As a seasoned Pokemon Trainer with years of battling, catching, and trading under my belt, I can confidently say that the list provided offers a comprehensive look at the cards you can collect in Pokemon TCG Pocket. From the form-exclusive Pokemons like Gengar ex, Charizard ex, and Mewtwo ex to the promo cards such as Potion, Poké Ball, and Red Card, each card brings its unique strengths and weaknesses to the table.
Similar to numerous titles within the Pokémon series, Pokémon TCG Pocket continues the tradition of vast collectible endeavors by introducing an extensive array of cards for players to amass in their digital libraries.
In the world of Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG), only the A-1 Genetic Apex set is currently available where you can purchase packs. Interestingly, each variation of packs in this set – Pikachu, Charizard, and Mewtwo – holds exclusive cards that collectors can strive for.
Just as you need to open multiple packages of each set if you aim to gather them all for your Pokedex, when it comes to the Soda Pop plushies from Pokémon.
As we’re yet to receive Pokémon Crocs in the UK, let’s instead explore all the cards that are currently part of the Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket collection.
How many cards are in Pokémon TCG Pocket?
In the captivating world of Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket, there are a stunning 250 base cards to collect right now! Among these, an impressive 226 cards are available in Genetic Apex, and an additional 24 Promo cards can be obtained during in-game events such as the current Wonder Pick event. I’m absolutely thrilled by the variety of cards I can gather here!
Moreover, Genetic Apex boasts 54 Secret Rare cards having identical stats and attack values, but each card sports unique artwork. This brings the total number of cards to an impressive 280.
During every event, not every Promo card is up for grabs. To ensure you have a shot at collecting all 24, remember to check back frequently for updates on the new events.
In the realm of TCGP, there’s a hint of new Pokémon cards on the horizon for future events. We’ll keep this post updated once further details are revealed.
Full list of Pokémon TCG Pocket cards
Genetic Apex
In this article, you’ll find all the Pokemon TCG: Genetic Apex A-1 cards you can draw right now, listed by Card Dex from Bulbasaur to Mew in their natural sequence.
- #1 Bulbasaur (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #2 Ivysaur (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #3 Venusaur (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #4 Venusaur ex (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #5 Caterpie (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #6 Metapod (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #7 Butterfree (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #8 Weedle (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #9 Kakuna (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #10 Beedrill (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #11 Oddish (Charizard-exclusive)
- #12 Gloom (Charizard-exclusive)
- #13 Vileplume (Charizard-exclusive)
- #14 Paris (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #15 Parasect (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #16 Venonat (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #17 Venomoth (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #18 Bellsprout (Charizard-exclusive)
- #19 Weepinbell (Charizard-exclusive)
- #20 Victreebel (Charizard-exclusive)
- #21 Exeggcute (Charizard-exclusive)
- #22 Exeggutor (Charizard-exclusive)
- #23 Exeggutor (Charizard-exclusive)
- #24 Tangela (Charizard-exclusive)
- #25 Scyther (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #26 Pinsir
- #27 Cottonee
- #28 Whimsicott
- #29 Petilil
- #30 Lilligant
- #31 Skiddo
- #32 Gogoat
- #33 Charmander (Charizard-exclusive)
- #34 Charmeleon (Charizard-exclusive)
- #35 Charizard (Charizard-exclusive)
- #36 Charizard ex (Charizard-exclusive)
- #37 Vulpix (Charizard-exclusive)
- #38 Ninetales (Charizard-exclusive)
- #39 Growlithe (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #40 Arcanine (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #41 Arcanine ex (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #42 Ponyta
- #43 Rapidash
- #44 Magmar (Charizard-exclusive)
- #45 Flareon (Charizard-exclusive)
- #46 Moltres (Charizard-exclusive)
- #47 Moltres ex (Charizard-exclusive)
- #48 Heatmor
- #49 Salandit (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #50 Salazzle (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #51 Sizzlipede
- #52 Centiskorch
- #53 Squirtle (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #54 Wartortle (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #55 Blastoise (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #56 Blastoise ex (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #57 Psyduck
- #58 Golduck
- #59 Poliwag (Charizard-exclusive)
- #60 Poliwhirl (Charizard-exclusive)
- #61 Poliwrath (Charizard-exclusive)
- #62 Tentacool (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #63 Tentacruel (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #64 Seel (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #65 Dewgong (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #66 Shellder (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #67 Cloyster (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #68 Krabby (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #69 Kingler (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #70 Horsea (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #71 Seadra (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #72 Goldeen
- #73 Seaking
- #74 Staryu (Charizard-exclusive)
- #75 Starmie (Charizard-exclusive)
- #76 Starmie ex (Charizard-exclusive)
- #77 Magikarp (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #78 Gyarados (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #79 Lapras (Charizard-exclusive)
- #80 Vaporeon (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #81 Omanyte (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #82 Omastar (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #83 Articuno (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #84 Articuno ex (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #85 Ducklett (Charizard-exclusive)
- #86 Swanna (Charizard-exclusive)
- #87 Froakie (Charizard-exclusive)
- #88 Frogadier (Charizard-exclusive)
- #89 Greninja (Charizard-exclusive)
- #90 Pyukumuku (Charizard-exclusive)
- #91 Bruxish
- #92 Snom
- #93 Frosmoth
- #94 Pikachu (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #95 Raichu (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #96 Pikachu ex (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #97 Magnemite (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #98 Magneton (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #99 Voltorb (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #100 Electrode (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #101 Electabuzz (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #102 Jolteon (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #103 Zapdos (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #104 Zapdos ex (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #105 Blitzle
- #106 Zebstrika
- #107 Tynamo (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #108 Eelektrik (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #109 Eelektross (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #110 Helio
- #111 Heliolisk
- #112 Pincurchin
- #113 Clefairy (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #114 Clefable (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #115 Abra (Charizard-exclusive)
- #116 Kadabra (Charizard-exclusive)
- #117 Alakazam (Charizard-exclusive)
- #118 Slowpoke
- #119 Slowbro
- #120 Gastly (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #121 Haunter (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #122 Gengar (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #123 Gengar ex (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #124 Drowzee (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #125 Hypno (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #126 Mr Mime (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #127 Jynx (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #128 Mewtwo (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #129 Mewtwo ex (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #130 Ralts (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #131 Kirlia (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #132 Gardevoir (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #133 Woobat
- #134 Swoobat
- #135 Golett
- #136 Golurk
- #137 Sandshrew
- #138 Sandslash
- #139 Diglett (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #140 Dugtrio (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #141 Mankey (Charizard-exclusive)
- #142 Primeape (Charizard-exclusive)
- #143 Machop (Charizard-exclusive)
- #144 Machoke (Charizard-exclusive)
- #145 Machamp (Charizard-exclusive)
- #146 Machamp ex (Charizard-exclusive)
- #147 Geodude (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #148 Graveler (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #149 Golem (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #150 Onix (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #151 Cubone (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #152 Marowak (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #153 Marowak ex (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #154 Hitmonlee (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #155 Hitmonchan
- #156 Rhyhorn (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #157 Rhydon (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #158 Kabuto (Charizard-exclusive)
- #159 Kabutops (Charizard-exclusive)
- #160 Mienfoo (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #161 Mienshao (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #162 Clobbopus
- #163 Grapploct
- #164 Ekans
- #165 Arbok
- #166 Nidoran (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #167 Nidorina (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #168 Nidoqueen (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #169 Nidoran♂ (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #170 Nidorino (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #171 Nidoking (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #172 Zubat
- #173 Golbat
- #174 Grimer
- #175 Muk
- #176 Koffing
- #177 Weezing
- #178 Mawile (Charizard-exclusive)
- #179 Pawniard
- #180 Bisharp
- #181 Meltan (Charizard-exclusive)
- #182 Melmetal (Charizard-exclusive)
- #183 Dratini (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #184 Dragonair (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #185 Dragonite (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #186 Pidgey (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #187 Pidgeotto (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #188 Pidgeot (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #189 Rattata
- #190 Raticate
- #191 Spearow (Charizard-exclusive)
- #192 Fearow (Charizard-exclusive)
- #193 Jigglypuff (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #194 Wigglytuff (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #195 Wigglytuff ex (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #196 Meowth (Charizard-exclusive)
- #197 Persian (Charizard-exclusive)
- #198 Farfetch’d
- #199 Doduo
- #200 Dodrio
- #201 Lickitung (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #202 Chansey (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #203 Kangaskhan (Charizard-exclusive)
- #204 Tauros (Charizard-exclusive)
- #205 Ditto (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #206 Eevee (Charizard-exclusive)
- #207 Eevee (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #208 Eevee (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #209 Porygon (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #210 Aerodactyl (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #211 Snorlax (Charizard-exclusive)
- #212 Minccino
- #213 Cinccino
- #214 Wooloo
- #215 Dubwool
- #216 Helix Fossil (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #217 Dome Fossil (Charizard-exclusive)
- #218 Old Amber (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #219 Erika
- #220 Misty (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #221 Blaine (Charizard-exclusive)
- #222 Koga
- #223 Giovanni (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #224 Brock (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #225 Sabrina (Charizard-exclusive)
- #226 Lt Surge (Pikachu-exclusive)
Secret Rare cards

- #227 Bulbasaur (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #228 Gloom (Charizard-exclusive)
- #229 Pinsir (Charizard-exclusive)
- #230 Charmander (Charizard-exclusive)
- #231 Rapidash (Charizard-exclusive)
- #232 Squirtle (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #233 Gyarados (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #234 Lapras (Charizard-exclusive)
- #235 Electrode (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #236 Alakazam (Charizard-exclusive)
- #237 Slowpoke (Charizard-exclusive)
- #238 Diglett (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #239 Cubone (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #240 Nidoqueen (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #241 Nidoking (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #242 Golbat (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #243 Weezing (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #244 Dragonite (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #245 Pidgeot (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #246 Meowth (Charizard-exclusive)
- #247 Ditto (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #248 Eevee (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #249 Porygon (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #250 Snorlax (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #251 Venusaur ex (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #252 Exeggutor ex (Charizard-exclusive)
- #253 Charizard ex (Charizard-exclusive)
- #254 Arcanine ex (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #255 Moltres ex (Charizard-exclusive)
- #256 Blastoise ex (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #257 Starmie ex (Charizard-exclusive)
- #258 Articuno ex (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #259 Pikachu ex (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #260 Zapdos ex (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #261 Gengar ex (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #262 Mewtwo ex (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #263 Machamp ex (Charizard-exclusive)
- #264 Marowak ex (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #265 Wigglytuff ex (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #266 Erika (Charizard-exclusive)
- #267 Misty (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #268 Blaine (Charizard-exclusive)
- #269 Koga (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #270 Giovanni (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #271 Brock (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #272 Sabrina (Charizard-exclusive)
- #273 Lt Surge (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #274 Moltres ex (Charizard-exclusive)
- #275 Articuno ex (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #276 Zapdos ex (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #277 Gengar ex (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #278 Machamp ex (Charizard-exclusive)
- #279 Wigglytuff ex (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #280 Charizard ex (Charizard-exclusive)
- #281 Pikachu ex (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #282 Mewtwo ex (Mewtwo-exclusive)
- #283 Charizard ex (Charizard-exclusive)
- #284 Pikachu ex (Pikachu-exclusive)
- #285 Mewtwo ex
- #286 Mew
Promo cards
Note: #8 is currently missing from the game, but we expect it to be added in a future update.
- #1 Potion
- #2 X Speed
- #3 Hand Scope
- #4 Pokédex
- #5 Poké Ball
- #6 Red Card
- #7 Professor’s Research
- #9 Pikachu
- #10 Mewtwo
- #11 Chansey
- #12 Meowth
- #13 Butterfree
- #14 Lapras ex
- #15 Pikachu
- #16 Clefairy
- #17 Mankey
- #18 Venusaur
- #19 Greninja
- #20 Haunter
- #21 Onix
- #22 Jigglypuff
- #23 Bulbasaur
- #24 Magnemite
After familiarizing yourself with the complete roster of Pokémon and support cards available in the Pokémon TCG Pocket, why not put your expertise to the test? Give our latest quiz a shot to see if you’ve reached Pokémon Master status!
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2024-11-05 20:04