! It’s quite beneficial because Thor brings four new technologies into my arsenal.

  • Hammer of Thunder: Gives a buff for extra damage to Hersirs as well as increased favour gain
  • Dwarven Weapons: Human soldiers, heroes, ships, and buildings, all have improved attacks
  • Meteoric Iron Armour: Human units have better armour against hacking damage
  • Dragonscale Shields: Human units have better armour against piercing damage


As a gamer, I’d say: Among the tier lists we frequently use, our B-tier is often filled with six significant deities. I’ve assigned B grades to the Greek god Poseidon, the Norse gods Odin, Loki, and Freyr, as well as Gaia and Oranos from Atlantis.

Keep in mind that character Freyr can only be accessed if you own the Premium Edition of Age of Mythology: Retold. Although it’s likely that they will eventually sell an expansion pack for those with the standard version, at this time, it has not been released.


Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods Tier List

In the role of the final among the three mighty Greek deities, I, Poseidon, bestow upon you four distinct Heroes: Theseus, Atalanta, Hippolyta, and Polyphemus. To add to your divine arsenal, I bring two exceptional units unique to my domain. The enigmatic Hippocampus serves as a naval scout, boasting no offensive capabilities. However, it miraculously resurfaces after 60 seconds following its demise. On the other hand, Hetairos is a valiant cavalry unit, armed with an Area of Effect attack.

Poseidon’s divine ability, known as “Animal Magnet,” enables you to set a stone that attracts wildlife. These creatures can be hunted by the villagers. The technology he bestows upon you, called “Lord of Horses,” enhances your cavalry units with a +4 increase in their vision range.


Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods Tier List

As a gamer, I’d rephrase it like this:

In this scenario, Odin bestows upon you a single technological advantage known as Hamask. This perk empowers Berserks, causing them to accelerate and attack more swiftly with each decreasing percentage of their health points. For every 1% loss in HP, they gain an additional 0.25% speed boost. If you’re up for the mental calculation challenge, I tip my hat to you!


Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods Tier List

Loki might not offer numerous advantages, but he does provide some handy enhancements, particularly for those who appreciate espionage. His divine power, Spy, grants you covert observation of a chosen enemy unit or beast. Additionally, his Technology ability, Eyes in the Forest, amplifies the sight range of Hersirs, Heroes of Ragnarok, and infantry units.

Furthermore, certain units are capable of being born from destroying enemy units, and it’s possible to convert Gatherers and Dwarves into Berserkers at no cost.


Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods Tier List

Just like Loki, Freyr is not overflowing with advantages, but the ones he offers are quite handy. His divine power, Gullinbursti, enables you to momentarily conjure a mighty golden boar to protect a friendly Town Hub. This ability grows stronger as the eras progress.

The technology known as “Freyr’s Gift” will enhance the durability of both Heroes and human soldiers by increasing their hit points by 25% once researched. Furthermore, if you choose Freyr as your deity, the repair costs for buildings will be waived entirely. Additionally, Gatherers and Dwarves under your command will also have the ability to mend structures.


Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods Tier List

In Gaia Forest, having Gaia as your chosen deity bestows a special power known as the “Forest Blessing.” This privilege enables you to cultivate an aspen forest that yields 200 wood instead of the standard 150. On the other hand, Channels functions as a technological advantage, boosting the speed of all your units when moving across lush terrains.

Gaia provides a cost reduction when promoting your subjects to heroes, while your economic structures (Town Centers, Manors, Economic Guilds, and Markets) flourish abundantly, thereby restoring the health of your allied units and constructions.


Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods Tier List

Although Oranos may not offer numerous advantages, it stands out for its exceptional and distinctive buildings. Notably, the structure known as Sky Passage serves as a unique transport system. This towering edifice can move up to 30 units to another Sky Passage, making it an invaluable asset throughout the game’s progression. Furthermore, you have the ability to construct a new one in each age.

His divine ability is referred to as ‘Shockwave’, which, unsurprisingly, generates a powerful shockwave! This wave lifts enemy troops off the ground, causes them harm, and momentarily stuns them for several seconds. Furthermore, a recently discovered technology called ‘Empyrian Speed’ boosts the movement speed of your infantry soldiers by 10%.


In the game “Age of Mythology: Retold”, it turns out that just two deities – the Egyptian god Ra and the Atlantean god Kronos – are ranked at the bottom of the preference list among all the gods available. These two are, unfortunately, our least preferred choices.


Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods Tier List

Less beneficial aspects are associated with Ra, as his divine power, Rain, facilitates faster farming for allied villagers by a factor of 2, but it also boosts enemy villagers’ farming speed by half. Additionally, you will experience a 50% increase in your personal wood gathering. The technology he bestows upon you, the Rhino Skin, provides your laborers with reduced hacking and piercing vulnerability, while enhancing their hack attack.

Additional perks feature increased health for the Camel Rider, Chariot Archer, War Elephant, and Priests gaining the ability to empower.


Age of Mythology Retold: Best Gods Tier List

The last of our tier-listed gods, Kronos allows for time-shifting: Temporal Chaos, the new Technology he grants, lets you concurrently Time Shift three buildings. As for a God power, Deconstruction lets you deconstruct an enemy’s building, allowing the full cost of said building to be returned to the enemy. However, it can’t be used against Walls, Gates, Town Centres, Wonders, or Titan Gates.

Additional perks from Kronos encompass quicker construction of buildings based on neighboring Manors, and the acquisition of two mythical units for free as opposed to one when progressing into the next Era.

Here’s it – wrapping up the rankings! Remember, these positions are based on individual preferences, and you may not concur with certain choices. However, we hope this guide will aid you in deciding which deity to pick for your next round of Age of Mythology: Retold!

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2024-09-07 01:06