Alan Wake 2 Patch Notes Revealed for New Update

As a gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I’ve seen my fair share of game updates – some good, some bad, and some downright frustrating. The latest update for Alan Wake 2 falls squarely into the ‘better than nothing’ category.

As a gaming enthusiast, I’ve got some exciting news! The creators at Remedy Entertainment have rolled out an update for Alan Wake 2 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. Lately, the sequel to the chilling Alan Wake has been encountering a few hiccups. Some of these glitches popped up post-release of The Lake House DLC, while others seem to be linked with Sony’s new PS5 Pro console. Now, Remedy is working diligently to sort out these issues, but they’ve made it clear that some solutions won’t be available until a bit later down the line. So, keep your fingers crossed, fellow gamers! We’re on this spooky journey together!

The latest version of Alan Wake 2 is now available for download across all platforms. This new update enhances both expansions of the game and refines Gyro controls slightly. However, it’s important to note that this update does not address the PS5 Pro performance issues some players have been experiencing. Remedy assures us they are working on a future patch aimed at improving performance.

Regarding the PlayStation 5 update, there’s no content tailored for the PlayStation 5 Pro at this time, but we wanted to acknowledge your feedback,” Remedy explained. “We are currently investigating potential enhancements for the Pro to boost performance. We’ll share updates when available. Since the development of PS5 Pro support has been ongoing for several months, it will take our team more than a few weeks to implement changes and improvements. Thank you for your patience!

To see what’s new in Alan Wake 2 up until now, check out the most recent changes listed in the patch notes below.

Alan Wake 2 Update Patch Notes

Improvements and additions 

  • [The Lake House] Added collectibles from The Lake House to Saga’s Mind Place, when the expansion is played as part of the main campaign. 
  • [Night Springs] The Night Springs theme is now available in the Writer’s Room after finishing any Night Springs chapter as part of the main campaign. 
  • It is now less frustrating to deal with the “Thrower” enemies. They move around a bit less frequently, and they take longer to teleport after receiving damage. 
  • [Motion Controls] Improved Gyro controls and interaction with stick input. Increased maximum available sensitivity in the options menu from 4x to 20x (for those of you that are, or could be, surgeons)  


  • [PS5 Pro] Fixed missing Performance LSAO data. (Shadows went missing when swapping from Quality to Performance mode, smh) 
  • [Night Springs] Fixed an issue where a Night Springs episode would not be available in the main campaign after loading a nearby save. 
  • [Deluxe Edition] Alan’s hair now gets messier, and when using the Classic Outfit, it gets properly soaked. He also remembered to put on his wedding ring. 
  • [Final Draft] Fixed some Alice photos that were sometimes not available. 
  • [Final Draft] Fixed a manuscript page in Return 6 that sometimes could not get picked up. 
  • Fixed some map markers persisting after interaction. 
  • Fixed Sheriff Stash that could not be opened in Initiation 5. 
  • Fixed (fingers crossed) the unobtainable Pat Maine radio shows. Good radio lives forever. 
  • Fixed a Return 1 manuscript page that was unavailable in the Mind Place. 
  • Fixed a key item in Return 3 that could be picked up too early and could lead into a soft lock. 
  • Fixed some objectives (“Investigate the previously flooded area”) not clearing up properly. 
  • Scratch will no longer get stuck behind the microphone stand in Return 08.  
  • Fixed some localization issues across several languages. 
  • Minor fixes and stability improvements 

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2024-11-26 19:11