The animated series “Castlevania: Nocturne” released its entire second season this week, featuring Richter, Annette, Maria, Alucard, and Juste as they battle the Vampire Messiah. Although the second season offers one of the best portrayals yet for the Belmont family in animation, Netflix has not yet announced a third season. However, the finale of season two leaves several hints about what might be coming next for “Castlevania”. Fortunately, we’re here to analyze the events that concluded season two and discuss the possibilities for Richter and his companions moving forward.
Head’s up! If you haven’t completed Castlevania: Nocturne Season 2 yet, be aware that we’re about to delve into major spoiler territory. In a stunning turn of events, Richter Belmont manages to aid in the defeat of the Vampire Messiah Erzsebet Bathory. However, just when you think it’s all over for the vampires, Bathory’s power gets transferred to Drolta Tzuentes due to some treacherous actions. Fortunately, Sekhmet isn’t pleased with this misuse of her powers and strips it from Drolta, giving Richter a chance to slash through Tzuentes, reminiscent of Trunks dismantling Frieza in Dragon Ball Z’s original series.
Nocturne’s Third Season Villains
Could you possibly be curious about who might step up as the main villains if there’s a third season, given that both Drolta and Erzsebet have met their end? Fortunately, there are some formidable bloodthirsty characters remaining that could easily inherit this role. To begin with, Olrox, the vampire responsible for Richter’s mother’s death, is still present in the narrative. Although he assisted the Belmont in delivering the fatal blow to Drolta, it’s worth noting. In one of the most shocking moments from the second season, Olrox transformed his romantic interest, Mizrak, into a vampire himself, which could imply that the once heroic character might become an antagonist in the potential third season.
Absolutely, it’s important to note that Olrox wasn’t the sole antagonist in the season two finale. Instead, Maria’s mother, Tera, who was transformed into a night creature at the end of season one, has managed to control her impulses to assist her daughter. Throughout the second season, the animated series has subtly suggested that Tera might be finding it difficult to resist her vampiric nature, especially in the most recent finale. In the latest episode, we see Tera observing a French Revolution execution, with the enigmatic figure known as “Old Man Coyote” lurking behind her. Given that Tera is both a powerful vampire and a skilled magic user, she could potentially become the next major antagonist.
Regarding the character known as “Old Man Coyote” or Mephistopheles, there’s a lot of speculation about who he truly is. It could be Death returning from his role in the initial series, or it might be none other than the devil himself. Given that Satan played a part in the original Castlevania game series, it’s not entirely implausible to see him appear in Nocturne as well.
What’s Up With Our Heroes?
After the fall of the Vampire Messiah and her followers, Richter and Annette openly express their deep feelings towards each other during their journey to Annette’s home village. Accompanying them is Edouard, who was once a vampire but has switched sides by helping the vampire hunters, effectively weakening Bathory’s forces. If the animated series adheres to the original source material, future episodes could depict a significantly changed Richter.
On the side of Alucard, son of Dracula, he stays in France with Maria and Juste, opting to spend time together temporarily. In video games, a romantic connection between Alucard and Maria is established, which could be subtly suggested in this second season finale. With the French Revolution causing chaos, their decision to stay puts them in a position to potentially help those struggling to survive amidst upheaval, both supernatural threats and general unrest included.
If you’re not already acquainted, it’s worth mentioning that “Castlevania: Symphony of The Night” is considered one of the most significant games in the Castlevania series. In this PlayStation game, Alucard battles against a wicked priest named Shaft who had manipulated Richter and turned him into a primary antagonist for this installment. The storyline also includes Maria’s part, so if the third season follows this pattern, there’s ample source material available.
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2025-01-18 18:40