Boys’ Own Adventures

Boys’ Own Adventures

As a dedicated podcast enthusiast, I find myself deeply immersed in the rich tapestry of stories that these exceptional series weave. Each one offers a unique perspective on various aspects of life, from the profound to the light-hearted.


Tom Slick: Mystery Hunter

In this eight-part series, there are several appealing aspects, but one of the most notable is its cast – featuring Owen Wilson, Sissy Spacek, and Schuyler Fisk. Although it might stretch the boundaries of reality, it’s inspired by the life story of oil heir Tom Slick and his 1950s expedition to discover a yeti in the Himalayas. Each episode delves into one of his adventures, such as his unsuccessful search for the Loch Ness monster, his pursuit of Nazis in Latin America, and his role in locating his stepfather after he was abducted by bank robber Machine Gun Kelly. Wilson proves to be an excellent choice to narrate these thrilling escapades, while Sissy Spacek and Schuyler Fisk work wonderfully together as the contemporary descendants investigating their forebearer. ANNA JONES



The Opinions

David Hepworth is pointing out that The New York Times, known for its diverse opinions, is now making these opinions more accessible to people outside its paid subscription service. Each opinion piece is limited to ten minutes and accompanied by background music. On some occasions, the paper’s unwavering confidence can be overwhelming, like in their current Kamala Harris enthusiasm. However, there are times when we could all use a touch of the optimism that is inherent in American culture.



The Legend of Takhti

Rana Rahimpour, host of this captivating series, emphasizes that wrestling holds immense significance for Iranians. The latest installment of the BBC World Service’s “Amazing Sport Stories: The Legend of Takhti” is particularly compelling and offers valuable insights into contemporary Iranian history and politics. Gholamreza Takhti was a legendary Iranian wrestler who achieved great fame. However, it’s intriguing to uncover how this iconic sports figure met his untimely end in a Tehran hotel room at the age of 37 in 1968. The story is truly gripping. SIMON O’HAGAN




Everything Is News

Helen Price, a new writer, offers a humorous yet grim perspective on podcasts where two commentators discuss the news. The main characters are a disgruntled ex-Tory minister and a BBC journalist who casually remarks, “Even with the best intentions, you can’t stop every hospital fire.” In the first episode, it seems there will be an ongoing storyline about the mysterious production company behind the show, along with other additional elements.




In this podcast by the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT), Megan McCubbin guides us through various ecosystems like marshes, bogs, and even rainforests hidden beneath our feet. These environments may be foreign to many of us, making it crucial for us to educate ourselves more! Tragically, approximately 90% of the wetlands that once thrived during Roman times have vanished. This third series is designed to remind us that rivers are not just simple lines on maps; they are complex and vital parts of our world. The sound design in this podcast is truly captivating. DAVID McGillivray presents the series.



Origins with Cush Jumbo

After making a name for herself in both television shows like “The Good Fight” and “Criminal Record,” and classical theater, including playing Macbeth alongside David Tennant, Cush Jumbo now has a impressive circle of famous acquaintances to chat with on her new podcast. The discussions range from their personal histories and paths to stardom. In an initial episode, the banter is light with Poppy Delevingne, but Jumbo finds more success with “Bridgerton’s” Golda Rosheuvel as her inquiries about class, race, and sexuality yield intriguing viewpoints. FIONA HUGHES





One reporter, speaking after the disturbing 2002 discovery of more than 300 decayed bodies on land owned by a respected rural Georgia family, said it was like imagining the worst horror film ten times over. Despite these horrific findings, the man accused was charged with “fraudulent theft” instead of murder. This gripping eight-part series delves into the events that transpired and traces one of the most significant investigations in the American South. It also raises a profound question: what are our responsibilities towards the deceased? JEREMY ASPINALL



Private Eyes

As a film enthusiast who’s always been captivated by detective shows like Magnum PI, I never thought I’d find myself in the shoes of Bari Kroll and Jen Rosant – private investigators with no background in law enforcement, unless you count hours spent being nosey. However, after diving headfirst into this secretive and sometimes crazy profession, they’ve uncovered some shocking truths about real-life cases, exposing cheats, infidelity, and a mind-boggling instance of a double life. Being women in such a male-dominated field provides a certain anonymity, but it’s essential to stay prepared – from carrying a convincing prop like a fake dog to quickly changing outfits for beach surveillance. JEREMY ASPINALL



Investigating Essex: Dying to Be Saved

Podcast host Anna Jones delves into heartbreaking tales of individuals who met their end under the watch of different mental health facilities in Essex. Her podcast serves as an investigation, but she always prefaces each episode with a warning regarding its potentially distressing content. She also offers resources for support services. However, it’s challenging to find a balance between providing public information and respecting individual grief.


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2024-09-06 14:04