As a long-time fan of the Dungeons & Dragons universe, I must say that this update for Baldur’s Gate 3 is nothing short of breathtaking! The sheer variety and depth of the new character classes and subclasses they’ve added are truly reminiscent of the rich tapestry of characters we’ve come to expect from this world.
An exciting new update for Baldur’s Gate 3 is imminent, offering a total of twelve fresh playable sub-classes to explore!
We hope you’re ready to lose hundreds more hours in this RPG masterpiece.
Since patch 8 represents a significant overhaul, it requires thorough testing before release, so you can anticipate seeing it deployed sometime in 2025.
This significant upgrade brings numerous fresh elements to an existing game that’s already bursting with features. We’re thrilled for you to experience it!
Continue scrolling to discover the potential release date for Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 8, as well as a comprehensive rundown of the anticipated updates.
When is Baldur’s Gate 3 patch 8?
The Baldur’s Gate 3 patch 8 release date is sometime in 2025, Larian has revealed.
We’re not certain about the specific release date yet, but rest assured, it is undergoing a thorough testing process in early January.
Participation in the Patch 8 Stress Test is open for Xbox, PlayStation, and PC users. Further instructions on joining will be provided in an upcoming development update.
What’s changing in the Baldur’s Gate 3 patch 8 update?
In the latest update for Baldur’s Gate 3, version 8, we’re getting 12 brand new character sub-classes to choose from, an exciting new feature called a photo mode, and the ability to play with friends across different platforms.
In a recent blog post on Steam, Larian Studios announced that this significant upgrade will include an impressive trio of brand-new features for the game.
If photo mode and cross-play weren’t enough for you, those 12 brand new sub-classes just might be.
In the game, you’ll encounter distinct subcategories for every character class: Harpers (Bard), Bruisers (Barbarian), Healers (Cleric), Shamans (Druid), Crusaders (Paladin), Soldiers (Fighter), Meditators (Monk), Hunters (Ranger), Thieves (Rogue), Mages (Sorcerer), Warlocks, and Wizards.
Look forward to fresh skills, visual effects, summoning options, and magical spells called cantrips for the Oathbreaker Knight, plus distinctive voice lines and written responses tailored specifically for Oathbreakers. Additionally, some actions will receive a boost through homebrewing to enrich your role-playing adventure.
Read on for the full list of expected patch notes.
Full expected patch notes for Baldur’s Gate 3 patch 8
Although Larian Studios won’t disclose the complete details of the Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 8 updates until its launch in 2025, they have shared several insights about the upcoming changes prior to the release.
We will update this page with the full list of patch notes once they are revealed.
Currently, here’s the complete rundown of the anticipated changes for Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 8, according to Larian Studios:
- Baldur’s Gate 3 multiplayer will soon feature full cross-platform progression, including cross-play
- Once the update is live you’ll be able to invite your friends to join your cross-play lobby directly, regardless of platform and find available multiplayer lobbies with friends on other systems using the Larian Network
Twelve new sub-classes
- One new subclass for each of the existing Bard, Barbarian, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Fighter, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Warlock and Wizard classes in the game
- Expect new abilities, animations, VFX, summons and cantrips, and unique voiced dialogue lines for the Oathbreaker Knight with written reactivity for Oathbreakers, along with a touch of homebrewing on certain actions to enhance your role-playing experience
Bard – College of Glamour:
- As a College of Glamour Bard, you’ll find you have the power to heal friends and command enemies in equal measure
- Cast Mantle of Inspiration to bestow your allies with 5 temporary hit points. And should an enemy attack while it is cast, they’ll find themselves Charmed
- Play your hand correctly and you’ll be able to use this to your advantage with Mantle of Majesty
- Target Charmed enemies and you can command them to flee, move closer, freeze, drop to the ground, or drop their weapon
Barbarian – Path of Giants:
- Forget chugging potions to pump those muscles, these Barbarians benefit from the Giant’s Rage passive that grants both strength and size – allowing you to deal additional damage with Throw attacks
- Pockets weighing you down? Not for you and your increased carry capacity!
Cleric – Death Domain:
- Three new necromancy cantrips, including Toll The Dead, a cantrip that causes 1~8 damage when your cleric rings the bell of impending doom
- The homebrewed ability to explode nearby corpses, damaging enemies
Druid – Circle of Stars:
- Taking on one of three Starry Forms for their power – the constellations of the Archer, Chalice, and Dragon
- The Archer dealing radiant damage with astral arrows, the life-giving Chalice restoring hitpoints to you and others nearby, and the wise Dragon, allowing you to deal damage with an added bonus to constitution rolls
- The Starry Forms offer not just a celestial aesthetic, but practical, powerful options to enhance your role as a healer, fighter, or strategist
Paladin – Oath of the Crown:
- Guide your companions in battle with Righteous Clarity, taunt enemies with strategic interrupts, and keep your party standing strong with Divine Allegiance, absorbing their damage while restoring their health
Fighter – Arcane Archer:
- The Arcane Archer subclass offers unique skills on top of new shooting animations
- Banish foes to the Feywild, removing them from the battlefield for a turn, or unleash Psychic damage that forces enemies to make a Wisdom saving throw or be blinded until the start of their next turn
Monk – Drunken Master:
- As the Drunken Master, you have the ability to consume alcohol straight from your inventory, as well as drink from bottles you see around the Sword Coast, in order to recover Ki
- By sharing the bottle with your enemies using Intoxicating Strike, you’ll generate a buff towards your Armour Class and your Chance to hit Drunk targets
- Drunk enemies are also susceptible to the Drunken Masters’ other abilities, like Sobering Realisation – which sobers up drunk targets, dealing physical and Psychic damage
Ranger – Swarmkeeper:
- The Cloud of Jellyfish deals extra lightning damage – potentially shocking your enemy
- The Flurry of Moths deals Psychic damage, giving you the potential to Blind your enemy
- The Legion of Bees deals piercing damage and forces the enemy to make a strength-saving throw or be knocked back 15ft
- Each swarm also has the ability to provide you with teleportation capabilities!
Rogue – Swashbuckler:
- Play dirty by tossing sand at enemies to Blind them. Flick your weapon at a target to Disarm them. Or use your new Fancy Footwork passive while meleeing your enemy to ensure they can’t make opportunity attacks against you for the rest of your turn
Sorcerer – Shadow Magic:
- This subclass gives its sorcerer Superior Darkvision, as well as the ability to Shadow Walk between places of dim light or darkness
- It also lets you call forth the perfectly homebrewed Hound of Ill Omen to harass your foes, and use Strength of the Grave to prevent you from being downed – ideal for those attempting Honour Mode runs
Warlock – Hexblade
- Curse your enemies and force their souls to do your bidding. Slay any enemy that isn’t generally an element of nature, construct, giant blob, or already dead, and you’ll be able to raise their spirit from their corpse for ten turns
- This new summon can deal necrotic damage and will rip away a chunk of your enemy’s soul to provide your Hexblade Warlock with healing
- The Bladesinging subclass merges swordplay with wizardry
- Expect new spellcasting animations when casting spells with your weapon, a new Bladesong ability to grant you supernatural speed, agility, and focus, plus gives you a bonus to any Constitution saving throw you make
Photo mode
- Photo mode is being added to Baldur’s Gate 3!
- Camera and Lens settings
- Scene settings
- Post-processing effects
- Frames
- Stickers
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2024-11-28 16:35