Black Myth: Wukong — How to beat the Lingxuzi boss

Black Myth: Wukong — How to beat the Lingxuzi boss

As an ardent enthusiast of ARPGs who has traversed through countless digital realms and battled myriad mythical beasts, I must say that Black Myth: Wukong’s Lingxuzi wolf demon stands out as one of the most intriguing challenges I’ve faced in recent memory.

At the outset of your trek westward in Black Myth: Wukong, the pace is generally leisurely, featuring numerous manageable foes and frequent save points designed to familiarize you with the action RPG’s fundamental battle tactics. However, as you progress, you’ll encounter a temple nestled within the Black Wind Mountain, which presents your first significant test: Lingxuzi, a ferocious wolf demon, who is more than ready to maul you and devour your remains.

Lingxuzi is noticeably healthier and deals more damage than any monster you’ve encountered so far. But fear not! Once you master its moveset and capitalize on its counter-attack opportunities, you’ll conquer it swiftly. To assist you in this endeavor, I’ve prepared a detailed boss guide that follows the fight step by step, which you can find below.

Boss guide: How to beat Lingxuzi

Black Myth: Wukong — How to beat the Lingxuzi boss

As a seasoned adventurer who has faced countless foes in my journey, let me share with you some insights about battling Lingxuzi. First and foremost, learn its patterns of attack – this knowledge is crucial for dodging its deadly blows. Secondly, seize the right moment to strike back; timing is everything in a fight like this one. With these tips, I’m confident that you’ll emerge victorious from your encounter with Lingxuzi.

  • Many of Lingxuzi’s attack animations have a delay before they land, so try not to dodge too early. You’ll often be caught by the hit as you’re coming out of your evasions if you do, so be patient with your timing.
  • Lingxuzi gives you generous windows to counter-attack between its own moves, so make sure you play aggressively. Dodges override any basic combos you’re doing, so you can still use them even if it starts attacking while you’re in the middle of one.
  • Throughout the fight, Lingxuzi will occasionally stop to lick its right paw; this is a fantastic opportunity to get in tons of attacks. You’ll be surprised at how fast the fight goes if you effectively take advantage of these telegraphed openings.
    • This is a great time to charge up a Focus-powered heavy attack, especially if you have some Focus built up already from recent melee hits and perfect dodges.
  • Lingxuzi is likely to begin the fight with an attack immediately, so watch out for that. Be ready to dodge this, or else you’ll start the battle wounded and will have to use one of your gourd heals right away.
  • A common attack Lingxuzi does sees it leap at you and slash with one claw before following up with the second one after they land. I recommend dodging towards the direction these swipes are coming from to reduce the number of invincibility frames (iframes) you need.
    • A similar move involves Lingxuzi spreading both claws out as it jumps and trying to land on and crush you. This attack is less dangerous and easy to dodge, but it does have a delay.
    • There’s another variation in which it slashes at you with both claws instead. Avoiding it works the same way, though.
  • If Lingxuzi backs up and raises its left claw, it’s about to do a large sweep attack. When it comes, dodge through it for maximum iframe coverage.
  • If you see or hear Lingxuzi breathing in (look and listen for wind effects), it’s about to perform a damaging area-of-effect roar. Simply sprint away from the boss when this happens, as the range of the attack is quite short.
Black Myth: Wukong — How to beat the Lingxuzi boss
  • One of Lingxuzi’s trickier attacks is a bite in which it rushes forward, then stretches its head towards you to chomp you. Dodge to the left or right to avoid this effectively.
    • This is one of the best attacks to use your Immobilize spell to interrupt because of how quick it comes out. By doing this and then landing several melee attacks, you’ll stagger Lingxuzi out of the move.
  • Another noteworthy move is one where Lingxuzi, from medium range, bares its fangs before sliding across the ground and attempting to throw you into the air with its right claw. If this lands, it will then leap up after you and smash you back into the ground, dealing heavy damage. Watch its mouth for the telegraph whenever you’re not right up close to it, and be ready to dodge right after you see it.
  • A third sees Lingxuzi drag its right claw through the ground for a full second before slashing up at you. This is the most delayed move in Lingxuzi’s repertoire, and is best avoided by dodging laterally multiple times since the dragging animation can also hit and stagger you.
  • Finally, Lingxuzi will occasionally leap onto the roofs of the temple you’re fighting in, eyeing you up for a second or two before leaping to land on you, then follow up with a slam with its paws. The initial jump at you isn’t delayed once Lingxuzi commits to the move and needs to be dodged immediately, but the follow-up slam is. Keep that in mind when avoiding this attack.

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that patience and perseverance are key when taking down Lingxuzi in Black Myth: Wukong. This boss may seem formidable at first, but once you understand the rhythm of the battle, it becomes more manageable. Keep dodging those attacks with grace and stay on the offensive as much as possible – that’s the recipe for success!

As a researcher exploring the gaming landscape, I can confidently say that Black Myth: Wukong is set to be one of the standout titles in 2024, and it’s definitely worth considering if you’re an ARPG enthusiast seeking something fresh and exciting. This action-packed game is currently available on Windows PC and PS5, with a version for Xbox Series X|S also in the works. The standard price is $59.99, but at the moment, you can grab it for a discounted price of just $54.39 from CDKeys.

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2024-08-20 05:11