Transformers One – REVIEW

In a shift from the chaotic live-action Transformers movies by Michael Bay, where cities were obliterated like a boisterous hen party of Essex girls, the franchise is back to its animated beginnings with the debut of Transformers One. This tale takes us right back to the beginning, unfolding an origin story set on planet Cybertron. Here, we find Orion Pax (voiced by Chris Hemsworth) and D-16 (voiced by Brian Tyree Henry), a duo of friends who work as miners. The robot populace in this world is divided into two groups: the workers, who lack the transformation cog, and their bosses, who possess it. This story mirrors the franchise itself, as the workers are destined to mine Energon, an energy source that keeps the bots running, much like how this series needs a significant revival after its recent films have seen a decline in quality.