Monster Hunter Wilds: Unleash Your Long Sword Mastery

In the game MH Wilds, players have the ability to customize their weapon’s performance through various build setups. This guide offers templates for Long Sword builds, focusing on both ease of use and optimal performance. These templates are tailored for both the early and advanced stages of High Rank play.

Flash Course: Capture some Flashflies – Monster Hunter Wilds

In Monster Hunter Wilds, you can spot Flashflies near Base Camp in Area 1, specifically in the cave system to the right upon exiting the camp. To capture these creatures for your Palico, ensure your net is equipped, then aim and release it at them. Keep in mind that any interaction other than capturing will agitate them, causing a cool-down period.

Monster Hunter Wilds Guardians, Explained

In Monster Hunter Wilds, the Guardians could take some by surprise as they’re a mystery, even for seasoned players. Although they’re officially new monster species, they bear a striking resemblance to monsters featured in previous series installments.

Best Monster Hunter Games

Establishing its unique character through diverse combat styles, the series has kept players hooked with progressively immersive battles. Deciding which Monster Hunter offers the most thrilling combat experience relies on factors such as smooth combos, a wide array of moves, and innovative mechanics that breathe life into each fight. Certain games have introduced groundbreaking features, enabling strategic and satisfying hunts.