Black Myth Wukong Yellow Wind Sage Boss Guide

Black Myth Wukong Yellow Wind Sage Boss Guide

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of gaming under my belt, I’ve faced countless bosses that made me question my reflexes and strategic skills. Yet, none have left me quite as intrigued as the enigmatic Yellow Wind Sage from Black Myth Wukong.

Black Myth Wukong Yellow Wind Sage Boss Guide
Diana D’Estefano

In Black Myth: Wukong, you’ll encounter numerous challenging bosses, some of which are known to be particularly tough. However, there are also instances where the difficulty level is more manageable. It’s important to note that battling the Black Myth: Wukong – Yellow Wind Sage isn’t a casual stroll, but it’s not an insurmountable task either.

This article offers practical advice to help you tackle Yellow Wind Sage more efficiently. By applying the correct approach, you might find that defeating him is less challenging.

How to Defeat the Black Myth Wukong Yellow Wind Sage Boss

To overcome the Black Myth Wukong Yellow Wind Sage, the final boss from chapter 2 of the game, it’s beneficial to keep a few points in mind. Initially, you should understand that this boss is divided into multiple stages, specifically three.

Black Myth Wukong Yellow Wind Sage Boss Guide

Phase 1

As you engage in combat with the boss, he wields his staff and hurls gusts of blades towards you. Evade by sidestepping or leaping. Typically, he launches two blades first, then jumps and fires a third. Occasionally, he smashes his staff onto the ground, causing spikes to erupt from beneath. Swerve aside to dodge them and attack when he’s recuperating.

When you’re near him, he switches up his attacks. His primary combo involves a swing, followed by two more swings, and then a powerful slam that propels spikes forward. Evade to the side and counterattack after the slam. Additionally, he has an attack where he stabs the ground, leaps into the air, and stomps. Avoid these and try to land some blows if possible.

The boss may change his pattern, skipping some moves or going straight to the slam. Watch him carefully and only attack when you see an opening, like after the third wind blade or a slam. You can also attack after parrying or landing a heavy hit that knocks him down.

Black Myth Wukong Yellow Wind Sage Boss Guide

Phase 2

When the boss’s health significantly decreases, he generates powerful gusts of wind around him. If you possess the Wind Tamer ability, utilize it to stun him and quell the winds, providing a significant opportunity for attack. In case you don’t have this ability, keep your distance since the wind affects a wide area. Additionally, be aware that during this phase, the boss will start vanishing and attacking from concealed locations.

When he rushes at you with a glowing hand, dodge to avoid spikes, then dodge again when he does two sweeping attacks. If he jumps at you, dodge the vertical swing and then dodge again as he comes back. If he flies at you with one foot raised, he’s going to stomp, so dodge and attack after he lands.

Additionally, he introduces a fresh move: He elevates a radiant fist, followed by a downward strike, then smashes his staff. To evade this, step aside. Be aware that he could also whirl his staff and conjure spikes—to remain unharmed, dart around him.

In this stage, the deadliest move to beware of is when he charges towards you with an aim to kick. If he connects, he’ll propel you high into the air, followed by a lengthy sequence of attacks that could deplete almost all your health. Keep a lookout for him rushing at you and try to evade his kick to stay safe.

Phase 3

During the third round of this battle, it becomes significantly riskier as the Yellow Wind Sage’s magical abilities become more prominent. Specifically, he begins to employ his magic more frequently, which includes summoning a whirlwind with his staff. If you’re not cautious, this tornado could send you flying.

The other attack to keep an eye on in this phase is the one in which he will summon Fuban, a beetle monster. Also. in this case, as in the case of other attacks, what you will have to do is dodge to the side. For the rest, the other attacks will be the same as those we described in the previous phase.

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2024-08-28 18:30