Ash’s Greatest Pokémon Team: The One That Made Him World Champion

In the year 2023, following a span of 25 years, 25 seasons, more than a thousand episodes, and 22 movies, Ash Ketchum brought his journey in the world of Pokémon Journeys to an end. Having started from modest beginnings in Kanto and ultimately claiming the title of World Champion, Ash experienced numerous transformations over eight generations and areas within the Pokémon universe. Throughout this time, his Pikachu companion remained unwaveringly by his side. Yet, one might wonder which was Ash’s most exceptional Pokémon team?

Initially, Ash missed the chance to get a common starter Pokémon from Professor Oak’s lab – Bulbasaur, Squirtle, or Charmander. Instead, he ended up with Pikachu, establishing an extraordinary bond that lasted throughout their adventures together. Since Pikachu was always by Ash’s side and outside his Poké Ball, there were five additional slots for other Pokémon companions in his team, usually filled with a variety of types such as grass, water, fire, a regional bird Pokémon, and an unexpected choice. Let’s explore the different teams Ash has had over the years and pick out the best one!

Ash’s Pokémon of Yore

At the start of his adventure, Ash began forming his team by capturing Pokémon from across the Kanto region. Despite joining the Pokémon world a bit later than others, he successfully caught the three starters – Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander, as well as Butterfree and Pidgeotto. Over time, Ash developed a team with diverse types, and his Charmander even evolved into Charizard. However, Ash’s other Pokémon didn’t evolve, and Charizard frequently disregarded commands. Regardless, Ash’s initial team went through many heartwarming moments together, and it is one that remains fondly remembered by fans.

In the Johto region during Generation 2, Ash assembled a group of companions including Bayleef, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Noctowl, and Phanpy. He also had Heracross, a powerful Pokemon with Bug-Fighting type abilities, but didn’t use it often in his team. The rare, shiny Noctowl was a valuable find for Ash. Despite Ash not being known for using evolution, he did continue to collect various types of Pokémon for his team. As he moved on to the Hoenn region in Generation 3, though Ash still didn’t focus much on evolving his Pokemon, his team maintained its diversity with Swellow, Grovyle, Corphish, Torkoal, and Glalie, introducing an ice-type to mix things up. However, there were other Pokemon that Ash could have captured which might have been more beneficial for his team composition.

In Gen 4, Ash gathers a squad in the Sinnoh region, comprising Staraptor, Torterra, Buizel, Infernape, and Gible. Some of his prior-caught Pokémon resurface too, like Heracross, Gligar (evolving into Gliscor), and Cyndaquil (turning into Quilava). This time around, Ash’s team is predominantly evolved, enhancing their stats and offering a variety of strategies. However, when confronted with the Pokémon deity Arceus, we don’t get to witness an epic clash between Ash and his Pokémon against it. Maybe it wouldn’t have been wise for them to engage in battle with the ruler of the Pokémon universe anyway.

In the Unova region during Generation 5, Ash’s Pokémon team undergoes quite a shuffle with many changes, and unfortunately, he falls back into the pattern of not completely evolving most of his Pokémon, particularly the regional starters. Despite this, Ash successfully advances Unfezant, Leavanny, and Krookodile to their final forms. However, Oshawott, Pignite, Snivy, Scraggy, Boldore, and Palpitoad remain in their earlier stages. Nonetheless, it’s exciting to witness Charizard’s comeback on the team.

Ash’s encounters in the Kalos region have made him a formidable competitor, as his best teams of Pokemon are exceptionally powerful. This is particularly true since he came so close to winning at the Lumiose Conference. With Generation 6 introducing Mega Evolutions, Ash boosted his Pokemon’s chances with a fully evolved team consisting of Talonflame, Hawlucha, the dragon-types Goodra and Noivern, and Greninja, which showcases an intriguing form thanks to its Battle Bond ability. These powerful Pokemon were already strong individually, and many still maintain significant competitive relevance in their base games.

In the vibrant Alola region during Generation 7, I’ve achieved an unforgettable milestone – becoming the first Alolan Pokémon League champion! My journey was filled with unexpected twists, but my team, led by the ever-resilient Rowlet who miraculously refused to evolve, was nothing short of a powerhouse. With Incineroar, Lycanroc, Naganadel, and mighty Melmetal at my side, we’ve proven unstoppable!

The excitement didn’t end there, as this generation also introduced fresh faces like the new Pokémon, along with exciting new battle mechanics such as exclusive Alolan forms, the mysterious Ultra Beasts, and the awe-inspiring Z-Moves. The thrill of every battle was amplified by these innovative elements!

In the realm of Galar, Ash assembles his ultimate team for the final leg of his journey as a Pokemon trainer. This versatile group boasts Lucario, Dracovish, Dragonite, Gengar, and Galarian Farfetch’d. The assortment encompasses a dragon-type and a ghost/poison-type, while also featuring one of the new Galarian form Pokemons from Generation 8. The region of Galar is home to colossal Pokemon, with the recent additions of Dynamax and Gigantamax. As Ash’s Pokemon career comes to an end, it matches the grandeur of the Pokemon in this region. In a fitting conclusion, Ash triumphs against Leon, the Galar Champion, in the World Coronation Series, securing the title of World Champion.

So Which Team Comes Out on Top?

Over the course of his numerous travels and meetings, Ash has formed a multitude of Pokémon friendships that make it challenging for him to pick out which team was the most potent or unforgettable one he’s assembled. His journey began modestly in Kanto with just one cherished companion, but as he progressed through his adventure and eventually became champion in the Galar region, each team Ash built holds a unique place in his heart, demonstrating the lessons he’s learned as a trainer throughout his escapades. In a sense, it’s fitting that Ash completes his journey with his most powerful team by his side at the end of Pokémon Journeys, symbolizing the culmination of his anime experience.

However, when it comes to selecting the top team in terms of power and affection, his current squad consisting of Dragonite, Gengar, Lucario, Galarian Farfetch’d, Dracovish, and last but not least, Pikachu, clearly stands out among the rest. With a group of Pokémon that varies in types and represents multiple generations, this dream team was instrumental in Ash earning the hard-won title of World Champion.

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2025-03-25 18:46